View Full Version : High Elf Rumour Roundup

08-31-2012, 10:46 PM
In an effort to pull together what few rumours we have …
I have started threads for each of the armies rumoured to be somewhere in the pipeline.
I will do my best to keep the first posts updated as more rumours appear in these threads.
I have tried to remember as much as I can of what has been posted so far.
I will have missed or forgotten some of it ... so, any rumours that have been posted please just remind me ‘who’ said ‘what’ and I will update this first post.

High Elves:

Release Date: Unknown
The next army to be done after the Warriors of Chaos release.(Harry)
This would make them sometime early next year.(Harry)
High Elves early next year. (Meltedwing) I said it first. (Harry)
High Elves are after WoC AND Daemons of Chaos ... but before Lizardmen.

Author: Unknown.
The book is rumoured to have been started. (Harry)
There is a rumour from Ghorros over at the Herdstone that Adam Troke was asking about what folks wanted from the next High Elves book. Could be nothing. Could be he taking another swing at High Elves. This is a possibility as I heard Adam moved from his job on the web team back to games development about a year ago. I assumed this was Lord of the Rings related but it could just as easily been because High Elves were back on the menu.
There is solid information on who the lead writer might be.

There are no rumours about the content of the book.
Imrik making a return, his inclusion possibly acting like Skrag but for True Dragon Princes. (This ties in with the popularity of the Caledor novels depicting mass dragon combat, the Storm of Magic novella, AND the Graham McNeil 2 part novel.)(Actuality)

New unit in plastic (Harry)
There has been a suggestion that there will be a flying Chariot. (Hastings)
Monsterous Cavalry (Skeith over on BoLS)
The monstrous cavalry are a form of lesser wingless dragon, akin to the demigryph.(Actuality)
Dragon Princes riding some form of true dragon, (possibly limited to a sun dragon) Possibly in sets of three. (Actuality)
This reminds me of a rumour from last time the book was done. There was a rumour of 'Drake riders' being sculpted by Alex Hedstrom. Maybe they missed the boat last time or there was enough great stuff already with the Dragon and Lion chariot that they got shelved.(Harry)
Both High Elves and Wood Elves may get the rumoured Treeman in their updated books. (buzz0783) This does not seem very likely to me. (Harry)
A new everqueen sculpt coming possibly riding some kind of 'critter'. No mention of Maiden Guard. (Eldargal)
Plastic kit for archers, spearmen and seaguard all in one box. (Bramgaunt)

New archers and spearmen will be welcome, possibly one of the most disliked core plastics in the WFB range (ahead of the emprie state troops).

09-01-2012, 03:28 AM
Thanks EG, taken with a healthy dose of salt. A lot of the units sounds like wishlisting, the Treeman for HE and WE is just nonsense and I'm not sure on the release date. Assuming we get WoC and CSM in Oct-Nov, December and January (and quite possibly February) will be Hobbit months. If you've then got to fit DoC in April (assuming an army book/codex dual release), that means May before High Elves arrive.

09-01-2012, 03:31 AM
The Treeman thing is an odd one, there is old fluff of their being treemen on Ulthuan, I could see some kind of different treeman. Slender, beech like, more 'elegant nature spirit' than 'twisted wooden killing machine' like the WE one. But I agree it seems highly unlikely.

Most of the other stuff seems fairly solid, though I will admit I'm not convinced about my own rumour re: the Everqueen. If we see a WoC Witch or Valkia the bloody when WoC are released then maybe it will be more likely.

Actually December is supposed to be the Hobbit month, so we might see HE as early as January though I doubt it. Probably March-April.

09-01-2012, 04:08 AM
I'm sure December will be Hobbit month, but I'd be amazed if they didn't capitalise on it in January too. Given the film doesn't come out until something like the 17th, they are likely to be restricted in terms of what they can actually/show release before then, so I'm expecting a big 2nd wave in January. And it's usually a big sales month for them, kiddies spending vouchers and us adults looking for something to chase away the post holiday blues. And there may well be another codex squeezed in before then, I'd be amazed if we got to spring without at least two new codexes.

Edit: I'd also just like to point out that IIRC correctly, none of the 8th ed fantasy armies have seen any updating of their existing plastics, they have concentrated on new units and if Empire and Necrons sets a precedent, GW will get all the new stuff out pretty much straight away. Updates of existing units could be held back for a later second wave to reinvigorate sales.