View Full Version : 1850 of Craftworld Eldar - feedback very welcome

08-30-2012, 07:47 AM
Howdy fellow warmongers. Any feedback on my 1850 point eldar list would be much appreciated. I know they need a bit of a dusting off, but I'm hoping they'll be relatively competitive anyway.

The general premise is a fairly familiar one for Eldar. Match unit strengths against opponents. Dire avengers kill infantry, Scorpions tie up units or engage heavy support. Fire dragons are dual purpose. Either they mount up in the Falcon to be an anti-armor commando squad, or they man the AA gun against air-heavy opponents. The two lynchpins are the flying seer circus, which can engage pretty much anything other than terminators, and the dire avengers with shimmer shield (and fortune from the second FS), which tie up anything that's just way too hard to kill.

As it says up top, feedback is very welcome. Thanks!

Farseer on jetbike w/ fortune, mind war, spirit stones, singing spear 158
w/ warlocks on jetbikes (5) w/ singing spears - 2x embolden, 3x destructor 280
Farseer w/ Doom, fortune, singing stones, singing spear 133
Dire Avengers (10) w/ exarch - bladestorm and 2x catapults 152
Dire Avengers (10) w/ exarch - bladestorm, defend, power weapon, shimmer shield 177
w/ wave serpent - EML and s. cannon 130
Rangers (5) w/ pathfinder upgrade 120
Guardians (10) with scatter laser, w/ warlock - embolden 125
Fire Dragons (5) w/ exarch - firepike, tank hunter and crack shot 136
Falcon - bright lance 145
Striking Scorpions (6) w/ exarch - shadowstrike, scorpion claw 143
Vibro cannon 50
Aegis defense line 100

(and yes, that really is a vibro cannon... and yes, it can glance fliers, even though that makes absolutely no sense)

08-30-2012, 08:28 AM
I like this list. Its really hard to balance hybrid Eldar lists and I think you may have done it. I think you have just the right amount of punch and resilience with your foot infantry. My only concern is that you don't have any other units dangerous enough to draw the fire away from your 5 man flying-council. However if you can use some LOS blocking terrain, and the falcon w/dragons as an escort unit I think you can pull it off.

08-30-2012, 08:46 AM
(and yes, that really is a vibro cannon... and yes, it can glance fliers, even though that makes absolutely no sense)

I heard they couldn't, something about artillery not being able to snapshot, can't check right now though.

08-30-2012, 09:15 AM
I heard they couldn't, something about artillery not being able to snapshot, can't check right now though.

Aww, that'd be a bummer, but no real loss, as it's mostly meant as assault bait and to help with parking lots.

Autarch - Thanks, I'm pretty pleased with it too. So far the seer council has been interesting. They definitely need protecting from massed fire, but they're one of the few units that forces opponents to react to my moves consistently, and with fortune up they do a pretty good job of standing up to anything but massed infantry.

08-30-2012, 10:31 AM
Aww, that'd be a bummer, but no real loss, as it's mostly meant as assault bait and to help with parking lots.

Autarch - Thanks, I'm pretty pleased with it too. So far the seer council has been interesting. They definitely need protecting from massed fire, but they're one of the few units that forces opponents to react to my moves consistently, and with fortune up they do a pretty good job of standing up to anything but massed infantry.

I'm going to have to look up now, but maybe its because most artillery = blast, but an artillery can still snapfire if it is not blast (which don't quote me on it, I don't think Vibro Cannon is, it is just a line)

08-30-2012, 10:34 AM
We had a big debate on the vibro cannon vs flyers thing. Basically because it isn't targetting the flyer it doesn't have to snap shot because a snap shot only occurs when you are rolling to hit against the flyer. Withthe VC you ar rolling to hit a point in space that just coincidentally happens to be behind the flyer.:rolleyes:

08-30-2012, 10:38 AM
At my FLGS we considered it as not snapshoting but it would be resolved as a snapshot because it's a flyer and since artillery can't fire snapshots it wouldn't work. This requires a bit of interpretation though so I intend to take another look at it when I get the chance.

08-30-2012, 10:52 AM
At my FLGS we considered it as not snapshoting but it would be resolved as a snapshot because it's a flyer and since artillery can't fire snapshots it wouldn't work. This requires a bit of interpretation though so I intend to take another look at it when I get the chance.

Didn't realize I'd spark such a debate. The logic as it was explained to me is: since you're just laying down the line, and any vehicle situated over the lines takes an automatic glancing hit (you're neither targeting or rolling to hit) it still hits flyers. Which is insane, given that it's essentially an earthquake machine, but we Craftworlders have to take our edge where we can get it right now.

08-30-2012, 10:53 AM
Didn't realize I'd spark such a debate. The logic as it was explained to me is: since you're just laying down the line, and any vehicle situated over the lines takes an automatic glancing hit (you're neither targeting or rolling to hit) it still hits flyers. Which is insane, given that it's essentially an earthquake machine, but we Craftworlders have to take our edge where we can get it right now.

Well you still have to roll to hit, you just don't have a target.

08-30-2012, 11:08 AM
Well you still have to roll to hit, you just don't have a target.

Right, forgot about that. But since the roll is prior to determining what's hit...

Anyway, I'm 90% sure it's just going to eat some anti-tank shots, but it's a fun little way to harass an opponent without needing to get close, or have line of sight. Plus, pinning! Even more fun against transport heavy lists.