View Full Version : Squats? are they still used in Epic 40K

08-30-2012, 07:19 AM
I know they were killed off in regular 40K, but do people still use the Squats in Epic Space marine/ Adeptus Titanicus any more?

I have seen lots of miniatures on EBay, and other sites. It is a wonder that they are not still useable by fans of the game. I know GW would never openly support Squats on their website, and with the current set of army lists they publish. Can the current set of rules be used with the old Squad cards, and Squat lists to build an army that you can use?

08-30-2012, 07:27 AM
I've seen squats being used in epic, the chappie at Ninjabread.co.uk used to have an army of them, I remember an interesting discussion as to what the stats of the thunderers should be.

08-30-2012, 01:17 PM
It depends on what version of Eic you're playing. There are no official rules for Squats in Epic: Armageddon, but the NetEA lists have limited support for Squats/Demiurg. The NetEA groups try to keep their lists in line with the official fluff.

NetEA: net-armageddon.org

NetEpic, however, is based on the second editions rules from the early 90's, and their stated aim is to support every miniature every released by GW.

NetEpic: netepic.org. Christian Salling's gorgeous full colour army book for squats is at http://www.netepic.org/uploads/3/4/2/0/3420807/squats.pdf (warning, large PDF)