View Full Version : Children of Nurgle, help me!

papa smurf
08-29-2012, 12:18 AM
Hey everybody! All this chaos talk and stuff that's coming up for Daemons, CSM, etc. is making me really excited and for my next army I want to make a themed Nurgle force with CSM in the main force and Daemons as the Allies.

For those who have experience with daemons, I really like how the new models look but I don't know how they would perform. Would some of you veterans out there explain to me when/why you take nurglings? what they're good for? What they do better/worse than plaguebearers? Just bear in mind my force will start out pretty small... any input would be awesome, thanks! :)

08-29-2012, 04:09 PM
This is only my personal views, so take it with a grain of salt.

The first question you need to ask is Epidemus yes or no.

If yes, then you will want to limit non Nurgle units in your army. I'd wait for the new Chaos Codex to see how that changes things.

If no, then a lot more freedom opens up. the problem I have with my nurgle army is Nurgle Marked Havoks are too expensive and Obliterators don't count towards tally.

Nurglings can be killers under The Tally.

Anything that has 3 attacks, that under full Tally, wound on 2+ with no armor saves. have a 5++
Nurglings are swarms so they cannot score.

Plaguebearers are meh in my opinion. If they had 2 attacks base, they would be useful. 1 Attack just doesn't cut it.
They are able to move better now. Just lacking the ability to run.

08-30-2012, 12:04 AM
Plaque bearers are good objective holders.

Also, you can have a ubit or two of 5 in the secondary half (not first round deployment).

They can then deepstrike down on objectives later.

Great unclean one is just a pain to take down, and while slow will bring the pain in cc.

Remember, everything is fearless and everything is Eternal warrior.

You never loose FNP on your Demons :)

papa smurf
08-30-2012, 11:31 PM
Thank you both! So it seems to be that of the two troop choices Plaguebearers are good for defense and objective holding, Nurglings are the more offensive Nurgle troop with more attacks (and of course those little critters are disgustingly cute). As for the HQ I was planning on using Epidemius, but the Great Unclean one would be good if the entire force became less Nurgle-centric. I do wonder how marks will be affected in the new codices, but I do look forward to seeing the new chaos stuff. Thanks for the advice and tips!

08-31-2012, 01:53 AM
Nurglings can be great when the tally is up, but when you play against small numbered army tally has small cances to be up on time. I that case you better hide those nurglings not to be killed. To make tally go up you need nurgle daemons with breath of chaos 3 of them, Great unclean one or even his boss with str 8 large blast. I think that the tally will go up easier due changes in lists not to have that many troops in transports, so breath will be able to clean the battlefield.
Think about 3 fyling nurgle princes in the air with breath, long distance shooting large blast nurgle and troops of pleaguebearers waithing to be improved to strike with their all powers. Dont think much points will be left for nurglings after that. Ah yes and put another herald of nurgle with breath in another bigger unit of pleaguebearers to safeguard him like the Epidemius.
If not only nurgle oriented the Flamers are a must in your army. 3 units of 3 suiside units will make the most damage to the enemy specially those not familiar what 3 flamers can do if placed on right place - eliminate 10 marines in 1 shooting phase. The pleaguebearers are great to place an icon on the right place where you want your army to strike hard. They are minor treath in your army so usually overlooked.

08-31-2012, 09:52 AM
Nurglings are swarms so they cannot score.

I think they can now in 6th, or did I miss the rule? :confused:

08-31-2012, 10:54 PM
You missed it :D

Page 123 of the rulebook.

09-01-2012, 07:56 AM
You missed it :D

Page 123 of the rulebook.

Ah, meant to check there but I would've thought they'd mention it under the swarm usr too. :o