View Full Version : drake's Imperial pLog

the drake
08-26-2012, 05:50 PM
I don't post very much, mainly just lurk. But with 6th ed etc, I have started trying to collect an IG army. I originally wanted to do Tallarns, but got disheartened after just one squad. Not because they were hard to paint or anything, it was just too difficult to procure the models (I know they are available from the GW collectors range, but my gaming ADD took over). My second thought was Vostroyans (really, I don't learn any lessons from anything I do in regards to miniatures) - I always got the impression of Napoleonic French Old Guard from the Vostroyans (even thought they are based off Russians not French). I posted these on my local forum, but didn't really get any feedback, so I wanted to share elsewhere to hopefully get some more feed back.

After that wall of text, on to the pictures:




note about the Vostroyan - in the picture his cuffs are white, but they have since been repainted red

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-26-2012, 05:56 PM
Those are fantastic, love the Tallarn. :)

08-27-2012, 12:29 AM
very nice :D i love the vostroyan! and the tallarn are really cool too!