View Full Version : Suggestions for Predator

08-26-2012, 04:09 PM
Hey all,

I recently came upon a couple of old Rogue Trader era Predator tanks that I want to include in my Salamanders force. The downside is that they are both missing their top turret (though they do have their sponsons). While it isn't a great solution I'm looking at just getting the current Predator turret kits but know that it will probably be a bit too large.

Does anybody have any suggestions? Should I try to maybe scale down the current Predator turrets? Does anybody know of other turrets out there which I might be able to use? At this point I'd be just fine with an Autocannon up there. Thanks!

08-26-2012, 04:32 PM
Would the Chimera Autocannon kit from Forgeworld work potentially?


08-26-2012, 06:28 PM
You might also look at using a Leman Russ turret, should be easy enough to mount and AC or TLLC into there.