View Full Version : help with DE vs shooting

08-26-2012, 12:47 PM

I am trying to figure out how to keep my dark eldar units alive in 6th. I have figured that I could run two characters with shadowshields but that seems to be the only way to keep things from getting utterly destroyed in shooting if they aren't sitting in a raider.

Also due to the Hullpoints raiders aren't much protection anymore either since even a small marine squad can glance one to death now.

Almost all guns AP will punch through my t-shirt save of 5 or 6+, feel no pain is a pretty gimpy save now since it got nerfed to 5+, i have tried "kiting" the enemy with my raiders and ravagers but the DE seem shine close up at least for what I have been running.

This is what I have in my DE collection so far

2X raiders
1X ravager
1X razorwing jetfighter

I am thinking of getting some hellions and running silicious since he has a shadowfield

any tips or links to tactica would be appreciated, this is definitely a hard army to play well.

08-26-2012, 07:12 PM
Coming from a long time DE player I understand your concern.

What separates a good DE player from a great one is the ability to prioritize targets. You need to be able to get in combat and NOT wipe the squad in one round of combat. You want to be able to wipe the squad you assault on your opponents turn so you can reimbark into your raiders.

The only thing you can do to keep your units alive is put everything you own in a raider with a shadow field and stay out of LoS until you find an opening to start the process of tabling your opponent.

09-01-2012, 08:36 AM
The only thing you can do to keep your units alive is put everything you own in a raider with a shadow field and stay out of LoS until you find an opening to start the process of tabling your opponent.

A lot of this army still holds true from even the 5th edition meta game that was used. People always ask me why do I still take night shields and flicker fields, well in short my army needs a little bit of a buffer zone. Yes Jink is out there with that awesome 5+ cover save, but what is that so much crap is taking away cover, well now I rock the best smoke in the game with the 5+ invul save. Raiders and Venoms are a must in this army still, mech might be dead for some armies but still very much alive for us.

Wyches, oh Wyches how awesome you are in assualt but how frail you are outside of it. Biggest thing with them is to get the Pain Tokens and rolling them out with a Homunculus is the sure fire way to get them that 5+ feel no pain save. Plus Homunculus can use Liquifier Guns and they can be very devastating.

In short with agree with Incenerate101, stay out of the LoS, use the war gear you have to keep yourself alive for that much longer and make sure you don't wipe that unit until your opponents turn. Also to go back with Wyches they are great on keeping high cost units like Terminators tied up for rounds with their ability to stay alive for so long.

09-01-2012, 09:22 PM
Yeah, after 6th came out I thought I had to change all my tactics to fit sixth and when this didn't work I shelved my army for two months. The other day I had a realization that the same tactics i used in 5th (Raider rush with Wyches) were gonna do the same thing in 6th. So far this is working very well.

Our raiders have only gotten faster in 6th, and when your opponent realizes they are going to get mass assaulted by turn 2 they tend to panic. Just remember to prioritize your targets like everyone else said. Try to end cc on the opponents turn. If you have an Archon with a Shadowfield in a unit you don't have to be asl strict about that, but it's still better than getting shot at.