View Full Version : 1500 Pts Space Wolves List! Wht do you think?

08-26-2012, 12:22 PM
This is what i will be running when i finally get my weapons for the dreads and a last vindicator.

HQ: Wolf Priest w/ Saga of the Hunter, Combi-Plasma

Troop: Grey Hunters (7) w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, MotW
Troop: Grey Hunters (7) w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, MotW
Troop: Grey Hunters (10) w/ 2x Plasmagun,

Elites: Wolf Guard(3) w/ 2x Combi.Melta and Power Sword, 1x Combi-Plasma
Elites: Dreadnought w/ T-L Autocannon, Missile Launcher
Elites: Dreadnought w/ T-L Autocannon, Missile Launcher

Heavy Support: Long Fangs(6) w/ 2x Lascannons, 3x Missile Launchers
Heavy Support: Vindicator w/ Siege Shield, Extra Armour
Heavy Support: Vindicator w/ Siege Shield, Extra Armour

Fortifications: Aegis Defence Lines w/ Quad Gun Emplacement

Total: 1499 Pts.

2 nice steamrollers that throws out a pieplate each.
Outflanking one of the GH units with the Wolf Priest using saga of the hunter.
Long Fangs and Dreads used for fire support.
Fortification against fliers might become a must so i put it in there.
If i were to upgrade from 1500 pts i'd add in more Grey Hunters.

Any thoughts?

08-26-2012, 09:09 PM
the lack of wolf guard termies scares me. I'd drop the dreds in exchange for some terminators witha cyclone missile launcher. Their storm bolsters will soften them up and you can assault and finish them off. I personally try to include at least two squads of them in any list 1250+

08-26-2012, 11:06 PM
the lack of wolf guard termies scares me. I'd drop the dreds in exchange for some terminators witha cyclone missile launcher. Their storm bolsters will soften them up and you can assault and finish them off. I personally try to include at least two squads of them in any list 1250+

But the Termies are very pricey and doesnt have a very long range... and are slow. how do you play your termies?

08-27-2012, 04:01 AM
I usually drop pod them into the fray or deliver them via land raider. Another good use of them is put an assault cannon on one and march across the field ripping through enemy squads. Not only is walking them across the field with assualt cannon, cyclone missile launcher a great squad for the points they cost but they also soak up fire like no other. Give one a thunder hammer and storm shield and keep him in the front so you can get your 3++ against low AP weaponry because of the way the new rules work the closest model takes the wound first and so on.

The terminators are mostly a meat shield in my army because the enemy is forced to deal with them BEFORE they reach his or her lines because they will absolutely obliterate anything in close combat. This allows for the rest of your troops to take up important positions around the board to set up for the inevitable apocalyptic shooting phase you can put out with Space Wolves.

My 1500 list looks something like this. (I currently dont have a 1250 list for competition)

Wolf Priest - 100
Terminator - 20

4 Wolf Guard - 72
Terminator - 60
3x Wolf Claws - 45
1x Thunder Hammer Storm Shield - 30

in a drop pod - 35
Missile Launcher - 20

5 wolf guard - 90
Terminator - 75
3x Wolf Claws - 45
1x Thunder Hammer Storm Shield - 30
1x Cyclone Missile Launcher - 30

in a drop pod - 35
Missile Launcher - 20

10 Grey Hunters - 150
2x Plasma - 10
Power Fist - 25
Wolf Standard - 10
MotW - 15

Razorback - 40
Las-Plas - 35

10 Grey Hunters - 150
2x Plasma - 10
Power Fist - 25
Wolf Standard - 10
MotW - 15

Razorback - 40
Las-Plas - 35

totals out at 1482

5x Long Fangs - 75
4x Missile Launchers - 40

Razorback - 40
Las-Plas - 35

total comes out at 1467 (I honestly cant remember where the other points go or possibly miscalculation)

This list has won multiple local bunker tournaments and qualified me for the 2011 Throne of Skulls.

With this you have INSANE amounts of fire power. The Long Fangs sit in their Razorback and and split fires across the board. While your Grey Hunters advance across the board. The TW Plasma on the Razorback also allows for the Razorbacks to soften up enemy units before your grey hunters or Terminators to mop up.

This list DEPENDS on the placement of your drop pods. Not to close but not to far.You should drop them out of LoS close enough where your termies can advance on the enemy roughly around the time the Razorbacks get in 24" range for their the 3 Plasma shots coming from each plus the bolters.

The other more passive strategy that works well in 6th edition (so far) is advance to right at your max range of the plasma shots and form a MASSIVE gun line. This will force your opponent out of LoS or will force them to advance on you. Thats when your termies come into play. Keep them behind the Razorbacks out of LoS and when the enemy gets close enough soften them up with your Grey Hunters then wipe them off the board in assault with the Termies.