View Full Version : has the warp ever clamed one of your figurs?

08-25-2012, 05:53 PM
you probably all have your horror stories about loosing one of your precious miniatures , this is mine.

With my renewed interest in wh40k thanks to the new 6ed i did a quick look on Ebay for more guards ,luck was with me as i won the bit for a Steel legion infantry platoon an a very resealable price ,with that i could play a standard game with all legionaries.
they came in last Friday and in my excitement i unpacked my legionaries but apparently all 3 of my officers have gone missing , i have been tearing up my apartment up all day trying to find them , i even unpacked my orks in they off chance they took them hostage but no luck.

at this point i pretty much given up hope of finding them , at least until i move to a new apartment and find them in some forgotten corner.

so got any lost stuff story to share ?

08-25-2012, 06:06 PM
I took some marines to GW Norwich back in the 90's. I had a squad of really well painted Red Scorpions, in the red and black 'Angstrom Incident' paint scheme. This was well before forgeworld.

One of them, an RT model with a Shuriken Catapult, never came back.

Long missed.

Although obviously by the warp, I mean it was claimed by a thieving *******.

08-25-2012, 06:19 PM
Right now I'm looking for my wallet, which seems to have been claimed by the warp...

08-25-2012, 06:27 PM
Back in the ancient days of 2nd edition, I had a Leman Russ that was painted and otherwise made up to be Orky (they could take them straight with no problems). When I walked away from the game it went into the attic with everything else. Fast forward to 5th edition with me digging everything back out and it VANISHED.

Same with a Chaplain on bike (actually he was riding a squat low-rider bike-it looked really cool)

I still have faith I will find these missing guys someday. I swear I keep finding old epic Warlords everytime I look.

Emerald Rose Widow
08-25-2012, 06:33 PM
The warp has never stolen a miniature from me, but my brother did grow an extra dice from his set one day, the warp does some fun stuff sometimes.

08-25-2012, 06:42 PM
Certainly not that epic, but I was in an apartment building that went up in flames (no one died and very few minor injuries.) My apartment was terribly water and smoke damaged but not fire damaged. I managed to get all of my 40k stuff, save for every single codex up to date and a ton of old ones like Angels of Death, but a single Rhino was in a closet that couldn't be accessed due to instability of the building.

So that one single Rhino suffered the terrible fate the rest avoided. I will miss you Rhino....well I did until 6th ed came out. :)

08-25-2012, 08:32 PM
i had an ex-girlfriend going deamonette on me does that count?

Longstory short:
Me and my ex broke up, was a bit nasty to say the least after i teared up her car she decided to go deamon on my blood angels chapter (yes a chapter)
For instance she decided to use a blowtorch on my thunderhawks who where melted down to slag and use a hammer on the rest of my collection. i can tell you that hurts alot. Alot of the models where bought by my oldest brother who died few years back.

made me quit warhammer for 3 years.

08-25-2012, 09:03 PM
i had an ex-girlfriend going deamonette on me does that count?

Longstory short:
Me and my ex broke up, was a bit nasty to say the least after i teared up her car she decided to go deamon on my blood angels chapter (yes a chapter)
For instance she decided to use a blowtorch on my thunderhawks who where melted down to slag and use a hammer on the rest of my collection. i can tell you that hurts alot. Alot of the models where bought by my oldest brother who died few years back.

made me quit warhammer for 3 years.
technically that would be a demonic incursion, where there any survivors?

08-26-2012, 03:45 AM
i had an ex-girlfriend going deamonette on me does that count?

Longstory short:
Me and my ex broke up, was a bit nasty to say the least after i teared up her car she decided to go deamon on my blood angels chapter (yes a chapter)
For instance she decided to use a blowtorch on my thunderhawks who where melted down to slag and use a hammer on the rest of my collection. i can tell you that hurts alot. Alot of the models where bought by my oldest brother who died few years back.

made me quit warhammer for 3 years.

I wonder if what you did to her car made her quit driving for 3 years?

08-26-2012, 04:01 AM
i had an ex-girlfriend going deamonette on me does that count?

Longstory short:
Me and my ex broke up, was a bit nasty to say the least after i teared up her car she decided to go deamon on my blood angels chapter (yes a chapter)
For instance she decided to use a blowtorch on my thunderhawks who where melted down to slag and use a hammer on the rest of my collection. i can tell you that hurts alot. Alot of the models where bought by my oldest brother who died few years back.

made me quit warhammer for 3 years.

Sounds like you should quit dating rather than Warhammer! ;)

I've never lost a model, but I frequently lose dice. It's especially infuriating when they are from a dice cube and you end up with an unfilled cube.

08-26-2012, 04:42 AM
well in the end everything came out alright.

Got maried, had 3 kids and now have a wife who likes the hobby. and on top of that a good insurance who covered vandalism. Money is now spend on a new chapter. (building a Crimson Fists chapter)

08-26-2012, 05:07 AM
I found some sisters of battle lying around (I have no idea where I got them from) and traded them for a pro-paintjob on my legion of the damned. I got the first painted one back so I could see if I liked the quality or not. And that one is has been taken by the warp. I've searched everywhere and can't find it. It's just gone. The painter still has the figures arms but I never gave back the model.
I'm guessing he jumped off to some doomed battle field to save the poor Imperial subjects with a well placed headbutt

08-26-2012, 05:51 AM
i had an ex-girlfriend going deamonette on me does that count?

Longstory short:
Me and my ex broke up, was a bit nasty to say the least after i teared up her car she decided to go deamon on my blood angels chapter (yes a chapter)
For instance she decided to use a blowtorch on my thunderhawks who where melted down to slag and use a hammer on the rest of my collection. i can tell you that hurts alot. Alot of the models where bought by my oldest brother who died few years back.

made me quit warhammer for 3 years.

meh should of got her done for damage to property.

Never had the warp claim anything. Never really lose models. only bits.

08-26-2012, 09:02 PM
Funny enough, my eldar air wing for AI has gone missing. The Inquisitorial report said they were probably lost in transit from one place to the next but I've searched everywhere, and they are gone.

08-26-2012, 10:31 PM
One day, I opened up my army case to take my Bloodletters out for a game and noticed an oddity; one of them was headless. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.
In any case, I ended up cutting out a spare Daemon Prince head and sticking it onto the Bloodletter; suffice to say, it was hilarious watching people tremble in fear at the sight of a daemonic troll-face Bloodletter leading its merry band of murderers.
An unpainted Daemon Prince head on a painted Bloodletter model is really quite amusing.

What really ticked me off though was that, several weeks later, I was again pulling my Bloodletters out and noticed something particularly amusing; the head had been stuck to the foam layer above the Bloodletters the whole time. The son of a b*tch!
I learned my lesson though. Don't mix Khorne with Tzeentch.

08-29-2012, 09:17 AM
upto approx 30 gasmasked stormtroopers, acquired second hand in ones and twos over a couple of years, entire box just vanished.

Also the original reply to this thread appears to have joined them...

08-29-2012, 09:19 AM
upto approx 30 gasmasked stormtroopers, acquired second hand in ones and twos over a couple of years, entire box just vanished.

Also the original reply to this thread appears to have joined them...

Conversation about the alleged previous posts to this thread is proscribed by order of the Inquisition. Ave Imperator.

08-29-2012, 09:21 AM
What previous posts?

08-29-2012, 09:33 AM
What previous posts?

Exactly. Good man. Go about your business, please.

08-29-2012, 01:00 PM
I originally got into 40K over ten years ago. My original Tau army spent a year in the hands of an individual whose personal qualities shall not be ennumerated here; suffice it to say I had to go to the First Sergeant of his unit in order to get them back after it was made abundantly clear he wasn't going to pay for them. Said individual had 'primered' what I got back in either Rustoleum or Kilz paints, depending on whether he wanted them black or white. For those of you on other shores who might not know, Rustoleum is a line of indoor/outdoor refinishing paints (aerosolized) formulated specifically to be waterproof and durable in sun and weather. Kilz is another brand of aerosolized paints specifically formulated for water damage - the most common usage is to cover up and kill mildew in drywall. Less appropriate model primering paint is tough to imagine, although I (with all my years to think about this) usually offer indoor/outdoor latex wall paint as an option.

Anyway. My army spent a year soaking in Simple Green (think window cleaning spray, but more general purpose) which did get the majority of the paint off and did not hurt the plastic or metal. Of course, it did eat all the cyanoacylate that was holding things together; imagine a small bin with two thousand points plus worth of model parts and no assembly instructions. Three-four years ago my Pathfinder circle (AD+D 3.75, very well written) bought me the old Tau Battle Box, which got me assembly instructions. Yay!

The point of this? Five Devilfishes went into the soup; three Devilfishes and a Hammerhead (!) came back out. That Hammerhead, by the way, always seems to come thru in combat; it is very rare that it misses or dies. Stuff comes and goes in our home routinely; me and my wife always make recognition of the spirits of the house and just muddle on. I had never considered the influence of the Warp; as a Tau player, one doesn't, really. It would be more thematically correct, I suppose... I just hope our invisible friends are not offended.

08-29-2012, 02:39 PM
I once managed to lose a boxed up Forge World Amon Hen kit. Not through moving, storage or anything - I just ahve too many things in large brown boxes!

08-29-2012, 04:19 PM
About 30 Eldar Guardians went missing right when I decided to give them a try again. Still don't know where those space elves ran off to...

08-29-2012, 08:22 PM
Well back in the early 1990's after using my Harlequins to kill off a young 12 year old's Ork Warboss one did not turn up when I was putting them back into their case. The kid did not take having his Warboss killed all that well.

Was it the Warp or that 12 year old?

My money is on the kid.

Did get even a few month later when I help the store in stopping three young teenager who had just shoplifted from the store.

I just parked my car and was walking up to the store when John, one of the employees came out and asked if I have seen three teenagers. I said no but offer to drive him another gamer over to the Micky D's thinking that they might be there.

They weren't and after coming out of Micky D's I asked who they were looking for and John told me that it was three teenagers. Right then I noticed three teenagers across the street near the bus stop and pointed at them, saying "like those three".

As soon as I pointed all three took off running. Which really call out that they were the three that we were looking for.

So I took off after them, running across a major four lane road and caught up with two of them climbing a fence. The 3rd one was faster in climbing the fence and was running away.

I told the two to stop right there and come with me. So I took them back to John who was catching up to us and we walked back to the store.

They had several blister packs on them and Sean, the Store Manager called the police.

While the police was talking with them the 3rd kid came back and turn himself in.

Their parents were called and it was not a very good day for those kids. Because the parents had to pay for the stolen blisters along with many other items that were found at their homes.

Good day for me because I chased down two of them and I got some free miniatures for doing it.

The Madman
08-30-2012, 03:44 AM
Haven't lost a model but i have had a Codex Stolen from me when i left it at the store. 3rd edition tyranids, it was sold to someone else by the store owner. didn't buy anything from that p**** again.

The Shadow King
08-30-2012, 06:38 AM
Had a Tau Empire codex go missing, every now and then I will look everywhere for that thing, has never turned up. But on the other hand I keep finding random Tau minis I bought ages ago... evens out I guess.