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08-25-2012, 04:11 AM


Overall Theme Performance:
2 Wins, 0 Draws, 0 Losses

List Performance:
1 Wins, 0 Draws, 0 Losses

1000 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster - Death Guard

1 Chaos Terminator Sorcerer, 155 pts (Mark of Nurgle; Force Stave; Combi-melta; Nurgle's Rot; Pyromancy; Telekinesis; Telepathy)

5 Plague Marines, 185 pts (Personal Icon; Plasma gun x2)
1 Rhino (Twin-Linked Bolter)
5 Plague Marines, 185 pts (Personal Icon; Plasma gun x2)
1 Rhino (Twin-Linked Bolter)
5 Plague Marines, 150 pts (Personal Icon; Plasma gun x2)

Heavy Support:
3 Obliterator Cult, 225 pts

1 Aegis Defence Lines, 100 pts
1 Gun Emplacement (Quad-gun)

Total Roster Cost: 1000

Played against Ultramarines with this list and aside from having a terrible start with my dice rolls, they ended up balancing out in the mid-game and allowed me to pull a win. Opponent was playing an infantry based marine army

Feel no pain on a 5+ is just not reliable anymore. However it sure is sweet to be able to take FNP versus anything that isn't double your toughness. I was unwounded by meltaguns and lascannons all day thanks to FNP saves.

List Performance:
1 Wins, 0 Draws, 0 Losses

1250 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster - Death Guard

1 Chaos Terminator Sorcerer, 150 pts (Mark of Nurgle; Force Stave; Nurgle's Rot; Pyromancy; Telekinesis; Telepathy)

5 Plague Marines, 185 pts (Plasma gun x2)
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)
5 Plague Marines, 185 pts (Plasma gun x2)
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)
5 Plague Marines, 185 pts (Plasma gun x2)
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)
5 Plague Marines, 145 pts (Plasma gun x2)

Heavy Support:
2 Obliterator Cult, 150 pts
2 Obliterator Cult, 150 pts

1 Aegis Defence Lines, 100 pts
1 Gun Emplacement (Quad-gun)

Total Roster Cost: 1250

Scaled up to face my friend's necrons on his 2nd 6th ed game. All that AV13 he had from 2 stalkers, 2 barges and 1 doom scythe were a nightmare to fight off. He quickly destroyed my Quad Gun with a volley from his Barge and subsequently his storm lord dropped 2 rhinos with his lightning. Things were not looking pretty.

Awful initial start for me, decent midgame and strong finish allowed me to win. I also got extremely lucky that the mission was The Scouring and I ended up having the 3,4,3 objectives on my side. Giving me a 10 VP lead to start with which allowed me to simply fight to keep him at bay.

The mysterious objective actually came in handy, skyfire nexus let me blast that doomscythe out of the sky.

Lost Vyper
08-25-2012, 04:48 AM
Seems like decent lists. When i play CSM, i NEVER take Sorcerer, but i quess thatīs a matter of opinion. With the new 6th ed. powers it might be fun to try that again. Other wise, i wouldnīt change a thing, love the obliterators, they are the first thing i take, when i make a CSM list...

08-25-2012, 10:01 AM
I expected the sorcerer to do more in both games, specially the first game where I got puppet master on my roll. But never managed to get a unit that i'd actually want to take over before it was shot down.

I loved how survivable the sorcerer was however. And he locked the space marine captain and the necron stormlord in challenges for several turns until the game ended.

Force Stave is definetly not a good way to win challenges. But those 2+ saves are awesome nowadays.

08-25-2012, 12:37 PM
I expected the sorcerer to do more in both games, specially the first game where I got puppet master on my roll. But never managed to get a unit that i'd actually want to take over before it was shot down.

I loved how survivable the sorcerer was however. And he locked the space marine captain and the necron stormlord in challenges for several turns until the game ended.

Force Stave is definetly not a good way to win challenges. But those 2+ saves are awesome nowadays.

I'm looking forward to having a force stave on my terminator librarian. The fact that he can knock his target down to Initiative 1 establishes some parity between the target and the power/chain fists. I don't think it will be a game-winner, but it will probably be helpful.

08-26-2012, 02:52 AM
Ok consider the nex codex is coming out next month I have to say that any advice/tweaks given are going to be invalid very soon.

I'm looking at this in a competitive point of view because that's just how my brain works. If you aren't wanting to play in tournaments and things then my advice isnt very important.

I do like plague marines a whole lot, but in squads of 5 I believe that you are losing ALOT of durability but gaining mobility. I understand where that is a plus but the one thing plague marines are good at are being unmovable from objectives and key tactical points around the board. Consider combining squads to make 10 in each unit. This way you save points on rhinos freeing up point to invest somewhere else.

I do not think a Sorcerer is the way to go on HQs. My suggestions would to switch it out with a demon prince using the points you'll save on rhinos to pick up war gear for him.

For your 1000 point list my moto has always been that a wide variety of troops are worth more then heavy support choices. Consider dropping those oblitoraters for some Beserkers or a longer range troop to free up all of your plague marines to capture objectives that are farther way. Noise marines are phenomenal for this especially with sonic blasters and the blast master!

08-26-2012, 03:09 PM
If i followed your recommendations though, competitively i would perform terrible against armies with heavy MECH.

You basically suggesti combine the squads of plagues into units of 10 so i lose 2 special weapons on each combined squad

And then get rid of my oblits for more troops that can't kill vehicles.

This seems like a seriously ineffective competitive list to me. Any necron army that's heavy on AV13 would dance circles around it.

They wont have the mobility to take out fast armies either like DE or Eldar. And at range guard/tau would decimate them with only the plague marines being able to survive some shooting but ultimately falling to weight of fire.

08-26-2012, 05:04 PM
Honestly I think Akai is correct about the fatal flaws that come with combining the plague units. As for the Daemon Prince, unless you're going to spend a quarter of your points on him then he'll take a round or two of fire and die - and leave you totally in the lurch for combat potential.

All in all I think that the 1250 list especially is very competitive, though target priority will be key to your games. My only question right now is; is your sorcerer in a unit, or is he running around solo?

08-29-2012, 04:50 AM
I have not seen a force stave as a CSM option, what gives?