View Full Version : Your Force Fluff

08-24-2012, 09:35 AM
As you could probably infer from my other Background thread, I'm writing the background for my new Blood Ravens force. I am looking for some good examples of force fluff give me some examples of the sorts of questions I should answer, inspire me, and generally get my gears turning.

In other words, tell me about your characters. And units. And vehicles. :D

If the thread is still around when I've finished my background, I'll post it.

09-01-2012, 10:19 PM
I am currently working on my Astral Claws, and have started writing fluff about my Space Marine Demi-Legion, from Company numbers to the titles for my captains (ie. Master of the hunt, etc), I'm up to page five of a word document with 20 companies, and a demi-legion roughly following roman legion plans including cohorts, centuries but keeping with space marines by adding Command Squads, Chaplains and other codex units etc.

09-01-2012, 10:58 PM
I named my successor chapter the Black Daggers after the USASOC parachute demo team. I paint them black and my chapter symbol is a fairbairn-sykes fighting knife.

09-02-2012, 04:29 AM
I am working on a number of projects at the moment and have another 2 I want to work on later on.

One of the projects is an all female space marine army - "The Daughters of Helena". They are from a batch of gene seed saved by rogue Terran/Earth based Adeptus Mechanicus, who travel to a remote part of the imperium and from female orphans, and later with the support of the the newly formed Adeptus Sosoritus forces, they build a sizable force of Female space Marines on their Adeptus Mechanicus run planet.

Thir Primarch was killed after a love tryst between the other lost Primarch and Guilliman. If I need to I can have them hatred - male space marines (including chaos space marines), but this can be ignored if it is deemed too powerful. I have quite a few miniatures for this project, purchased through Shapeways. There is a store on there which does female space warriors in powered armour. It is all made using 3D plastic making technology. I was thinking of using the Gorgon (Medusa) symbol for them.

With this back ground story, I can have the local Planetary Guard, the local Sisters of Battle, and even an Adeptus Mechanicus force allied to them.

Adeptus Mechanicus is another project I want to start collecting later on. The other project I am planning on building is based on the counts as theme using the Grey Knights codex.

My idea is this: a Dark or Grey Sensei (fallen to Chaos Sensei) has made a deal with both Fabius Bile (or one of his clones), and a depleted company of Word Bearers Marines. The Word Bearers geneseed is mixed with the Sensei's gene coding, and the result is space marine with the powers of a Grey Knight. After numerous raids on shipping close to the Eye of Terror, they attack and plunder a Grey Knights ship, killing, but not corrupting any of the Grey Knights. The allied Dark Mechanicus reverse engineer the Grey Knight technology, and create force weapons, Dread Knights, etc. The Sensei provides a few litres of his blood every couple of weeks, and from that they make Psycannon ammo.

The unit will be painted in a dual colour scheme. Slate Grey of the original Word Bearers with a burning book down one side, and Dark red with a burning daemons head as used by the current Word Bearers on the other half. I can use grey Knights and cut off and fill in the vile imperialistic iconography and replace it with daemonic hieroglyphics.

I will probably call them "The Bearers of the True Faith".

I always corrupt my armies towards Chaos or against the Imperium.

09-02-2012, 04:07 PM
I am working on a number of projects at the moment and have another 2 I want to work on later on.

One of the projects is an all female space marine army - "The Daughters of Helena". They are from a batch of gene seed saved by rogue Terran/Earth based Adeptus Mechanicus, who travel to a remote part of the imperium and from female orphans, and later with the support of the the newly formed Adeptus Sosoritus forces, they build a sizable force of Female space Marines on their Adeptus Mechanicus run planet.

Thir Primarch was killed after a love tryst between the other lost Primarch and Guilliman. If I need to I can have them hatred - male space marines (including chaos space marines), but this can be ignored if it is deemed too powerful. I have quite a few miniatures for this project, purchased through Shapeways. There is a store on there which does female space warriors in powered armour. It is all made using 3D plastic making technology. I was thinking of using the Gorgon (Medusa) symbol for them.

With this back ground story, I can have the local Planetary Guard, the local Sisters of Battle, and even an Adeptus Mechanicus force allied to them.

Adeptus Mechanicus is another project I want to start collecting later on. The other project I am planning on building is based on the counts as theme using the Grey Knights codex.

My idea is this: a Dark or Grey Sensei (fallen to Chaos Sensei) has made a deal with both Fabius Bile (or one of his clones), and a depleted company of Word Bearers Marines. The Word Bearers geneseed is mixed with the Sensei's gene coding, and the result is space marine with the powers of a Grey Knight. After numerous raids on shipping close to the Eye of Terror, they attack and plunder a Grey Knights ship, killing, but not corrupting any of the Grey Knights. The allied Dark Mechanicus reverse engineer the Grey Knight technology, and create force weapons, Dread Knights, etc. The Sensei provides a few litres of his blood every couple of weeks, and from that they make Psycannon ammo.

The unit will be painted in a dual colour scheme. Slate Grey of the original Word Bearers with a burning book down one side, and Dark red with a burning daemons head as used by the current Word Bearers on the other half. I can use grey Knights and cut off and fill in the vile imperialistic iconography and replace it with daemonic hieroglyphics.

I will probably call them "The Bearers of the True Faith".

I always corrupt my armies towards Chaos or against the Imperium.

My inner fluff bunny wants to rage, but I know it will get me nowhere.

09-05-2012, 08:16 PM
My Chaos Marines are the 16th Grand Company of the Iron Warriors under Warsmith Sonax. I'm still working out the details, but they have a close connection to the Dark Mechanicus (hence a number of tech conversions in my army) and make use of human soldiers. My traitor guard army, painted to match the description given in Storm of Iron ("red coated guardsmen"). My guard are not super mutated, but a few are sprinkled in there, but I have named all my tanks in my guard army, even used a 'chaos' alphabet based upon various chaos runes in a number of books (mostly the Vraks books and the Liber Chaotica). Chimeras: Blood Rite & Khorne's Axe, Vendetta: Sky Demon, Medusa: "Rot", Demolisher: Red Death, Manticore: Scorn, etc. The Human Soldiery are mostly amalgamated renegades from various guard regiments defeated by my marines. My guard are led my Lord Stamos the Everchosen (Chaos Straken), a man on his way to Daemonhood as evidenced with his many gifts from his infernal gods. As a whole, my armies are focused on acquiring technology and performing sacrifices for their foul masters, but are always on the lookout for further converts to their cause.

I'm trying to get my army background to match my actual games more, so I need to get more Nids and Ultramarines in there. :-P

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-05-2012, 09:32 PM
My inner fluff bunny wants to rage, but I know it will get me nowhere.My opinion of female marines armies is dependent on whether or not the modeler added ridiculous derpy breasts to the power armour :P The armies which realize they ain't gonna be rocking an hourglass figure in that terminator armour tend to be pretty cool, though.
When I'm writing up fluff, I tend to just do a random selection of in-universe clippings, or write battlecries/songs (In Chaos we find freedom/In slaughter we rejoice/Come to us all, meek and small/And lend to us your voice)http://i.imgur.com/vZwvg.png

09-06-2012, 01:43 AM
Still a work in progress, but my Chaos Marines are an off-shoot of the Iron Warriors which I call the Brass Warriors. They are Iron Warriors that decided that a) That Undivided is silly and that Tzeentch Rulez! and b) Daemon Engines are better than Guard Tanks.

Appropriately, the color scheme for the troops is Brass Scorpion, while still retaining some of the construction stripes, whereas the vehicles are more in line with the Iron Warriors scheme, but with a bit more Brass coloring.

I liked the Iron Warriors concept, up until I heard they didn't like Daemon Engines.... and I love my 5 defilers! Plus, I end up marking everything with Tzeentch anyways, so I make the fluff to fit my army preference. Within a month or so, I'll probably come up with some deeper backround....

09-06-2012, 09:55 AM
I don't know if this will help you at all but I often let the actions of a few games help determine some of the personality of my army. Every gamer has stories of unbelievable luck, both good and bad, that can help shape a list.

Once, I had dwarf cannon crew fend off a unit of chaos knights. That cannon crew now has names.
Another time, I had a lone commissar chase off a unit of SM termies that broke in another combat. The commissar stayed within 6" of the unit so the termies couldn't rally. The commissar also fired his pistol at them every turn and missed, so I joked with my opponent that he must be firing his pistol in the air to scare them off.