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View Full Version : DA Next?

08-24-2012, 01:32 AM
Just picked up my copy of the new WD today and noticed something interesting on the last page ( aka upcoming stuff, etc) ... Theres a pic of a DA captain or some such with the caption "The Battle Rages On! ". Since this issue was all about the Dark Vengeance box set, I assume that this is for something else. I was not expecting this until early next year. Hurray if its true! Sorry Chaos :p

08-24-2012, 01:55 AM
I would be happy to see DA leap frog chaos, not sure it's happening but the rear inside cover sure looks like they could be. Unless the rumours of a mid sept release for chaos and oct for DA hold true.

Either way it's good times for 40k players.

08-24-2012, 01:58 AM
Provide pics?

Most of us dn't get WD till tomorrow

08-24-2012, 02:22 AM

Here is a leak of it from Natfka, was posted on his blog (with a pic) on Aug 18th

08-24-2012, 02:23 AM

08-24-2012, 02:40 AM
It could be DA but as a chaos fan i'd be most dissapointed if it did leap chaos. I think it could be the cover for the Dark Vengance Novel, and the battle raging on is more to the story.

08-24-2012, 02:42 AM
I'm just throwing it out there

2 codexes - 1 release date?

08-24-2012, 02:45 AM
I'm just throwing it out there

2 codexes - 1 release date?

This is the stuff of dreams :), whilst I would love this to be the case I just cant see it.
Would be bloody epic if it were to happen though.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-24-2012, 03:45 AM
Saline poisoning!

Remember, GW have been a bit devious with their back covers...
More planes? NOPE. 6th edition.

08-24-2012, 04:24 AM
It had better not be DA before Chaos. I don't play either of them and I don't particularly favour one over the other, but Chaos are in greater need by far of a new codex, and GW would be idiots to have them before Chaos.

08-24-2012, 04:36 AM
I still find it strange that the new edition box set is out with no Codices to join. Most people looking to buy this are probably vets of at least 5th so no problem, they have the old codex and won't mind shelling out for the new one when it comes. For new comers, however, it is slightly different, why buy a new box set with current codices only to have to but a new one in a month or more (depending on the rumours).

With the helbrute, the CSM codex can't be far out, for sure (new unit entry, etc.). I would like to see a double whammy of both CSM and DA codices being released the same month.

On a side note and having just read through the WD393, I must say I am extremely excited about both CSM and DA (the latter has been my army for the past 10 years or so) and I think the qulity in the sculpts are a huge step forward instead of the Black reach 2D poses.

08-24-2012, 04:39 AM
I'm sure the new stuff will have rules provided in the booklet in the box, so they can survive without a codex for a bit, but i'm sure both of them will be around soon

But the DA don't need the dex as badly as Chaos do for the new stuff. The DA models are all already in their codex, whereas the chaos stuff (hellbrute, cultists) are new units.

08-24-2012, 04:56 AM
I'm sure the new stuff will have rules provided in the booklet in the box, so they can survive without a codex for a bit, but i'm sure both of them will be around soon

But the DA don't need the dex as badly as Chaos do for the new stuff. The DA models are all already in their codex, whereas the chaos stuff (hellbrute, cultists) are new units.

I agree completely and I hope that the DA will get new rules (un-nerfing the Venerable Dread, plasma etc.) as well as a few new units which I believe are to be coming.

Edit: Just seen it was a post you put up DrLove in regards to the latest DA rumours.

08-24-2012, 06:04 AM
I'm just throwing it out there

2 codexes - 1 release date?

That will never ever happen (except with Daemons). It reduces your sales because most people can only afford to splash out on one load of stuff a month. It's also much better for a business to spread their income out over a year rather than have it all one go.

As for that picture, I really wouldn't read anything into it. It could be anything from more fluff, to a DV battle report to an article on how to paint the models or what to buy next to expand the armies in the box.