View Full Version : Ironclad Seismic Hammer 6th Edition

08-23-2012, 06:54 PM
Hey guys just hoping for a consensus on the ironclad dred's seismic hammer in 6th edition, the weapon is stated to add +1 on the vehicle damage chart does this stack with the dreadnought close combat weapon being an AP2 weapon for a total of +2 on damage rolls?

I've checked the GW website and the forums here but I haven't been able to find an answer yet.

Here's hoping someone can help clear this up for me :)

08-23-2012, 07:13 PM


General Rule of Thumb ::whap::

A rule with stack with different another rule that the end result is the same, but won't stack with a duplicate rule.

A rending Monsterous Creature: Does not stack. Smash grants AP2. A successful Rend grants AP2. AP2 grants +1 to pen. Does not stack, because AP2 is the source of +1 to pen.

AP2 + Seismic Hammer = +2 because AP2 is +1 and Seismic Hammer is +1. Two separate rules with the same effect.

08-23-2012, 07:16 PM
Yes, it can be accumulated with AP2 weapon.