View Full Version : The Gaze of Mork painting thread.

08-23-2012, 09:57 AM
Hello everyone,

I've decided to start a painting blog over here on BOLS. There are more details and pictures over on my Blog: http://www.gazeofmork.blogspot.co.uk/ Hope you enjoy!

Firstly, I'll begin with a selection for Epic Ork Deathskulls:

Uzfang's Horde:

Warlord Uzfang:

Da Blue Baron's Bommers:

Mek Thud-ock's Stompamob (inc. Da Morkinator):

08-23-2012, 10:00 AM
Kult of Zooom!

Big Mek Iron-rust-klaw's Brigade:

Secondly, a showcase of some of 40k Ork deathskulls (I'll post more at a later date :) :

My Big Mek:

08-23-2012, 10:02 AM
A selection of my Gretchin unit:

Unit of boyz:

My deffdread:


08-23-2012, 10:04 AM


Some shoota-camo boyz:

Thirdly, a sneak peak at my budding Snakebite clan 40k army:

08-23-2012, 10:04 AM
Forth, a sneak peak at my Grot 'Mega Grot' themed army:

And finally, a sneak peak at my WIP Battle fleet Gothic fleet:

More soon ^_^

08-23-2012, 10:08 AM

I'm loving the Big Mek! Alot!

Great models buddy. Really looking forward to seeing more pics new BOLS chum.

08-23-2012, 10:16 AM

I'm loving the Big Mek! Alot!

Great models buddy. Really looking forward to seeing more pics new BOLS chum.

Thank's Energingoodie, great to have encouraging feedback (and at the speed of light too)!

I entered the Big Mek into the character painting comp GW ran to mark the new paint release (despite him being painted with Vajello paints...*Shhhh*), and it came third in my local which was pretty nice :)

08-23-2012, 12:20 PM
Wow! That warboss model in the 2nd photo brings back dim memories of WDs past!

Excellent painting on the 40K models. Also excellent painting on the epic models (at least as far as I can tell in the photos). The detail is obvious on the vehicles, and even they're tiny, so good job.

I really like the Snakebite boar boyz. Reminds me of an idea I had of doing a zulu-themed ork army, for a whole Rorke's Drift idea I'd like to do. I'd have to do the Praetorians first, though ;)

Oh, and welcome to BoLS, too.

08-23-2012, 01:08 PM
wow those are brilliant :D i love seeing epic armies and the same army in 40k scale!


08-23-2012, 02:08 PM
Excellent work! Gork (or Mork) would be proud! ^^ Keep them photos coming!

08-23-2012, 04:29 PM
Amazing work. And it's particularly nice to see some Epic and BFG stuff.

How did you build 'Da Morkinator'?

08-24-2012, 02:20 AM
Fellow Deathskulls fan here, curious to know how you did the white and blue on your models?

08-24-2012, 04:09 AM
Amazing work. And it's particularly nice to see some Epic and BFG stuff.

How did you build 'Da Morkinator'?

Thank you for your comment

The Epic Super Stompa, Da Morkinator (more photos on the tutorial over on my blog here (http://gazeofmork.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/morkinator.html)):

1/ I began by making a pear shape with milli-put. After that had dried I made a head from a landspeeder sensor and guns from various Ork-y bits (a big shoota and a grot prod, and a shooter). I made the feet from space marine shoulder pads and plasti card and stuck on spikes and pannels from the battlewagon kit:

Front view:

2/ Next I added more pannels from the battlewagon kit and an imperial fists pannel. I then began adding pannels of can, building up layers. I made these can-pannels from a standard Pepsi can, cut into various squares and rectangles. I pressed a drill bit into the corners to make indets to look like rivets:

Front view:

I kept adding the pannels until all of the milliput was covered.

3/ I primed the Stompa black and painted like the rest of my Epic army:

You might also like my Epic Gargant, The Gorkazilla, considering he's a hash of bitz and pieces:

More photos of the Gorkazilla can be found here (http://gazeofmork.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/gorkazilla.html)
And a tutorial of how he was made can be found here (http://gazeofmork.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/froggaz-flakk-parade-and-gorkazilla.html)

08-24-2012, 04:23 AM
Fellow Deathskulls fan here, curious to know how you did the white and blue on your models?

Deathskulls fans are always welcome on my painting blogs :)

I use vallejo paints. I find them a bit cheaper and easier to work with than GW ones. I also really like the dropper design (making painting on a pallet easier, which makes your paints last longer as they dont dry out due to being sat open for hours). I will convert the paints to their GW equivelent, but only the old paint colour names.

So baring that in mind (and that I always spray basecoat black): GW old name / Vallejo colour I used
1) Midnight Blue / #19 Night Blue
This layer is painted on as a base

2) Regal Blue / #20 Imperial Blue
Depending on the surface I either blend or heavily dry brush this colour

3) Enchanted Blue / #21 Magic Blue
This is painted as a highlight

4) Ice Blue / #23 Electric Blue
Used as a final highlight.

I then applied a layer of devlan mud around rivets/in recesses.

White (super easy):
1) Desert Yellow / # 63 Desert Yellow
I paint the shape in a base coat of desert yellow

2) Bleached Bone / #34 Bonewhite
Highlight in Bonewhite

3) Skull White / #1 White
Final highlight in white.

I might do a tutorial on the blue sometime, since I get asked about it quite a lot. Hope that helps UltramarineFan.

08-24-2012, 11:27 AM
I might do a tutorial on the blue sometime, since I get asked about it quite a lot. Hope that helps UltramarineFan.

Yes it does thanks. Both my white and blue always seems to 'clean'. Fine for my ultras but not gritty enough for Orks. When you highlight panels do you do a sort of streak effect? Hard to tell from the pictures but it seems like it.

08-24-2012, 12:02 PM
Simply beautiful! Well done good sir!

08-24-2012, 01:09 PM
Simply beautiful! Well done good sir!

Thanks! Though I am a lady ;)

@Ultramarinefan I tried to make the blue bits look painted, so sometimes I brushed on the layers with a large GW paint brush...but often (particularly during large batches) i got fed up of the effort this took and ended up drybrushing it! I know what you mean about blues looking too 'clean' though, I was paranoid about that too! I don't know what I will do once I run out of my devlan mud stash!

09-05-2012, 04:25 AM
Thank you for your comment

The Epic Super Stompa, Da Morkinator (more photos on the tutorial over on my blog here (http://gazeofmork.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/morkinator.html)):

That's really interesting - and yet more excellent work - thank you. I'm very impressed with how you've used bits of drinks can to plate your Super Stompa. I've been working on and off - mostly off thanks to work and a baby - on improving a mega-gargant so it fits it with the more recent Epic designs and looks less cartoony. I'd been trying to add some plating to it to cover up the original expanses of smooth plastic but my various attempts haven't worked well. have to give your technique a go and see how it works.

Your Gargant - and your blog for that matter - look great, thanks for the link.

09-05-2012, 08:26 AM
Those are EPIC! Lol

Great painting, I particularly like the weirdboy. Love that shaman model.


10-03-2012, 04:20 AM

So it's been a while since I last blogged. The reason for this has been a mix of moving city, no internet (still not resolved) and starting a Post Grad course...Hopefully I'll be a bit more regular from now on.

Today I thought I'd post pictures of my 40k scale Stompa- The Morkinator. The stompa isn't quite finished (I painted it in pieces and it's not all stuck together yet), and it was built and painted to this point in (a rather rushed) two days- which I'm pretty proud of! I magnitised the arms to make transporting it easier.

I wanted my Snakebites, Grot army and Deathskulls to be represented by the colour scheme (though obviously the Deathskulls dominate). I think I'll use this colour scheme for my Grot army vehicles too, since it works quite well.

Here are the pictures:


08-25-2013, 11:28 PM
Very nice job on the army! Nice BFG Fleet!