View Full Version : DA ya or nay? help plz

08-22-2012, 03:50 PM
I am thinking of starting a dark angels army. i love my marines but i can see my dad tuting as i type. would love to hear what people think.

Edit: I should mention i was going to buy the starter box anyway and i love the fluff but still not sure

08-22-2012, 09:43 PM
If you love the fluff and like the models, then play the army. There really isn't much to consider here. It sounds like you really like Dark Angels, so I don't see what's stopping you.

08-22-2012, 09:55 PM
Play whatever you like and that will make you happy for the long term. Worry not about the win or lose, every army has strength and weakness. You’ll learn to amplify it when you play some games.

08-22-2012, 11:22 PM
Play whatever you like and that will make you happy for the long term. Worry not about the win or lose, every army has strength and weakness. You’ll learn to amplify it when you play some games.

While the current book is not that strong the army is still awesome looking and has very very fun fluff allowing for you to do some fun stuff with the models. One of my Dark Angel chaplans is standing on about an inch tall mound of "The Fallen" (Traitor Dark Angels pretty much) with his robe flowing like a flag around him :D

Of course since the models are coming out soon the new codex wont be far behind. If you like the look of the models and like the fluff behind the army of course start yourself an army!

08-23-2012, 12:35 AM
I don't know much about the Dark Angels, but my impression is that like the Blood Angels and sorta like the Space Wolves - not like the Black Templars or Grey Knights - in that they are basically Space Marines. That means that instead of giving you a book that is highly characterful and limited, they give you a book that you can use to make a highly characterful and specialized army... or you can just paint some tac marines and rhinos dark green.

This isn't a bad thing! It means that the Dark Angels codex is quite versatile. You have at your disposal the option to play with a basic Space Marines army, to dial up the Dark Angelness to varying degrees, or to turn it up to 11 with one of the -wings.

But it does mean that getting into Dark Angels is a bit lower commitment than getting into, say, Grey Knights. If it turns out that you don't like the Dark Angels special rules, you can still play an army that reflects their fluff and visual style and be competitive.

So, I say go for it!

08-23-2012, 02:19 AM
You could always use the models for veterans/honour guard for other marine chapters, just need to remove any molded DA symbols...