View Full Version : Space Wolve and Eldar

08-21-2012, 01:40 PM
Hello Space Wolves Players!

So in an effort to bolster the shooting abilities of my army, I am started taking Eldar as an ally. Has anyone else tried this? So far I added Eldrad, a 5 man squad of Dire Avengers, and 2 War Walkers as a unit. I may bump this up to 3 War Walkers.

Also, I've been thinking of how to change up my Thunderwolf Cavalry. Instead of 2 squads of 3 wolves each, I was thinking one squad of 5 with a Wolf Lord.

Just curious if other Space Wolves players want to kick around these ideas.

08-21-2012, 02:38 PM
first of all, what's the rest of your army? secondly, I can't imagine space wolves needing that much help shooting seeing as how everything you're adding space wolves can already do more or less. Eldrad is used mainly for psyker defense and perhaps pulling out a couple of cool tricks (overwatch at full BS) but other than that your rune priests should be able to reasonably take care of that job and for much less. 5 dire avengers? with what exactly? and long fangs can do what warwalkers do but better and at about the same points if i'm not mistaken.
So I think a detailed list and the points you're playing at would help everyone help you better...

08-21-2012, 05:12 PM
Army lists go in the army list section. I was hoping for an abstract discussion on what the Eldar could bring to the table for Space Wolves, if anything, or vice versa.

I have to disagree on Long Fangs being able to match or beat War Walkers. 3 War Walkers with 2 scatter lasers put out 24 Strength 6 shots. Guide them, and it's quite a formidable output of shots. Of course, the nice thing with allies is now, we can have both Long Fangs AND War Walkers. So why not have both?

5 Dire Avengers are there to be able to meet the troop/HQ requirement to get to the war walkers and elites of the Eldar.

BTW, how does Eldrad let you shoot overwatch at full BS?

08-21-2012, 09:52 PM
1. War walkers with scatter lasers are great anti air and anti infantry but is lacking greatly in the long fangs ability to bust heavier armor.

2. Depending on the point value Eldar can bring a lot to the table but we don't know what points your playing at or what points you want to discuss.

3. 5 dire Avengers just to fill the FoC is idiotic. Not only are you wasting points on 5 troops that will die every game within the first few turns unless you stick them in a corner and plan on not using them

4. Eldrad is for psychic defense first for unless you plan on picking up a elite squad that meshes well with your army if not then he is pretty much useless considering rune priests provide some the best anti psyker in the game.

5. Army lists show up in the tactics forum as well.

08-21-2012, 10:24 PM
I've contemplated going the other way. Adding a rune priest to my eldar. Extreme anti psycher douche-baggery.

But honestly, if you want to go with adding a farseer to your SW, why not just take a normal one. You'll still get the table wide runes of warding, and save yourself some points in the process. Take some rangers or pathfinder instead of Dire Avengers. It's something the SW don't have, at least I don't usually see. They will probably last longer than DA to boot.

Just a random thought on the subject.

08-21-2012, 10:49 PM
Just remember that eldrad's runes of warding will affect your space wolves army and shutdown your own psykers as all non battle brothers treat eachother as enemy units that cant be "targeted". Futher more any space wolf psychic defense will shut down eldrad like nobodies bussiness.
As for adding eldar for shooting purposes remember that the sole purpose of eldar shooting is to pump out many strength 6th shots as possible to strip hullpoints, a minimum squad of 5 warp spiders will destroy a rhino or chimera in one volley on average, just remember they have deep strike by default as jump infantry so dont buy suprise assault if you go with them.
TL;DR version: Eldar are good vs light vehicles bad vs heavy (except firedragons) and the full bs on overwatch is a divination power

08-22-2012, 01:05 AM
apologies, I didn't realize this wasn't the army list section.
Eldrad could roll on the divination chart and get foreboding. which allows for the overwatch at full BS. I think that everyone is trying to tell you the same thing...the space wolves have better or equal options on their own for what you're trying to accomplish. now you do have a good point, warwalkers are great anti-air. but I feel one squad of them will be a waste. Eldar as their codex stands now, rely on redundancy. Actually all the 'Eldar' books do. I think only one squad of warwalkers will just let you down because your opponent will figure out real quick that war walkers must die...unless you ally with Corsairs which you can then protect them a bit more with their jet packs but that's beside the point. I also agree that the eldar have much better throw-in-this-to-fill-in-the-slot choices than DA. like rangers and jetbikes. both of which will help a space wolf list with shootyness...

08-22-2012, 09:27 AM
yeah, I need to think this through abstractly before sitting down to write a list.

I did play a list like this recently and found the war walkers lasted a long time because my opponent poured shots into the Thunderwolves, ignoring most of my other stuff. Sadly, I poorly positioned my war walkers and couldn't get as many shots as I wanted with them. and said list was put together before I did this abstract thought exercise. I gotta do this first before getting a list ready to post.

But that experience definitely showed me that in 6th edition, the Wolves need a lot more long range fire power to soften up opponents that sit at the back of the board.

Thanks for the heads up Dalleron, I think you're right and a regular farseer is just as effective as Eldrad, and is a huge points saver... points that could translate into ranges over dire avengers.

thanks for the warning foxdonut, I didn't take a rune priest knowing that the priest would also have to take tests on 3D6.

Two other thoughts. Anyone using Wolf Pack Leaders in terminator armor to lead troops? And again, anyone have thoughts on whether or not to continue with 2 squads of 3 Thunderwolves, or use one squad of 5?

08-22-2012, 09:42 AM
Tau and IG can muster up some serious long range fire power if you have any interest in them as allies.