View Full Version : Warhammer Quest is back! Sort of

08-21-2012, 03:04 AM


This is very exciting news for us here in the office, as not only do we get to tell you all about a new computer game, but we also get the exclusive on it. That's right, you heard it from us first! Today, Rodeo Games announced that they are working on bringing a Games Workshop classic - Warhammer Quest - to the iPhone and iPad in 2013. As the first Warhammer title to come to a mobile games platform, we were thrilled to find out more about it.

Many of our longest-serving hobbyists will remember Warhammer Quest from ye olden days, but for those of you that have never played it, the premise is fairly simple. You take control of a party of four questing warriors in search of immeasurable power and riches in the Warhammer world. As always, power and riches are rarely found underneath someone's mattress or in the local library, and so your quests inevitably take you into the dungeons and under-empires of the Old World, fighting foul creatures as you explore hidden tunnels in the hope of finding lost treasure, hoards of gold and lasting fame (or an ignominious death - that is always a possibility too).

The classic Warhammer Quest cover from 1995.

"By using one of our tried and tested game engines we can really focus on developing the parts of Warhammer Quest that made it such a great table-top game; truly unique hero characters and brutal enemies from across all the Warhammer races," explained Rodeo Games co-founder Laurent Maguire. "The opportunity to work with Games Workshop was such an exciting prospect, we are thrilled to have been entrusted with this facet of the Warhammer licence."

"All our passion is being channelled into this game, which I'm sure fans will recognise and respond to." said Rodeo Games Creative Director, Ben Murch. That much is certainly clear from looking at the screenshots and the video at the top of the page. Every flagstone is textured and worn, tiny withered plants grow in the sparse patches of light, bones and discarded weapons litter the floor. You can certainly see where inspiration has been taken from the floor tiles in the original boxed game and the Chaos Marauder is stunningly rendered - you certainly wouldn't want to run into him in a dark dungeon (or any dungeon, for that matter, regardless of lighting conditions).

Warhammer Quest will be a universal app sold exclusively via the Apple App Store. The team at Rodeo Games is working towards a Spring 2013 launch, but will be presenting an early version of the game at UK Games Day at the Birmingham NEC on Sunday 23rd September. I can honestly say that while I'm at Games Day, I will definitely be paying the guys from Rodeo a visit to find out more about this upcoming game.

We will be featuring more pictures and information about Warhammer Quest on the blog and in White Dwarf, so keep your eyes peeled for more great stuff. Until then, you can check out the Warhammer Quest page at Rodeo Games for more information. Let the quest begin!

08-21-2012, 03:08 AM
Bah, I'm going to need an iPad.

08-21-2012, 03:10 AM
Yep i was thinking similarly. iOS codexes only now this, its like GW really wants me to buy an iPad

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-21-2012, 03:14 AM
Yet another thing I shall not be getting.

08-21-2012, 03:15 AM
Bah, I'm going to need a new virtual machine

08-21-2012, 03:33 AM
Does kind of dispel any hope that we might see it as a real release in a mystery box any time soon

08-21-2012, 03:50 AM
Does kind of dispel any hope that we might see it as a real release in a mystery box any time soon

Or does it? If this sells well and shows there is an interest in Quest, maybe we may yet see it revived. Bloodbowl is rumoured to be the next one, so this could be a good way of testing the water.

08-21-2012, 04:08 AM
True. But then the Bloodbowl game on PC & 360 a few back didn't do very well

08-21-2012, 04:11 AM
That was great fun.
In the end I had an all star dwarf team :) they killed a halfling team the one time :eek:

08-21-2012, 04:12 AM
But then they were retailing a specialist game at full computer game price, going to be hard to get many people to buy into it at that price. One assumes being a mobile platform game this will be around the £10 mark and should sell better. It also has the advantage of being a dungeon crawl game and plenty of people buy those. It if does well, you might see it being transferred to the likes of Steam and Xbox arcade.

08-21-2012, 04:14 AM
Yeah, I can maybe see a port in the future if its succesful. Kill Team was great fun on Xbox.

And I could never get into Bloodbowl. My dice luck carried across into digital form and my guys fumbled more than it seems physically possible for them to

08-21-2012, 04:19 AM
Me too. I wnt from champion of our clubs last BB league to lucky to win a match in the PC version.

08-21-2012, 03:32 PM
Was Heroquest basically another version of Warhammer Quest?

08-21-2012, 10:45 PM
Not really, Heroquest was a board game, Warhammer Quest was tile based, meaning you had a lot more variety of possible maps rather than relying on placing doors and such in different places. I haven't played HQ in a long time so I can't say how the actual game mechanics differed. It wouldn't surprise me if WHQ was jsut an evolution of HQ in terms of gameplay but it did end up beign quite different in my opinion. Still have WHQ leagues in my games club.

08-22-2012, 12:08 AM
Was Heroquest basically another version of Warhammer Quest?

Not really, Heroquest was a board game, Warhammer Quest was tile based.

Eldargal is right, Heroquest had a board with rooms already printed on, so the only thing that changed between adventures was the position of doors and furniture. And where the monsters where.

The mechanism for combat was a D6, with 3 'successful attack' sides, 2 'hero's successful defense' sides and 1 'monster's successful defense' side. You rolled a different number of dice depending on who/what was attacking, the defender rolled a number of dice depending on who/what was defending. Then you counted up the number of successes for attacker, subtracted the number of defender's successes, and that determined what happened. The wizard got 9 spell cards, and the elf got 3, and they were one use each.

Advanced Heroquest (which was released by GW, whereas Heroquest was by Milton Bradley) used room and corridor tiles (different to the ones in WHQ, I think). Characters and monsters had the same list of stats as in WFB, and the mechanism was similar to WFB i.e. compare WS vs. WS then roll better than the roll listed on a chart, then compare S vs. T, a different chart). The scale of stats did not compare directly to WFB, though, regular Chaos Warriors had a WS of 9, (iirc) for example. You rolled for your character's stats and chose equipment rather like D&D, but simpler. They had rules for one of the Schools of Magic in the box, and published another in WD.

I never played WHQ, but the characters were pregenerated, right? You couldn't buy equipment or roll stats, right?

08-22-2012, 06:48 AM
Not really, Heroquest was a board game, Warhammer Quest was tile based, meaning you had a lot more variety of possible maps rather than relying on placing doors and such in different places. I haven't played HQ in a long time so I can't say how the actual game mechanics differed. It wouldn't surprise me if WHQ was jsut an evolution of HQ in terms of gameplay but it did end up beign quite different in my opinion. Still have WHQ leagues in my games club.

WHQ was indeed an evolution of Heroquest, whilst having number of different game mechanics, it's easy to see WHQ as HQ2

08-22-2012, 09:03 AM
WHQ was indeed an evolution of Heroquest, whilst having number of different game mechanics, it's easy to see WHQ as HQ2

They're the same concept, certainly, i.e. pseudo-roleplaying in the Warhammer world, but that's as far as it goes, really. I mean you may as well say they're all just WFRP 2-5.

They're was another one that they released, too, shortly after they released Battlefleet Gothic, can't really remember the name, or any real details, though.

I think I might be a bit heavy handed with the commas; I just deleted two ;)

08-22-2012, 09:13 AM
Yet another thing I shall not be getting.

^This unless this v

Bah, I'm going to need a new virtual machine

08-22-2012, 09:16 AM
The puzzling youtube video for the game:


08-22-2012, 09:30 AM
Yesss, my free ipad pays off again. I should find a way to make it dual boot android as well though.