View Full Version : Codex printing

08-20-2012, 01:38 PM
My uncle just got back from an industry placement in China with an international firm. He was there for a number of months at the start of the year. Anyway, his work had nothing to do with Warhammer - but he was with a marketing consultant who was working with the printing company that does books for Games Workshop.

So we knew that the rulebook was on its way, but nothing else actually made sense until it actually appeard. Anyway, we were told that there were two space marine books being printed and packed together - but that the Chaos codex was long done. Now I've actually seen pictures of the new rulebook starter set models, I'm starting to suspect that these two codexes are a new Dark Angel codex, and a new 'Codex Space Marines'.

I mainly come to this site for the battle reports, but thought I'd post seeing as I saw the pictures on this blog.

08-20-2012, 03:27 PM
My uncle just got back from an industry placement in China with an international firm. He was there for a number of months at the start of the year. Anyway, his work had nothing to do with Warhammer - but he was with a marketing consultant who was working with the printing company that does books for Games Workshop.

So we knew that the rulebook was on its way, but nothing else actually made sense until it actually appeard. Anyway, we were told that there were two space marine books being printed and packed together - but that the Chaos codex was long done. Now I've actually seen pictures of the new rulebook starter set models, I'm starting to suspect that these two codexes are a new Dark Angel codex, and a new 'Codex Space Marines'.

I mainly come to this site for the battle reports, but thought I'd post seeing as I saw the pictures on this blog.

could be dark angels/CSM getting ready for the starter set.