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View Full Version : Paypal ~4500 pt GK army

08-20-2012, 12:22 PM
I have a Grey Knight army that I'm trying to sell. They are all painted (except one dread and a few others) and mostly based. The majority of the models are metal from the Daemonhunter days.

- 4 squads of 10 including 1 hammer, 2 psycannon, 1 incinerator, 1 Justicar, and 9 swords. Two of the squads have been modified to have magnetic arms to swap out the swords for halberds.
- 8 additional psycannons (4 plastic, 4 metal)
- 1 extra metal justicar and 1 metal grey knight
- 4 rhinos and bits to make 3 of them razorbacks. It isn't glued so you can swap it out.
- 2 Dreadnoughts with many arms. 2 L. auto cannon, 2 R. autocannon, 1 Assault cannon, 1 DCCW, 2 lascannon, 2 missile launchers
- 1 unpainted ven dread. still half on sprue
- 2 dreadknights. 1 has its hand glued in, the other is swap-able with the sword.I have 2 Heavy psycannon, 1 Heavy incinerator, and 1 Gatling psilencer they are loose so you can swap out as needed.
- I land raider crusader. It has metal sponsons from the old days.
- 20 metal terminators; 19 have swords 1 halberd, 2 are psycannons,
- 5 plastic terminators, 1 hammer, 1 banner (unpainted), i sword, 1 halberd/stave (pinned for swaping) 1 partially assembled (unpainted)
- 10 interceptors, 9 halberd, 1 hammer
- 1 stormraven with swapable weapons and the wings are not glued in for easy storage and transportation.
- 1 vindicare
- 1 calidus
- 1 culexus (primed black)
- 1 inquistitor w/ plasma pistol instead
- 1 inquisitor w/ psy cannon. homemade from an old metal psycannon grey knight and a plastic human head.
- 3 death cult assassins
- 2 HB servitors, 1 PC servitor
- 2 sages
- 3 acolytes (space marines w/ bare heads that I previously used for acolytes in the old codex)
- 1 Chimera (multi-laser, heavy bolter)
- 13 Metal kaserkins 8 hellrifles, 1 sarg, 1 flamer, 1 grenade launcher, 1 plasma, i melta
- 1 metal Draigo
- 1 metal Crowe
- 1 metal Coteaz (NIB)
- 1 metal techmarine

I am asking for $800+shipping but I'm willing to negotiate. If you want pictures Pm me