View Full Version : first attempt at painted light source

08-17-2012, 06:12 PM
So a little background on me: I have been painting since the mid-90's, but I've never really grasped some of the more complex techniques in use these days: directional light sourcing, wet palette blending, and some others. I still feel my mini's hold up though. Plus, I don't really have the visual acuity to use a 3 hair brush to paint eyeballs.

Anyway: I have finally taken a deep breath and I am attempting a painted light source, i.e. painting a torch and then painting the surrounding area to give the illusion that the torch is actually giving off light.

My camera is teh sux, but here is what I have started.Basically I want the monitor screens to look like they are giving off a blue light. I realize I have painted the screens wrong, they should look 'brighter', and I would absolutely invite any suggestions on how to achieve that.


The glare on the monitors is from my flash, not painted that way.

08-18-2012, 01:45 AM
very nice :D thats really good!

08-18-2012, 04:53 AM
I think monitors are kind of the exception to the 'it must be brighter thn the light it's giving off' rule. I know that even when mine is showing a dark screen it can light up most of my room around it at night.

The tope one with the round screen is really very good. Something is slightly off on the square one, but I cannot put my finger on quite what; not sure if the quality of the pics is what makes it seem off or if because of the quality of the pics I can't tell. Then again, knowing me, it might just be my mind playing tricks on me lol. Either way, the gradual dispersal of the light and fade back to the normal colours on both is very very good. Looking forward to seeing some more of this kind of stuff from you.

08-18-2012, 05:18 AM
I think monitors are kind of the exception to the 'it must be brighter thn the light it's giving off' rule. I know that even when mine is showing a dark screen it can light up most of my room around it at night.

The tope one with the round screen is really very good. Something is slightly off on the square one, but I cannot put my finger on quite what; not sure if the quality of the pics is what makes it seem off or if because of the quality of the pics I can't tell. Then again, knowing me, it might just be my mind playing tricks on me lol. Either way, the gradual dispersal of the light and fade back to the normal colours on both is very very good. Looking forward to seeing some more of this kind of stuff from you.

Thanks for the praise folks!
I will be the first to admit my camera sucks: it's a casio exilum 7.2 megapixel from 5 or 6 years ago, with very limited zoom and almost no color correction.
I agree that the square monitor looks like it's 'turned off' (I feel the round monitor has the same look) and therefore should not be casting a bright light. I painted these sections backwards: I did the lighted area highlighting first, then painted the monitors and realized "crapo, this does not work".

So basically I think I need to repaint the monitors, I am just at a loss for the right color combination, as the highlighting is already so bright.

08-18-2012, 11:43 PM
Also, any suggestions for how I should paint the other buttons, and the effects of lighting from the monitor glare on them would be much appreciated.

08-25-2012, 08:57 PM
I could seriously use some help here guys.
Much appreciated.