View Full Version : true scale terminator scam

08-17-2012, 06:52 AM
hey guys n gals
just wanted to share with yall some of what has been going on in my dealings with Three Stages Studios and the true scale terminators that were featured here on BOLS back in the spring.
After 4 months of dealing with Daniel and his telling me they were 'on the way, with extras, and a lil more $ for my wait'...I posted on Dakka, BnC, Ammobunker and a few other smaller forums my troubles...I have since found that this is a bigger scam than I initially believed.
The dakka thread is now 9 pages
PLease share this with your friends if they are contemplating purchasing from TSS as I do not believe them to be a reputable company and there are people preparing legal claims against the proprietor for a multitude of allegations of theft of cash and minis for commission under different aliases.
I did receive my $ back...after I posted my troubles and receiving several threatening emails.
Thanks and hope yall are having a good one

08-17-2012, 09:42 AM
I was very disappointed when I found out that TSS were actually Redstarone up to his old tricks again.

The problem is he will disappear for a bit and then reappear under a different name, he is a repeated scammer who always seems to crop up just when you thought he'd grown a conscience.