View Full Version : 2k Necron list - the SHOOTINATING

08-16-2012, 04:19 PM
Man, but making Necron lists is fun. since the 19 special character thing when over so well, here is an MSU necron list that uses four royal courts and really, really hopes that you can share crypteks over Double FOC so you can have four crypteks join one unit.

Overlord with Staff of Light - 90pts
4 Destruction Crypteks - 140pts
5 Warriors - 65pts
Ghost Ark - 115pts

Repeat that 3 more times, so you have 4 overlords, 4 ghost arks etc

3 Tomb Blades with Shield Vanes - 90pts

3 Annihilation Barges - 270pts

So yeah, you've got four ghost arks, and each one has 5 warriors, 4 destruction crypteks and an overlord inside. each one puts out 15 flayer shots, 4 eldritch lance shots and 3 AP3 shots from the overlord's staff of light. also there are like a pile of tesla shots coming from blades and barges. the SHOOTINATING begins!

i guess you could get different effects from different crypteks harbingers. i went for destruction because i like having a load of 36" S8 AP2 guns floating about in av13 4HP transports. Despair or Storm Crypteks do S8 templates/a ton of haywire shots respectively, but they have to get too close to use them for my liking. transmorigirifificration crypteks have that fun little template to shoot, and if you drop the tomb blades you can give four of them harps of dissonance. but again, i find it hard to beat a bucketload of eldtrich lances. zap tanks! instant death paladins! be annoyingly hard to kill! this is the SHOOTINATING

08-19-2012, 04:37 AM
And this is why double FOC shoul not be allowed at all.

If you want to abuse double FOC:

Coteaz @ 100
Inquisitor @ 25

3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97
3 warrior acolytes, assault cannon razorback, psybolts @ 97

Psyfle dread @ 135
Psyfle dread @ 135
Psyfle dread @ 135
Psyfle dread @ 135
Psyfle dread @ 135

= 1964

Have fun.

08-19-2012, 05:15 AM
At least give those acolytes plasma guns.

08-19-2012, 05:22 AM
what kind of boring madman buys 12 razorbacks

08-19-2012, 11:45 AM
someone who loves ebay. Too much. very much too much.