View Full Version : Eldar allies?

Lost Vyper
08-16-2012, 09:16 AM

Has anyone used Tau with Eldar? Are they any good? I´ve played one game as Tau about a year ago and i didn't like the army. But as an ally? What could they bring to the table? Firepower? Guidance? Who would be the best choice as HQ & 2 xTROOP?


08-16-2012, 09:19 AM
Tau bring Hvy Firepower to the table.

A HQ suit, a unit of Firewarriors, some XV8 and a full unit of broadsides will cost about 600 points.

That gives you some S10 AP1 72" firepower on a unit that can be upgraded to ignore nightfighting, a long range infantry unit and a slightly hard deepstriking unit that can carry a lot of power

Lost Vyper
08-16-2012, 09:26 AM
Thanks! I gotta dig my Tau-codex and do the math. First i have to ask my club, if i´m allowed to proxy the Tau. Not gonna buy those without test playing them PROPERLY.

08-16-2012, 09:31 AM
Look forward to hearing how they do.

I've not even opened my Tau codex in 6th yet...probably should at some point.

08-16-2012, 10:21 AM
eldars problem is long range AT (bright lances are expensive and fire prisims are too!)

tau are very good at long range AT.

now i want a tau/eldar army damit *


* i need moar monies!

08-17-2012, 10:18 AM
So I run a Tau army with eldar allies, btu the idea is very similiar. But as the above poster commented, eldar lack long range At and Tau are great at that, Tau lack the ability to take forward objectives, something Eldar can do if they focus on doing it. Here are some combos that work great together, and might help you out.

Boradsides, combo by themselves. Theya re exactly what the eldar army needs.

Jetbikes + Jetpacks. They move in nearly identicle fashion now. making having jetbike farseers in Crisis suit squad pretty amazing. Take divination and a crisis suit squad with no TL'd weapons, use the farseer to TL them and provide additional modifiers (Like ignoring covers saves, unit with all 4+ inv saves, or makgin tthe enemy reroll their saves) Also jetbikes are the best thing in the game at the moment for taking last turn objectives, meaning you can play the denial game still with eldar/tau as long as you protect your bikes during the game. have won a few games becuase of this ability.

Fire warriors are a solid homefield objective holder for a eldar army. And pirhanas are a good fast attack choice for the eldar, who lack the ability to get melta guns to places fast wtihout having to pay a huge amount of points(firedragons plus waveserpent is too much to sacrifice for a land raider kill)

Over all the armies mess really well imo, just remeber you need to take more troops then an imperial army does, because they aren't that tough, althought guardian jetbikes with a shrukian cannon, a warlock with a singing spear and embolden are as tough as a unit of space marines, pack better anti tank and are much faster.

I can give you my list if your interested.

08-18-2012, 08:52 AM
All of my games in 6th thus far (less than a dozen) have been tau with eldar allies. IMO the tau army makes better use of the eldar allies than vice versa but they do mesh well. The eldar to me seem well rounded and have a variety of units that can fill all roles, the problem is that their units seem a bit overpriced and relatively squishy. The tau have boss long range firepower on units that are really difficuly to kill outside of melee and imo the definition of cost efficency. The Eldar provide fast (comparatively) durable melee troops and psyker defense/buffs.

Eldar need the kind of firepower broadsides bring to the table but imo 1 group of 3 is a complete point dump since they can no longer split fire. 3 groups of 1 broadside with a shield drone and a couple firepower upgrades is dirt cheap and still 1 shots vehicles very often.If you're dead set on it being an eldar list probably compromise with a group of 2. Crisis suits with TLmissile pods and blacksun filters are cheap,durable, and strong if you can spare the elite slot. Blacksun filters on all the suits for 3 points a pop seems to be great investment now that night fighting is much more common.

The last post mentioned some of the other perks.I agree 100% about the jetbikes for objective takers. They're freaking brilliant.

08-18-2012, 09:35 AM
btw, it's cheaper to buy a team leader with a HW BSF, also gets you some precision shots and wound allocation ability and options for shield drones, which if these are your only crisis suits, you should buy them.

08-18-2012, 11:48 AM
btw, it's cheaper to buy a team leader with a HW BSF, also gets you some precision shots and wound allocation ability and options for shield drones, which if these are your only crisis suits, you should buy them.

cheaper than what?you didn't specify. additionally long range crisis suits don't really need drones because you can JSJ to stop most would be attackers. well I suppose its a preference thing but thats how i feel about it.

08-19-2012, 05:28 PM
Cheaper than buying the upgrade for every suit, since you only need one to confer the ability to the whole unit.

08-19-2012, 10:32 PM
yeah i was unaware that it confered the ability to the whole squad but keep in mind that theyre only 3 pts apiece and the cheapest item to fill the 3rd weapon slot.But maybe give the other 2 each a gun drone to soak some light fire or a flamer for when they get a bit too close? *shrug* not many cheap alternatives.

08-22-2012, 05:21 AM
Just give them flamers for the 3rd hardpoint and the HW bsf for the team leader. Your right, normal teams don't need shield drones.