View Full Version : Help a long time player coming out of retirement

08-15-2012, 08:02 PM
I hope this is the correct spot for this my apologies if it is not I may also post this on a couple of other boards so I apologize if you have already read this.

I have been a 40K player since the Rouge Trader days and played a lot, but when then life got involved and I got married and moved next thing I know 10 years have gone by and I have only played 2 games but still managed to keep up with rules, starter sets and figures.

But with the advent of 6th edition I have decided to come out or retirement and dust one of one my many armies off.

I was going to start with my wolves but have decided on work with 2 of my smaller armies as they have a lot more potential for reworking.

The 2 chapters I am working are the Black Templars and the Ultramarines, but since I do not have the funds to add things to either army so I was thinking of merging them into one force to maximize the figures and vehicle I have.

The problem is I have accumulated an enormous amount of Black templar swag (backpacks, Shoulder pads etc) as well as both Templar and Ultramarine characters and a rhino with a templar front.

One of the Ideas I am thinking of is creating a new chapter called the” Blank” Templars or something similar and then I could field them as a Templar force or a Generic force whatever I felt like at that time
My fear this would this be something frowned upon as cheating or cheeky as I would be playing primarily at local stores and a club as most of my friends have either moved or gave up 40K.

Basically I am looking for Ideas to incorporate both armies into one. The one thing in my favor is I am a slow procrastinating painter and 80% of what I have is unpainted with things that are painted being metal which I can strip with the a land raider redeemer which is only base coated black and which I could possible paint over with something new but I have a lot of plastic marines with Templar shoulder pads and backpacks on them so I would like to use them as well.

Or should I just go the easy route with a straight ultramarine army and somehow incorporate the templar stuff into it.

Thanks for the any input or ideas in advance.


08-15-2012, 09:54 PM
We are in very similar situations, I started playing in second and I've been retired about 12 or 13 years. My first thoughts are that the allies rules allows us to get armies going in 2000 points games in the mean time (competitive or not), I would also say (I know this may ruffle some feathers, but I'm from the old school days where there were a ton of nonGW miniatures and proxies just due to the lack of production figures in general), that your local club shouldn't care THAT much as you get started. They are all GW miniatures, they are all marines, so it isn't a stretch. if you are playing ultras and you have black templar heavy bolters....not that much left the imagination there really, it's a marine with a heavy bolter...and if they are unpainted...even less confusion.

Just my 2 cents, and good to see another person in my situation. Though mine is much rougher, my old IG/Sisters/arbites squad is much harder to try and form a full army with.

08-15-2012, 10:29 PM
Honestly correct modeling is more important than paint.

I run my II Legion marines as whatever I feel like. Somedays I put in Rune Priests and use Space Wolves Rules. Other times I wanna get Tank Hunter Terminators and put in an emperor's champion and poof new army. This lets my buy anything that comes out and use it.

The core of most Marine Armies are still marines with bolters. The soft cap is 60 marines, adding in alternative special weapons/heavy weapons (for example flamers are making a come back now with overwatch for my front line sacrifical tact squads.) and some different Sgt models that doesn't change much no matter what rules you use. (this edition favors the power sword/melta bombs over the previous power fist sgts, in my experience)

Most people understand wanting to save $$$ and as i said earlier, modeling is more important to most people. (unless they know up front that you are just testing out a design, before you buy something) So just make sure to have everything clearly modeled and have fun.

08-16-2012, 03:36 AM
Most of the gamers I know and play against wouldn't have too much of a problem with that unless you swapped which codex/list you were using after seeing your opponant's army. I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of people with custom chapters do this.

Another option of course would be to use them as allies. no one can call you on that. Admittedly it would change the way you would have to write your lists, but if you painted them up as their respective chapters, but put a campaign badge on their right knee cap that matched across both forces and you base them both in the same way, you could have a very cohessive, fluff oriented but compeititive force! You also then wouldn't have a problem if you wanted to expand either force on its own later on.

08-17-2012, 08:42 AM
Yea I would just have them as two seperate forces and use them as a combined allied force, at least you have an army to come back to 40k that still exsists unlike my Praetorian guard army

08-17-2012, 07:19 PM
My concern is modelling them. The Black Templars are such a divergent chapter, you might have trouble getting them to count as "generic" marines without substantial clarification as to what counts as what. Which might lead to some headaches during gameplay. "This squad actually had bolters, not BP and CCW", and such.

Yea I would just have them as two seperate forces and use them as a combined allied force, at least you have an army to come back to 40k that still exsists unlike my Praetorian guard army

^ Or Squats (but nobody really collected them anyways)