View Full Version : Orks 1500 points

08-15-2012, 05:20 PM
Getting ready to play my first game of 6th (I haven't played since 4th) - here's my list:

Waa-Nazgof: 1500 points “Bad Teef Troopaz”

HQ – 128
Bad Teef Nazgof: Warboss – 128
w. Mega Armour + Cybork Body + Atk Squig + Ammo Runt

Elite - 360
Red Hot Rocket Hogz: 12 Tankbustaz – 200
w. Nob + 3 Bomb Squigs
Sharky’s Burnin’ Freex: 10 Burna Boyz – 160
w. 3 Meks + 2 Grot Oilers + 2 MegaBlastaz

Troops - 794
No Face Footsloggaz: 30 Slugga Boyz – 200
Nob, 2 Big Shootaz
ZugZug’z Gobboz: 30 Gretchin – 120
w. 3 Runtherdz + Squighounds
ZugZug’s Ded Shootaz: 12 Shoota Boyz – 127
Big Shoota + Nob w. Trukk + Grot Riggaz
Kroog Zooomerz: 12 Slugga Boyz – 147
Nob w. Big Choppa + Rokkit Launcha w.Trukk + Grot Riggaz + Wreckin’ Ball
Bad Teef Krew: 4 Meganobz - 200
w.Trukk + Grot Riggaz

Fast Attack - 143
Kozmogrodz: 9 Stormboyz – 143
w. Nob + Power Klaw

Heavy Support – 75
Boom Rokkitz: 3 Lobbaz – 75
w. 6 Gretchin Krew

I took a quick look through the other posts and people don't seem to add much fluff to their army lists, which is too bad. I think it enhances the game when your units have names. It adds to the narrative, which seems to be one of the main areas of focus in the 6th edition rules.

Anyways, I'm fixing to get in my first match of 6th edition soon, so any feedback on the list is welcome.

08-15-2012, 07:39 PM
Just want to say that the name for each unit is cool :)

08-15-2012, 07:44 PM
A++ for army comp. I think you're better off running the trukks clean. They get wrecked too quickly to waste points on upgrades. I think running the Boss with the MANz is a bit much. That's too much mustard in one spot. Pull a couple boys out of one of the trukk mobs and stick him in there? Also, (IDK personally. I don't use 'em) I think gretchin units are only good when the runtherdz have grot prods, or so I've been told. I love the unit variety! I hope you're playing friendly games though, because you'll have no fun vs. an optimized/tourney list.

I like the extra effort in naming everything. Looks like yer ready fer some good n proppa crumpin'


08-15-2012, 08:38 PM
Get some Lootas. they are always great, and are quite good at taking down flyers. If you scarp the Tankbuztaz and scrape 10 more points you can get two groups of seven Lootas to bring shooty doom to the enemy.
Trust me, you need some AA firepower, and Lootas are great anyhow.

08-16-2012, 06:13 AM
I see your point about the trukks... I think I'll strip them down and beef up one of the other units. I just love the Wreckin' ball. Looks so orky

Yeah - the MANz + Boss is a juicy target, but I'm wondering if that can work to my advantage...

Lootaz... I seem to be hearing a lot about them on the forums. I'll have to dig into my bitzbox and see what I can put together.

I'm thinking about splitting the Grots into 2 units of 15, since I still have an empty troops slot. It would mean adding another Runtherd, but if there's two units of them, then that's two failed LD tests instead of just one before I lose my meat shields.

I like the Tankbustaz - I've found them to be a really versatile unit, but that was some time ago. I'll post a BR after my game to show how they did.

It's a friendly game we're playing - maybe it will turn into a campaign...

08-16-2012, 08:06 AM
You can always model the trukks with wreckin' balls/orky bits, just let your opponent know it's just decoration. I still think splitting the boss off to another unit is a better option; you've just given your opponent two targets to worry about now. Like I said I can't give you much advice about the grots (other than their weedy), but from what I've learned from other Ork players that use them is: They really only work well in large mobs with grot-prods on the Runtherdz. I wouldn't worry about changing your army too much though, if you're only playing friendly games. Even in friendly games though, if your opponent knows what he's doing, 10 burna boys won't get a change to do much (that goes for the 9 Stormboys as well). Also, Lootas are quite nice ;)