View Full Version : 2000pts Tau + GK Semi-Comp/Comp

08-14-2012, 03:40 PM
Lets push out the boat here:

Shas’o /w Cyclic + Plas + EJ + HW MT + BSF – 133
3x Shas’ui /w Plas + FB + MT – 186
3x Shas’ui /w T/L MP + TA + T/L /w BSF – 167
3x Stealth Suits /w 3x Marker Drone + T/L /w Markerlight + BSF – 198
9x FW /w T/L – 100
Devilfish - 80
9x FW /w T/L – 100
Devilfish - 80
2x Piranha TX-42 /w MPs + Disruption Pod – 150 (Note they have 2 T/L MPs each, so 4 in squad)
2x Broadsides /w *** + T/L /w 2x Shield Drones + BSF - 198

Crowe – 150
10x Purifiers /w 4x Incinerators + 6x Halberds – 252
5x Terminators /w Incinerator + 3x Halberd, 1x Daemonhammer – 205

Here is a link to the piranha's:

I think this list offers strong anti vehicle (lots of str7) as well as anti TEQ in the form of the HQ and his plasma/fb mandem. As well as this i believe the GK fill the weaknesses of the tau, by having a good cc unit such as purifiers and a terminator squad that can grab deep enemy objectives which can often be troublesome for tau in terms of not dieing the turn after you get there. All thoughts welcome, however constructive criticism only please

Edit: The purifiers are able to be combat squadified which was in mind during the creation of this list. In terms of anti-flyer, there are no super hard flyers, i.e AV14, meaning the T/L MP and perhaps the broadsides can do well against them, as well as tau can. The piranha's providing 8 S7 Twin Linked BS4 shots each turn. The Ejection System is purely to deny the slay the warlord bonus.

08-14-2012, 06:27 PM
Ok well, not being a Tau expert exactly, I'll leave that to others.

For the GK side, first thing that I can say is; psycannon on terminators is much more cost effective than incinerators. For purifiers it's really a personal choice but termis benefit much more from cannons over incins.

For the purifiers as a whole, without a transport you won't find them that much more durable than your tau, and while unprotected by a metal box they will draw a lot of fire. Thus I have 2 solutions. First is find points for a transport, second is to replace them entirely.

Replacing the purifiers with another terminator unit would get you a cannon on both units and a few spare points. You could then swap crowe for either coteaz - hes damn useful, especially with prescience for shooting rerolls - or a librarian with warding staff - with Tau allies I'd honestly stick to prescience; its cheaper and boosts the army as a whole rather than specific sections. A libby over coteaz would get you some psychic defense also from a LD10 psychic hood. Coteaz over a libby would be cheaper and give the unit he attaches to some deep-strike/reserve protection from 'I've been expecting you'

A libby with stave comes in at 185pts, so you would need to find some extra points for him compared to Coteaz's 100.

08-17-2012, 09:30 AM
I'm at work, but here are a few questions and a efw comments and a few suggesetions.

Questions: What is the FB on the 3 crisis suits? Thay really should be Plas+MP+MT imo.
Are you using stealthsuits becuase you don't own more crisis suits? If not, I beleive your making a mistake, you could have another plas+MP+MT crisis suit unit for that price, and the MLs aren't really adding as much as they used too, imo. Even better, do you own more broadsides? that 2man unit costs the same as the stealthsuits and is a far better buy.

Comments: I'm jealous that your tournaments allow forgeworld units, the ones I've been attending lately do not, and theirfore I don't get to try out the new pirhanas and tetras. I don't feel the cyclics ion blaster is ever worth it over taking either a MP or a fusion blaster.

Suggestions: I don't think those devilfish are really adding anything to your army. You would be better off dropping both, using the points to buy the following. A rhino for your pruifiers, 4x psycannons for your purifiers(always the better option, giving you even more S7 shots), a hammer for one purifier(don't make it the knight, he dies first from perials) and to top it off, and Tau-ish Aegis Defense Line with a Quadgun. The 4+ cover save does wonders to keep the firewarriors alive while still adding their potent firepower to the army. and if needed you can go to ground for a 2+ save. Also adds some much needed anti-air, of just more S7 shots on ground. lastly, your Tl mp TA unit, I don't thinkt he TA is needed as much as having some flamers instead being useful, you'd be surprised at how useful they can be when those guard/eldar units disembark and try to gun down some of your units, and the crisis suits show them what a hightech barbecue grill looks like.