View Full Version : Allies? Explain Yourself!

08-13-2012, 08:57 PM
A lot of people are talking about the new Allies rules as though they are the end of the fluff. As though everyone is going to make ridiculous lists combining factions in weird ways, with no thought given to the game's background.

Personally, I don't think that this is true. Warhammer is a strategy game, but it is also a story game. I think that most of us who plan to take advantage of the new Allies rules have given some thought to who our factions are and why they are working together.

I'd like to use this thread to figure out if I am right or wrong.

Please post if you are planning to use the Allies rules to field a mixed force. Then, please post all the following information (if you have it):

•*What is the primary faction, and how many points will you field?
• What is the secondary faction, and how many points will you field?
• If you have an in-story reason for this alliance, summarize it.
• If you don't have an in-story reason for this alliance, cop to it.

For example, here's the alliance I'm cooking up:

• Primary Faction: 971 Points of Tau
• Secondary Faction: 528 Points of Space Marines

After long years of service, Brother-Epistolary Herod Erien of the Blood Ravens Chapter has become disillusioned with the Imperium of Man. He still believes in his role as a Space Marine in protecting mankind, but he no longer has any faith that the governments of the Imperium still serve the Emperor's will or mankind's best interests. Gue'vesa'el Isaac Guelamara of the Tau'lara Sept is one of the first human ally of the Tau to be entrusted with an XV8 Battlesuit and command of Hunter Cadre. Although Guelamara'el's Cadre fights according to Tau military doctrines, it employs many other Gue'vesa as soldiers and support staff.

When the two men met on Ikarax Secundus, fighting together against Necron expansion, it was a revelation for the Space Marine Librarian. Here were humans not only prospering under xenos rule, but taking on leadership roles. Here were humans exploring their utmost potential, living according to something that resembled the Imperial Truth, free from superstition for the first time in a millenia.

Epistolary Erien does not believe that mankind should place its neck beneath the foot of the Tau Empire, but he is beginning to wonder if peace between the Tau Empire and the Imperium of Man can help mankind to regain its feet. Perhaps then the Empire and Imperium could meet as equals and work together to advance all of mankind, as the Empire has already advanced the lives of Guelamara'el and his people.

To that end, Epistolary Erien has chosen to ally with Guelamara'el's Hunter Cadre, to learn their mettle and build bonds that could lead to mankind's rejuvenation.


Anyway, that's mine - what are you working on?

08-13-2012, 09:41 PM
Alright, here goes. My main army is Eldar of Craftworld Ulthwe with Eldrad Ulthran as the warleader of most lists. Since GW has retconned the 13th Crusade, my tentative interpretation of the fluff pre-codex is that Eldrad is still alive.

*Primary Faction: Eldar 1.5kpts.
*Secondary Faction A: Tau 500pts. OR
*Secondary Faction B: Dark Eldar 500pts.

The skein has revealed to Eldrad that the Eldar race cannot continue to fight both the Great Enemy and the growing aggression of the lesser races alone. Only the Tau, immune from the lure of chaos and possessed of a spirit of cooperation and progress can be suitable allies. Given the Eldar's advanced technology and mastery of the webway, the Ethereals were quick to seize this opportunity and dispached Commander Shas'Ne to conduct joint operations with Ulthwe.

In an effort to unite the Eldar people, Eldrad persuaded Archon Alathraj, through subtle manipulations, to join his cause. Having been show terrifying visions of the fate awaiting all souls consumed by she who thirsts, Alathraj and his warriors have been steadily moving away from the path of excess. With enough cunning, the Prince of Pleasure may yet be denied his prize...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-14-2012, 04:05 AM
You can't have two allied detachments at 1.5k.
Only when your main force is at 2k and you have met the second FOC minimum requirements may you have a 2nd allied detachment.

I'm going to take 1000 points of Guardians of Celeres and 500 points of Cadians, just to practice various colour schemes really, don't plan on it being massively beardy.

08-14-2012, 05:08 AM
I use Eldar and DE with Tau

Long story short - My DE Kabal have long term goals to get out of the webway and live more freely. They ally with Craftwolders as corsair bands almost, as the craftworld also seeks a way to restore some safety to the race, and see it as their job to remove that which the eldar cursed the galaxy with (Slanesh and Eye of Terror).

They ally with the Tau as a weapon against chaos, a warp neutral force that can help fight (an idea i was using for my fluff long before it was rumoured for th 6th ed book).

08-15-2012, 04:15 AM
Dark Eldar with an Eldar detatchment
i have a few plans here but the one im most likely to do is a venom and jetbike heavy army allied with a Saim-Hann force of guardian bikes a farseer and a shining spears squad
each trying to outdo the other in terms of speed and maneuvering.

and a ravenwing force allied with a guard detatchment with Al'rahem in an armoured platoon outflanking one side and having my bikes outflank the other.
this one isnt amazingly fluffy as i have no idea if tallarn and the ravenwing have ever worked together but the idea is too cool to pass up

08-16-2012, 10:01 AM
I'm still working on the list. It will be a full Ork force org with an Imperial Guard allied detachment consisting of a Primaris Psyker, some Vets, some Penal Legionnaires and some Leman Russ tanks.

The fluff however, is quite finished...


>Segmentum Obscurus; Mammon IV (774-18)
>Imperial Prison Hive Delta-FourNine “Dhurengoth”
>Custodes Wardenmaster Raj Vakesh
>report dated 5.061.192.M41
It is with deepest regret that I report that this world is lost. Insurrection has overrun all other Imperial strongholds on Mammon. I do not expect to survive to write another report.

Dhurengoth Hive is the last defended position, and is currently under siege by a screaming mob of lunatics who call themselves the Liberators of Mankind. Their forces are strengthened by abominable creatures of terrible strength which seem to have been spawned from a horrific nightmare. These traitors to the Imperium are employing corrupted psykers, who have brokered some unholy bargain with entities from the Warp.

We have freed many of the inmates and armed them so that they may have a last chance to redeem themselves. My last remaining loyal troops have fortified Dhurengoth Hive, and have vowed to fight to the bitter end, not that our enemies leave us much choice in the matter. Death is preferable to the gruesome fate of those taken alive by the Liberators.

Our long range auspex array is damaged, but the last transmission clearly indicates a large unscheduled starcraft arrival at the edge of the system. It does not match any class of Imperial vessel, and it is of enormous size. The only match we can find in the archive for such a vessel is a space hulk, a gargantuan monster of a craft, formed from material debris caught in warp storms. We were able to identify at least seven distinct hulls merged into the mass of this craft.

I take comfort in the knowledge that our end will come soon as this ship surely brings our enemies fresh forces which will be used to smash through our defenses. I know my troops will do their duty to the bitter end.

///Praise the Emperor

>Segmentum Obscurus; Mammon (774-18)
>Imperial Prison Hive Delta-FourNine “Dhurengoth”
>Custodes Wardenmaster Raj Vakesh
>report dated 6.275.192.M41
We yet endure, by the blood and sweat of my troops, and by the fickle hand of fate. They say that adversity can make strange bedfellows, and our current situation proves the truth in this old saying; We are allied to the Orks.

Before you condemn my decision, know the circumstances of this alliance; if not for the greenskins, the Emperor’s banner would now be desecrated in some foul temple of chaos.

Six months ago, we spotted a large ship entering the system, and we thought it to be reinforcements for the Liberators, sent by their chaos-aligned traitor brethren. We were wrong. It was in fact a derelict Space Hulk, disgorged from the immaterium on the random tides of a warpstorm. Within its bowels were a large force of Orks, who had become trapped on the monstrous craft some time ago, and who now left it in droves, dropping down to the surface of Mammon in force.

If our circumstances were different, I am sure that these xeno savages would have made war upon the Emperor’s Loyal forces, but as it turns out, they made war upon the more numerous opponents, the Emperor’s enemies. The chaos besiegers outside Dhurengoth Hive redeployed to mount a defense against the horde of greenskin warriors that are now rampaging across the world.

I would have been content to simply sit back and watch as the traitors and the xenos butchered each other, but my duty required more of me. This world must not fall to the Liberators. They have made pacts with daemon gods who seek the total destruction of the Imperium, there can be no parley with a foe so vile. The Orks however, are another matter. They have a love of violence, but for its own sake. Properly directed, this could be turned towards a useful end.

We set ourselves to the task of gathering what intelligence we could about the Ork Horde, called Ug-Waa Nazgof. We discovered what we could about their command structure and looked for an opportunity to open a diplomatic channel. Needless to say, this is no simple task with a race so savage, who display very little regard for negotiations of any kind.

To this end I must make special mention of the 7th Company Psyker Battle Squad and their leader, the Primaris Psyker Malachi Mudd. Through their efforts we have gained invaluable intel on the nature of the greenskin, allowing us to form an alliance against the enemies of the Emperor.

It seems that the orks (all of them) are imbued with a stable form of psyker warp energy, which they refer to as ‘waaugh’. When orks are excited (as they are in battle) this energy builds up and gives the greenskins extra confidence. When the energy reaches a maximum level the orks release it in an explosion of berserker fury. (This partially explains why small numbers of orks are exponentially less of a combat threat)

The discovery of this phenomenon resulted in the death of one of the Psyker Squad; while attempting to monitor the orks during a fierce battle with the chaos forces, a feedback of waaugh energy was released, causing what the ork weirdboys call a ‘headbanger’. Most unfortunate, however Mudd was able to use the experience to train his Battle Squad in new techniques for contacting Ork minds, and new emergency procedures for handling a waaugh overload. (Copper staves are now a part of the psyker squad’s field kit)

Our intel gathering continued afresh, and since then we have made great strides in our understanding of ork society, or ‘kultcha’ as they call it. Orks are savage, but there is an underlying order to their behavior. There are things they respect and in presenting ourselves in the correct manner, we have been able to secure an alliance, or as they would say it ‘join in the waaugh’. This was not done without effort.

We monitored the unfolding battle situation across Mammon, and waited for opportunities to show the orks our strength. The chance came when a large force of orks became encircled by chaos light armour units. An ork chieftain called ‘Zug Zug’ would have been annihilated but for our timely intervention. Utilizing our remaining armour and artillery squadrons, and supported by squads of Penal Legionnaires, we broke through the Chaos formations with a thunderous waaugh warcry and allowed Zug Zug to regroup and mount a fresh counter attack. The Orks were able to break out of the trap as our forces withdrew.

We continued in this way for several weeks, sending in a rescue force marked with ork glyphs to assist the greenskins. Adept Mudd was always present with his Psyker Battle Squad, broadcasting their own energy signature to ensure that the orks felt our presence. It was crucial that they understood who it was that was assisting them, and that we were strong.

The force of Penal Legionnaires and heavy armour had been marked with bright colours and glyphs that signified them as a warband called ‘Mudd’s Maggots’. After a few months campaigning in this way, Mudd had built a reputation for himself among the Ork warlords. Word came back to HQ at Dhurengoth Hive that Mudd and his warband were expected to attend a gathering of warbosses in preparation for a major offensive against the Liberators.

Malachi and his company rode out in full force to the appointed place, a newly-constructed ork stronghold named ‘NazGof’. It was imperative that Mudd and his men showed no fear if there was to be any chance of an alliance with the Orks. Fear would be seen as weakness, and weakness would be treated with disdain, or more likely, violence. The Priests and Psykers went to each squad before the mission, offering them blessings and wards to bolster their courage. The troops also took precautions of their own, handing out a double ration of Imperial Rhum for the march to NazGof.

As they marched they chanted so the Orks would hear them coming. They sang infantry songs of the Imperium, simple and crude marching songs such as ‘The Emperor’s Shilling’, ‘Over the Stars and Far Away’ and ‘O Terra Green’. They drew near to the crude walls of NazGof, marked with glyphs and adorned with trophies and skulls taken from the traitorous Liberators.

Smaller greenskins skittered along the scrap wall, raising the alarm, Mudd’s troops steadfastly marched onwards, toward the open gateway, chanting in unison. Within moments, the filthy streets were lined with jeering ork faces, fanged mouths open wide and shouting gutteral alien chants, fists clenching crude chopping weapons and firearms. The smell was horrible; damp fungus, burnt metal and rotten leather. The noise from the orks was overwhelming as they all started chanting in unison; “UG-WAA! UG-WAA! UG-WAA!” Still Mudd led his troops deeper into NazGof, toward the centre of the encampment, though they could no longer hear their own singing voices over the incredible din of the Greenskin horde that stomped and pressed all about them.

They made their way another 50 feet before their advance was slowed to a stop. The press of howling Ork bodies was thick around them, and they were being jostled and shoved. The troops growled and shoved back, brandishing their clubs and knives, and waving their war trophies taken from the traitorous enemy. (This distasteful practice is frowned upon by the Administratum, but Mudd advised that his troops make special efforts to keep and display anything that boasted of victories in battle, the better to win over the respect of the Orks)

They remained this way for several minutes, held in place, yelling until they were hoarse, and waving their weapons in the faces of the greenskinned mob that beset them, tension building until it looked as though an all-out brawl would break out, when Mudd gave the signal to the tanks at the back of the column. His troops covered their ears as the two Leman Russ tanks fired their flashbangs into the air above NazGof. The shock of the detonation knocked the Orks flat on the ground, sending them sprawling into each other as panicked gretchin scampered away to hide.

While the Orks were disordered, Mudd strode atop the hull of a nearby wartrukk and addressed the mob in the Orks’ native tongue. The told them he was Boss Mudd, Deff Warpgit and Warboss of Da Durgoff Humiez, and he brought his ladz to fight da big fight with Warboss Nazgof. At this point, a large Ork, one of Nazgof’s lieutenants bellowed a challenge to Malachi, stepping forward with his large war axe. The orks formed a ring and renewed their chanting, pushing Mudd into the center with his opponent, a huge Nob named Gorg. Mudd drew his force axe and issued a howl of rage as he hurled himself forwards.

Power arced from Mudd’s eyes and down the length of his arms, imbuing him with warp-fueled strength. Gorg swung his weapon down in a blow that would have split a boulder, but Mudd caught it by the long handle and wrenched the weapon forward, pulling his opponent off-balance. In a continuous whirling motion, Mudd spun around and brought his axe down on Gorg’s back, burying it deep in his spine. Gorg reared back with a roar of agony as Mudd quickly reversed his spin, pulling the axe free and swinging it towards the big Ork’s chest. Gorg was fast, and raised the haft of his weapon in time to catch the blow. Sparks showered the combatants as Gorg’s weapon was sliced in two. Losing no time, Mudd launched a powerful roundhouse kick that sent the Nob staggering backwards, arms flailing.

The bloodied and battered Gorg was caught by the rough arms of the encircled Ork Boyz, who laughed and shoved him back towards his waiting opponent. “Go get ‘im, Gorg!” He caught his balance and coughed up a wad of stringy blood as he tossed away the remains of his ruined weapon. Mudd scowled at Gorg and dropped his weapons with a sneer. He planted his feet, clenched his fists and bellowed a challenging roar as his troops started to chant; ‘Mudd! Mudd! Mudd!’

Gorg looked over at the assembled company of human warriors, scowled as he drew a pistol from his belt and fired. Mudd was slammed back with the force of the shot, and he hit the dusty ground with a sickening smack. The chanting stopped with startling suddenness, replaced by Gorg’s bellowing laughter. “HAR HAR HAR! You all waaugin yer little Gitboss Mudd? Lookit im now! I slugged im good! HAR HAR HAR!” Gorg turned and yelled to the encircling mob of Orks. “Them humies is all weedy, All of em! Dey fink dey got da gutz for a real ork fight? HAR HAR HAR!”

Behind him, Mudd silently got to his feet. Gorg carried on, unaware that his opponent was undefeated. “Dey fink dey can join our waaugh? Dey fink dey gets to fight wit Ug-Waa Nazgof? HAR HAR HAR!”

The 7th Company had resumed their chanting, low and menacing, “Mudd. Mudd. Mudd...” Soon the chant was taken up by other voices, guttural and alien voices were cheering with growing enthusiasm. ‘MUDD! MUDD! MUDD!’ The Orks were chanting his name, cheering for the Primaris Psyker who was standing, with blood leaking from a wound in his head, a look of iron on his features. “MUDD!! MUDD!! MUDD!!” A growing sense of confusion overtook Gorg, and he turned just in time to see Mudd closing the distance between them with blinding speed.

The Ork brought his pistol up, but Mudd was faster, and he used his forearm to knock the gun to one side, and the shot went wide. Mudd stepped in and slammed his palm against the ork’s massive chest, followed immediately by a sharp knee to the groin. Gorg bellowed and brought the handle of his pistol down on Mudd’s skull, to no effect. Mudd gripped the straps of his opponent’s equipment harness and hurled his weight backwards, toppling the big ork forwards. Mudd brought his feet up under the ork as he fell forwards, and rolling along his back he threw Gorg to the ground, face down.

In one smooth movement, Mudd was on his feet again, and he leapt onto the Ork’s back, his long knife in his hand. Gorg got up, roaring in rage, but Mudd clung to his back and brought his blade back for a killing blow.

Ork and Human voices merged into one cheering mob, ”MUDD!!! MUDD!!! MUDD!!!”

He drove the knife into the base of Gorg’s skull, up into his shallow brainpan. The Nob spasmed, went slack for a moment and then stiffened as he reached his massive arms up to grab his assailant. Mudd pulled out the knife and flipped over Gorg’s head, landing on the ground in front of him. He drove the knife up into his throat, and the tip came out the back of his neck. Dark crimson blood poured from the wound, showering over Mudd. Gorg’s arms finally went limp and fell to his sides as he sank to his knees. Mudd gripped the ork’s head and wrenched the knife to one side, severing the thick ropey muscles of Gorg’s neck. More musky gore spilled out onto the ground as his body flopped down like a slaughtered bull. Mudd held onto the head, opening the torn flesh of his neck and exposing the spinal column. With a vicious series of hacking blows, Mudd severed the spine and remaining tissue that held Gorg’s head to his lifeless body.

Mudd steadied himself, held up the head and yelled a victory cry, “FOR THE EMPEROR!”

The 7th company raised their weapons and echoed the cry, “FOR THE EMPEROR!”

The Orks, caught up in the moment started chanting “EMP’RAAHR! EMP’RAAHR! EMP’RAAHR!”

And there followed a great feast at NazGof, where the soldiers of the 7th Company shared food and drink with the Orks of Ug-Waa Nazgof. Mudd was introduced to Warboss Bad Teef, and they discussed matters of strategy over a roast squig and steaming keg of fungus-juice. Orks and Humans shared games, songs and various sports, and a section of NazGof was set aside for the humans’ encampment. Servitors and tech support crews hastily erected fortified buildings for the motor pool, ammo dump and other installations necessary for the 7th to be fit for combat.

Mudd’s plan worked. We had allied ourselves to the Orks. Emperor have mercy on our souls.

08-26-2012, 04:37 PM
I play Tyranids so I'll be allying with... wait a sec... *looks at list* Aw :(

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-26-2012, 04:54 PM
What this guy said

Serious tl;dr.

08-26-2012, 09:33 PM
I'm going
Primary force: Chaos Space Marines (all Death Guard themed)

Allied detachment: Vraks Renegades of Decay (Renegades, Plague zombies, Artillery strike, and a flight of 3 Arvus Lighters)

Theme is a fixed line static defense of Death Guard and Plague Zombies holding the lines, while calling in artillery and waves of frothing cuiltists fly into to crashland on enemy objectives in Arvuses.

I'm all about the style points ladies and gentlemen.

08-26-2012, 10:45 PM
Primary Force: Chaos Space Marines (Thousand Sons mixed with some Black Legions) approx. 1500 pts.
Allied Force: Renegade Cadian Regiment approx 500 pts.

A Thousand Sons warband called “The Celestial Stars” raided for artefacts all over the galaxy with some mercenaries from the Black Legions. When the fleet arrived at the hive world “Atlas” of segmentum Pacificus, the Death Guards and its unholy daemons of Nurgle were plundering the world for slaves. A small regiment of Cadian Imperial Guards was desperately holding the line as casualties were soaring. But the tide changed when a company of Grey Knights arrived and drove the Death Guards off the world. An inquisitor commanding the Grey Knights force ordered the world to be incinerated in order to avoid any words of warp creatures spreading to other worlds. The Celestial Stars leader offered the commander of the Cadian regiment a safe escape route provided by his force in exchange of their allegiance to the Celestial Stars. The commander of the Cadian regiment accepted the offer and rallied all his remaining force out of the hive world while the Celestial Stars provide cover for their escape from the Grey Knights. Now, the Celestial Stars was strengthened by the joining of the renegade Cadian regiment as an auxiliary force.

Bitz Box Rob
06-25-2013, 03:03 PM
Tau with necron alies

Adrantis Union as mentiond in the old BOLS mini-dex "Macharian Crusade"

pdf link ----> https://www.box.com/shared/2kdtqthn8a

06-26-2013, 01:04 AM
You can't have two allied detachments at 1.5k.
Only when your main force is at 2k and you have met the second FOC minimum requirements may you have a 2nd allied detachment.

If you read the main rule book on page 110 under the Bigger Games section, it specifically says " if you are playing a game of 2,000 points of more, you can take an additional primary detachment" written in bold text. This means you could have 1500 points of Primary detachment, 500 points of secondary detachment. If the units were cheap enough, you could have a double FOC. 2 Primaries, 2 secondaries for 2,000 points.

However if you read Aramels post, there is a choice for either Tau OR Dark Eldar not both.

06-26-2013, 01:09 AM
I play Tyranids so I'll be allying with... wait a sec... *looks at list* Aw :(

I have a friend who has the old BOLs Genestealer's Cult minidex. We let him use them as Allies of Convenience. The mind of the Queen Genestealer is linked to the hive mind. It however controls the Genestealer Cult, so they do what the Queens instructs them to do. I am sure you can modify the Minidex to suit 6th edition for local friendly games.

06-26-2013, 07:07 AM
You can only take one ally. You can't take two.

My problem with allies is the abuse. Here is an example.

#1 Eldar and Dark Eldar should not be battle brothers. Frick let's make Marines and Chaos Marines battle brothers. This is me playing since third and every thing said Eldar and Dark Eldar didn't get along. Now with 5th and 6th I am told they get along so they can be battle brothers. What ever. I strongly disagree.

#2 Grey Knights and Necrons are allies of convience and not at best desperate allies. Wtf. I know I didn't read the newer Grey Knight fluff. I was appauled with the sister killing and using their blood to fight daemons. Anyway the only reason this can make sense is Radical Inquisitors. However I still don't see it. I can see Radical Inquisitors using Necron weapons and artifacts no problem, but becoming allies with xenos is a bit extreme even for them.

#3 Tau and Space Marines. Tau and Guard makes sense due to Tau aux the Gues'la's. However Marines and Tau is a whatever. Also they are battle brothers. Maybe convience since they did join forces to fight another evil when they was in the middle of fighting themselves.

Some alliances really shouldn't even exist. The only reason I see them around is the fact humanity have like 8 differant factions that can ally with each other. To make it fair they allow for some stupid alliance options.

The only alliance options I think make sense is Dark Eldar's minus the battle brothers with eldar. I think Necrons should have a similiar matrix as well, or more like tyranids.

I ally sisters, grey knights, and guard a lot since you could had always done it way back in 3rd.

06-26-2013, 07:50 AM
Pretty much what chicop said.
I hate the current allies matrix with a passion, so much so my gaming circle has banned its use.
It pretty much is a codex weakness healer.
Ooob my army cant do A. so i will cover it using this allies codex.
Why not try fighting round your disadvantage???
Nah that takes effort ffs.

Hates it i does my precious!

06-26-2013, 09:41 AM
I think the DE eldar battle brothers make sense if you consider DE as corsairs as CW eldar don't have the rules to really fit a corsair force.

06-26-2013, 12:10 PM
I play Tyranids so I'll be allying with... wait a sec... *looks at list* Aw :(

True to the story, but a bit sad none the less..

It will be a full Ork force org with an Imperial Guard allied detachment consisting of a Primaris Psyker, some Vets, some Penal Legionnaires and some Leman Russ tanks.

Great stuff! Looking forward to the lists.

Allen Broussard
06-26-2013, 12:51 PM
might be some way to ally Imperial fists with necrons. Mabey Lysander chased some chaos space marines to a necron tomb world and they collaborate to destroy the chaos scum for both honor and to rid the pests from their world.

1500 pts

2 tac squads missle melta/w razorback srg with melta bomb
sternguard in pod 3x combi flamer
Destroyer lord
10 warriors in ghost ark
4 wraiths

06-26-2013, 01:23 PM
I think the DE eldar battle brothers make sense if you consider DE as corsairs as CW eldar don't have the rules to really fit a corsair force.

Like I said it makes sense if you ignore 4th-1st edition fluff.

06-26-2013, 02:26 PM
Like I said it makes sense if you ignore 4th-1st edition fluff.

Or if you use the codex to make a corsairs fleet as they were described in third and just not use any coven units and then its still fluffy.

06-26-2013, 04:35 PM
Or if you use the codex to make a corsairs fleet as they were described in third and just not use any coven units and then its still fluffy.

I think Grey Knights that use Daemon host should have Daemons as allies. It's fluffy too.

The Sovereign
06-26-2013, 06:51 PM
I think Grey Knights that use Daemon host should have Daemons as allies. It's fluffy too.

While I agree with you that DE and Eldar really shouldn't be as closely associated as they are in the allies matrix (and by Eldar/DE players), lattd's point about using DE rules for Corsairs isn't really off the mark. IA11 describes several Corsair warbands that incorporate quite a few Kabalite elements. One should just use a bit of reservation about incorporating too many "irredeemably evil" units in their army to maintain fluff adherence.

I actually use CSM and Daemon allies for my DE. Though Vect outlawed psykers and any communication with the Warp in Commoragh, there are still a few scheming archons who secretly court the Ruinous Powers to aid in their acquisition of power (with the ultimate intent to overthrow Vect himself). I just steer my DE clear of Slaaneshi allies (for obvious reasons) or Nurgle allies (too offensive to the refined DE sense of aesthetic). If GW ever comes out with a decent Kroot mercenaries supplement, I'll use them as allies for my DE as well, because we all know DE love them some mercs!

06-26-2013, 09:14 PM
I just don't see battle brothers. I understand the Corsair's,but again it's like me using a radical inquisitor and wanting to ally with daemons. Sadly Radical Inquisitiors should be able to do so. Although the daemons are bounded usually to a human host.

06-27-2013, 02:09 AM
I think Grey Knights that use Daemon host should have Daemons as allies. It's fluffy too.

Harnessing a single daemon by the Inquisition is a long way from activly summoning them and fighting alongside.
I can get me head around nearly all of the match ups one could come up with but not GK + Daemons.

06-27-2013, 02:39 AM
Again de when looked at as corsairs makes perfect sense as battle brothers, biel tan and iyanden are both stated as having strong corsair connections.

06-27-2013, 04:26 AM
Again de when looked at as corsairs makes perfect sense as battle brothers, biel tan and iyanden are both stated as having strong corsair connections.

That's why I don't understand why Dark Angels are not battle brothers with Sister's of Battle. Didn't Dark Angels help get them started. I meant to say Black Templar and not Dark Angels.

Was joking with Grey Knights, but that's the type of rationayle that it seems the company had when they created the matrix.

06-27-2013, 08:25 PM
Not at all. Like I said there is a reasonable explaination for all of the match ups in the matrix.

When you think about it Sisters can't be Battle BROTHERS with any one ;)

Being a insular, fanatical sect it is not surprising they are only AoC with all SM's. The BT's being Desperate Allies fits too as looney cult meets religious zealot.
I've read many accounts where the SM ask the SoB to join them in battle and they tell them "Sod off we're guarding the Relic and that's that."

06-27-2013, 09:43 PM
Not at all. Like I said there is a reasonable explaination for all of the match ups in the matrix.

When you think about it Sisters can't be Battle BROTHERS with any one ;)

Being a insular, fanatical sect it is not surprising they are only AoC with all SM's. The BT's being Desperate Allies fits too as looney cult meets religious zealot.
I've read many accounts where the SM ask the SoB to join them in battle and they tell them "Sod off we're guarding the Relic and that's that."

The point is Dark Angels help found Sisters of Battle.

I mean Black Templar.

06-27-2013, 09:47 PM

06-27-2013, 10:03 PM

Guess that's pre Ward. I thought sisters hate knights for using them as Daemon sun tan lotion.

06-28-2013, 10:33 AM
Pirmary detachment space marines of the sons of medusa.
Allies imperial guard that im modeling as adeptus mechanicus.

06-28-2013, 10:38 AM
I have found allies useful in help teaching 40k to him. He is 9 years old and he makes 925 points as the primary and I take 925 points as the ally. That way it is 2 vs 1, but you have an unexperinced player with an experinced player. Typically I get th attention, but my son is good enough on his own to take advatage of the situation.

06-28-2013, 01:30 PM
The point is Dark Angels help found Sisters of Battle.
I mean Black Templar.

I've not been able to find that anywhere?

Guess that's pre Ward. I thought sisters hate knights for using them as Daemon sun tan lotion.

There is nothing to suggest that the Sisters didn't submit to that willingly.

06-28-2013, 02:07 PM
I've never really understood why needing a talisman of innocent blood is somehow worse than needing a talisman of fancy engraving. Grey Knights like to say that they're incorruptible, but they plainly are not. To paraphrase Brad Pitt's Achilles, they wouldn't bother with the Aegis if they were.

06-28-2013, 02:52 PM
I guess the Bloodtide was something new ?

Straight JaKeT
06-28-2013, 03:06 PM
I have enjoyed playing my Salamanders with Blood Angels Allies. I always take Captain Tycho with that build and have him do something heroically stupid (Like take on the Warlord or Monstrous creature) where he dies horribly. Then just like in the fluff the Salamanders will come in (hopefully win the game) and escort the honorable captain to his final resting place. As a list it's pretty competitive and makes sense for story.

Alex Knight
06-28-2013, 03:37 PM
Been pondering Chaos Space Marines Thousand Sons/ Alpha Legion allied with Imperial Guard.

Fluff being - The Alpha Legion elements are the Dark Venegance models + Imperial Guard Veteran Squad, Demolitions (Specialist Cultists) with the Thousand Sons elements being Heldrake (To be modeled as a Doomwing or Firelord), couple of 1K Sons squads, Sorceror Lord and a sorceror coven. (Primaris Psyker and Sanctioned Pskyer squad.)

06-28-2013, 03:39 PM
I guess the Bloodtide was something new ?
I can accept that wading hip-deep through sentient daemon blood is a bit much to ask your Aegis suit to withstand without additional protection. And I can certainly accept that the Grey Knights will slaughter innocent defenders of the Imperium simply because they're convinced that those souls are better put to use buffing GK wargear than as living people.

06-28-2013, 04:01 PM
I can accept that wading hip-deep through sentient daemon blood is a bit much to ask your Aegis suit to withstand without additional protection. And I can certainly accept that the Grey Knights will slaughter innocent defenders of the Imperium simply because they're convinced that those souls are better put to use buffing GK wargear than as living people.

Yep. It's only a short step from there to "Well Sis' we can either all die and the Bloodtide takes over the planet OR if we simply kill you and anoint our armour the forces of Chaos will be defeated."
A question like that is a no brainer to a Battle Sister IMO

06-28-2013, 06:13 PM
Even if they resisted (and I personally think they would), the Grey Knights kill innocent defenders of the Imperium for much more frivolous reasons than that. At least they used the sisters' blood for something.

The thing about the Grey Knights' allies table, I think, is that however trustworthy their allies may find them ("Hey look, it's the space marines! Never heard of that chapter before - but whatever, who can keep all those chapters straight?"), the Grey Knights view everybody as suspect. To a Grey Knight, even the sisters of battle or Black Templars are cultists or daemonhosts waiting to happen. You can't have a close working alliance when one side is holding back the way Grey Knights hold back even from other space marines.

Dave Mcturk
06-30-2013, 02:50 AM
i play eldar, and i use the baron and some of his kabz... just because i can... and who doesnt like poisoned weapons !