View Full Version : Wych Cult (1850 pts)

08-10-2012, 10:06 PM
Coming back to 40k after a few years of not playing, and I've decided that I really like the Dark Eldar Wych Cults. I know 6th edition has both helped and hurt the girls, but I want to see if I can put together a good list anyway. A few friends are also getting back into the game, so my potential opponents are Necrons w/ Ork allies, Imp Guard with a focus on air cav and veterans, and 'Nids (no idea what direction the player is taking his army).

My first list idea:

HQ: Duke Sliscus (150)
HQ: Succubus w/ power weapon and haywire grenades (85)

Troops: (3x) 5 Wyches w/ haywire grenades, Venom w/ splinter cannon (125)
Troops: (3x) 7 Wyches w/ haywire grenades and hydra gauntlets, Hekatrix w/ venom blade and phantasm grenades, stock Raider (191)

Fast Attack: (2x) 6 Reavers w/ 2 heat lances (156)

Heavy: (2x) stock Ravager (105)
Heavy: stock Razorwing fighter (145)

Points total: 1850

Model totals: 38 infantry, 12 jetbikes, 8 skimmers, 1 flier.

So, what do you all think?

08-11-2012, 01:42 AM
You need WAY more wyches!

They die in droves, and even with Sliscus being ever so popular (drugs), you have no pain tokens to begin with.

My estimate is that you need at least 4 full units in raiders and then focus on supporting them.

The small Wych units will hardly even dent a full power armor squad, or Ork and IG in numbers.

08-11-2012, 09:24 AM
I should have clarified in the original post: the small wych units are vehicle killing squads. They'll only assault non-vehicle units if I need them to clean up a small squad or if there aren't any vehicles left and they need to eat overwatch for a larger wych squad. That, or lobbing plasma nades into a building.

I'd like to add more wyches, but I don't know what to drop to add them in. All of my fast attack and heavy slots are dedicated to the long range anti-tank I'll need to give the girls a chance to reach the enemy, and I'd like to keep two HQs if possible because I know for a fact that the Necron and Imperial guard playerw plan to play a few special characters, so challenge shenanigans will occur.

08-12-2012, 12:17 AM
You have huge amounts of anti AV.

The Ravagers and Razorwing plus one more option is more than enough.

A 5 Wych vehicle hunter for example.

You also can do fine with one HQ. In fact, the more characters around the less interesting it is for you to invest points into it.

Reavers are great units, but not so much in sync with Wych assault.

Then get more raiders and Wyches, Raiders have a lance as well.

Actually, the easiest would be to set aside points for the basic first, in this case Wyches.

08-12-2012, 04:49 PM
Being a well versed Dark Eldar player i like the concept behind the list but it is not practical. Your Reavers with heat lances have to get to atleast 2d6 armor pen range which is usually guaranteed death for the entire squad (considering the heat lances are only strength 7.) If you want to go tank hunting with Reavers and heat lances split the sqauds into 4 units of 3 with the lances and send them of their way. If you wish for your jet bikes to be a main killing aspect of your army i suggest swaping out the heat lances for blasters. This way you keep your Jet Bikes out of assault range and still have a strength 8 lance at a 18 inch range.

Below 2000 points filling up your heavy support slots is a bad idea. 2 Ravagers AND a Razorwing is a little overkill if you ask me. I suggest dropping one of your Heavy Supports (im really not sure which considering both the Ravager and the Razorwing are great choices) for more troops in raiders.

Taking Wyches in a Venom is completely worthless. A wych cult army has armor saves that are negated by almost all ranged weapons. The venoms were designed to be a trueborn carrying gun boat of death. The best way to deliver wyches in combat range is by raiders with Flicker Fields and Shadow Fields. Take Dark Lances on your raiders and destroy transports as you get closer so your Wyches can get at the meaty bit inside.

Dark Eldar you should never take stock vehicles because of open topped and low armor values the highest being 11 ( not counting Vects personal raider). You should always at the least be taking flicker fields on EVERY vehicle.

Consider equipping an agoniser EVERYWHERE possible. Venom Blades are 2+ poison yes but considering only one model in a squad has it you wont be getting much bang out of your characters. Agonisers are power weapons that always wound on 4+ which have a much higher kill rate.

Personal opinion on taking named characters under 2000 points but never do it. For the point of any of them you can get an Archon decked out with 2+ invuln, Agonisers or Instant-Kill Power weapons doubling your strength.

I hope all this helps! Its always nice to see a new player picking up my bread and butter! Feel free to message me personally with any other questions you may have! Best of luck my friend!

08-12-2012, 11:55 PM
That is very good advise IMO.

Exept that the flicker field has become rather obsolete, as you get the same save from jinks by moving.

Thats 10 pts per squad to ***** up those wyches ;)

08-16-2012, 07:08 PM
Only reason I take flickers is for the turns I choose to stay stationary. It's not a good idea most of the time playing DE but those situations do arise xD I do hope my advice is taken to heart :)

08-16-2012, 08:49 PM
I thought you were supposed to plonk a haemy in with witches for the early pain token. That should take care of your HQ's also. I'd also drop the duke and stick with the Succubus if you really need to have a fancy HQ. I know you want the duke for the combat drugs but isn't he better in a list with trueborn or standard warriors? His uber poison is his best benefit IMO. I'm new to DE too (just started near the end of 5th) so don't take any of this to heart.

@ incenerate101, thanks for the tips as well. Very helpful :)

08-17-2012, 04:51 AM
I would suggest moving Wyches from the Venom squads into the Raider squads to pump them up. It's better to have larger haywire Wych squads to a) ensure destruction of the vehicle, which only having 5 doesn't and b) allow them to still do well in close combat if you need them to.

Upgrade the Succubus to an Agoniser, drop the Duke unless you're going to throw in a Raider full of Warriors to make use of his 3+ poison rule. You really want to get the most out of him.

It's worth taking Flickerfields on the Razorwing as it means you don't have to Evade for your 5++, so you can always fire at BS4 (not to mention being able to fire your missiles at all).

Perhaps something like this:

Duke: 150pts
Succubus: agoniser: 85pts

Kabalite Warriors (9): raider, splinter racks, night shields: 161pts (Duke's boys)

Wyches (9): hydra gauntlets, hekatrix, venom blade, phantasm grenade launcher, raider: 185pts (Succubus goes here)

Wyches (10): hydra gauntlets, hekatrix, venom blade, phantasm grenade launcher, raider: 195pts

Wyches (9): haywire grenades, hekatrix, venom blade, phantasm grenade launcher, raider: 193pts

Wyches (9): haywire grenades, hekatrix, venom blade, phantasm grenade launcher, raider: 193pts

Fast attack:
Reavers (6): 2x heat lance: 156pts

Reavers (6): 2x heat lance: 156pts

Heavy support:
Ravager: 105pts

Ravager: 105pts

Razorwing: flickerfields: 155pts

Total: 1839pts

The squads with haywires are big because you won't always need them to take out vehicles due to your many many dark lances and heat lances, so you want them to be able to do combat as well.

You could spend the last 10pts on another pair of Hydra Gauntlets for the 10-man fighty squad for ridiculous amounts of attacks, or Night Shields for your Razorwing.

08-18-2012, 04:38 PM
I still believe that tank hunting reavers in such large squads is a bad idea. The limited range on the heat lance when going after heavy armor requires the melta rule which at that range is guaranteed death for a whole squad if your opponent is intelligent plus against heavy infantry armies will rip reavers apart.