View Full Version : 40,000 Points of Necrons

08-10-2012, 04:21 PM
Hello everyone,

Lazuli Miniatures Studios here with the most insane project we have ever received, 40k points of Necrons. Previously we had painted a 3,000 point Apocalypse army for the customer and he was so happy he had us to do another 40,000 points.

The Team

Head Artist: [So]Rice | -=Lazuli=-
Artists: elotsip, Kobayashi, tpistole
Trainee Artists: sivooo, Lynn, phanda, artie, Kameron, m3ndo, Mandrake

The models:

We started with the 6 Flying Saucers (sorry forgot what they are called!):

Since he wanted us to continue the black and silver theme, we cleverly did two color spray painting:

The assembled ships, 3AM

08-10-2012, 04:29 PM
Test model painted:


Wash is still wet, but I'm happy with it, takes only about 10 minutes to paint each of them.

More to come later, thanks for looking!

Mr Mystery
08-10-2012, 06:08 PM
Try not to cry when you get to the Barges! Mine almost reduced me to tears on many occasions!

08-10-2012, 07:37 PM
Forty thousand...? Not hundred? Or four thousand? Holy hive mind, that's a lot! Are you doing the maximum number allowed of every single unit?

08-10-2012, 07:55 PM
Forty thousand...? Not hundred? Or four thousand? Holy hive mind, that's a lot! Are you doing the maximum number allowed of every single unit?

They're likely doing much more than that. This isn't an army designed to be used for anything but Apocalypse. (in its entirety)

08-11-2012, 06:07 AM
holy sh*t


who is the client? bill gates :p i can barley afford 1500 pts of marines (damnit i hate still being a kid)

well good luck and get good at airbrushing :P


p.s. as a commision painter myself this is like a dream :P

08-11-2012, 10:54 AM
I think I see 6 monoliths, 5 boxes of wraiths, 6 boxes of tomb blades, well, a lot of stuff. What the full list come out to? And what are the pewter models? Looks like they might be immortals.

08-11-2012, 11:25 AM
I can see why you have gone with such a simple paint scheme, with so much to build and put together it's a no brainer to sub-assemble , spray, weather and wash. However it's just too plain for me. I would rather have 400 well painted points than this black and silver scheme. It's missing something. If the weapons were airbrushed to give a little osl, even a simple one, that would add so much to the models.

But if your clients happy, who can argue :D I do applaud your bravery on the sheer scale of the construction you have to do. Takes me an hour to clean, trim and build 4 warriors. I would be sick to death of crons after building that lot.

08-19-2012, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone, I was on vacation last week, but I'm back now!


That is 300+ Necrons Warriors in unassembled form. We are waiting on another 100-200 to arrive and we had already painted around 100 for the client last round.

@progreen10: I have a team of seven working on this project, 5 of them are "trainee" painters and this will be their first project. I can always call in more people if needed :) I'll get a picture of us all tomorrow.

@Tunach: I would like to do that but I don't think the client would like it ^_^

@BeLozey: The finished models will have a lot more color, I have not done any of the green gauss but we will probably have it glowing OSL like.

Also a quick plug for you Zombicide and Sedition Wars fans, just because we have a Tomb World's worth of Necrons doesn't mean we aren't taking other commissions (in fact we have about 2 dozen in house), we are running specials on Exhibition Standard painted sets. There are 5 slots left for Zombicide and 4 left for Sedition Wars. Zombicide will run at $450 and Sedition Wars at $350.

Thanks for looking as always!

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-19-2012, 06:07 PM
Unbelievable, guy must be pretty damn rich to be able to afford that :eek:....I mean, you have enough stock of Necrons to open your own Necron specific shop. And i thought I was hardcore for having 500 necrons in epic 6mm scale. Can't deny I'm very curious to see what the entire army will look like as a full army-shot (assuming you can rent the space to lay them out and photograph them).

08-19-2012, 07:03 PM
I have a hard enough time painting a squad of gaurdians, let alone the massive amount that you have set for yourself. Kudos to you sir and keep at it.

08-20-2012, 08:04 AM
Hello again BoLS,

Another update.

Working on the Tomb Spyders 4AM.

Tomb Spyders finished 12AM-5AM. 4 hours assembly and 1 hour painting.

Sleep from 5:30 to 6:30, other trainee artists came over at 7. Here is what the studio currently looks like:
Left Row: Lynn, sivooo, Kameron
Right Row: m3ndo, Artie, phanda

Lynn gluing Necrons legs.

Thanks again for looking, will update once more at the end of the day.

08-20-2012, 09:13 AM
hey mate

first off i really like the scheme your going for, BUT a few things i would improve on would be some highlights,washes, adding of color like green, oranage, blue ect.

it is a very large project but the effort of putting in some more time might make it worth your while in the extra money you could charge and the extra customers you might pic up. whjen you add the green gauze i cannot wait to see it.

on the other hand it is a huge project and good work for giving it a go.


08-20-2012, 03:12 PM
an amazing project to attempt, someone clearly has way too much money and should share it with me.

krittoris, watch you don't kill off a thread because people can't find you :P

08-20-2012, 06:12 PM
Another update, ended our 12 hour shift. Finished assembling 196 Necron Warriors and 48 Scarab Swarms. Pretty impressive considering that this is the first time most of the trainees have even seen miniatures. And yes, all the mold lines are gone! Here are some more pictures.

Assembled Figures.

Not pictured are 50 or so Warriors that Kobayashi is working on and many more that we have not received from the client yet.



Korean Pop music, and lots of coffee keeps us awake. OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!

08-20-2012, 06:13 PM

For those who asked: The Hello Kitty Alarm clock is there to time our breaks ^_^

Lynn doesn't know how to assemble Necron heads.

Also these came in the mail today:

Official Lazuli Miniatures Studio T-Shirts courtesy of Derek Anderson of Freelance Art Studios.

Thanks again for reading, encouraging words are welcome, we are going to need a lot more encouragement to finish everything!

And one last thing, we are not able to disclose the amount paid for on this commission, it is between the Studio and the client, so please don't ask! We have pricing guides on the website if you would like to do a rough estimate.

08-22-2012, 07:04 PM
Day 3 of [So]Rice's Miniature Painting Sweatshop. All in matching uniforms too.



Tons of silver Necrons:

Necron Commander Ship Thing WiP:

08-22-2012, 07:05 PM
phanda and Lynn basing models:

phanda and Lynn NOT doing work:

Thanks again for reading! Hopefully we will finish soon!

08-22-2012, 07:50 PM
Wrapping up another successful day. Almost all the assembly has been completed. I need to put together 5 Transport ships, 3 Pyramids (Monoliths?), 45ish Tomb Blades, and 30ish-50ish Special Characters and metal figures Kobayashi still has another 50 Necron Warriors, Monolith, 6 Destroyers, 12 Beetle Swarms, and a Commander Figure. I am still waiting on another 50-100 Warriors, Transport Ship, Monolith, and some other things from the client.

Necrons being washed:

Lunch Break!:

08-22-2012, 07:51 PM
Lynn cleaning the floor since she can't do anything else ^_^


The entire Army:

Thanks again for looking, as always, C&C Welcome!

08-23-2012, 01:35 PM
Day 4 update, only half day, but we did a lot of painting.


Tomb Spyders:

Walking Spider thing:

A picture of the warriors:

08-23-2012, 01:36 PM
Missed these pictures of the Necron Wraiths:



08-24-2012, 11:23 PM
Day 5 wrapped up, Kobayashi (William T.) showed up today to help us out a bit, here is the army shot so far. Still missing 6 Ghost Arcs, 30ish Destroyers, 150ish Warriors, 35ish Immortals, 15ish Wraiths, 2 Monoliths, 20ish Flayed Ones, and a ton of heroes.


Playing League of Legends on breaktime, anyone who plays, message me for Gamer Tags!


Not part of this commission, but some other Necrons Keerplunk painted for another client, shows how much work we can put on these models:


08-26-2012, 10:00 PM
We have assembled everything (I think!). There will be no updates for awhile as school starts tomorrow and unfortunately this commission doesn't pay for all of our college!


Models Count:
Necron Overlord x1
Trazyn the Infinite x1
Necron Cryptek x6
Necron Lord with Resurrection Orb x7
Necron Triarch Stalker x4
C'tan Shard of The Nightbringer x1
Necron Lychguard / Triarch Praetorians x45
Necron Immortals / Deathmarks x45
Necron Flayed One x20
Necron Warriors x374
Necron Night Scythe/Doom Scythe x6
Necron Ghost Ark / Doomsday Ark x 6
Necron Catacomb Command Barge / Annihilation Barge x3
Necron Tomb Blades x15
Necron Canoptek Wraiths x15
Necron Destroyer x32
Necron Canoptek Spyder x9
Necron Monolith x7
Necron Scarab Swarm x106

08-30-2012, 08:15 PM
YAY league of legends... xerath is the best.