View Full Version : New FW Necrons!

08-10-2012, 07:18 AM

Rules can be found here - http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/a/acanthrite.pdf

Products here - http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/NECRON_CANOPTEK_ACANTHRITES.html

Rules seem reasonable. Fast Attack with Melta guns. Only S6, and AP2, but some anti-terminator fire power will be welcome i'm sure


Resembling monstrous, artificial insects enfolded in shadowed wings of tenebrous force that propel them through the skies, Canoptek Acanthrites are murderous Necron constructs created for a single purpose – the destruction of those who have dared to claim the worlds of the ancient Necron empire as their own. Their agile, coiling tails are tipped with hyper-phased voidblades and they are armed with high-powered thermal cutting beams, and this potent armament allows them to carve and dissemble solid matter with horrifying speed. Unsurprisingly, when these devastating weapons are turned upon frail flesh the results are terrible to behold.

Canoptek Acanthrites are often encountered in the vanguard of Necron assault spearheads and extermination campaigns, and their numbers vary from a mere handful to vast hosts of these abhorrent machine-locusts, capable of stripping a city down to rubble and slaughtering its inhabitants in a merciless tide of destruction.

Models designed by Will Hayes. You can download Experimental rules for these rapacious constructs now, and this set is available to pre-order now for despatch from Friday 31st August.

£36 for 3


08-10-2012, 07:27 AM
Nice enough as Necrons go, much, much nicer to have a break from bloody Marines.:rolleyes:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 07:29 AM
Le sigh.

08-10-2012, 07:32 AM
If the models for Necrons are starting to turn up, would that be a suggestion that IA12 could be getting closer?

I like em, look suitably insectoid and Necrony

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 07:34 AM
I'm sure I'd like them, if I knew what they looked like. :p

08-10-2012, 07:35 AM
I really quite like these models. Do you think being a Fast Attack Choice in a codex with some great choices already available, means they will see limited use?

08-10-2012, 07:35 AM
I thought IA12 was due this year? We started seeing Eldar kits from FW in the 6-9 months leading up to IA11 from memory. So fairly good indication they intend it to come later this year if all goes well.

08-10-2012, 07:39 AM
Well i'm not sure that many people take Tomb Blades, but i'm sure the competion between Scarabs and Wraiths will limit their use.

But again they're different roles. Scarabs are Tar bits and vehicle killers, Wraiths are combat scary, these guuys offer up some ranged AP2 fire they just dont ahve a lot of. And being jump infantry they can deliver it fast

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 07:42 AM
I don't rate Wraiths, they always get smushed.

Thanks to alshrive who considered my post and actually heeded my pleas, then sent me the pictures and rules for these!


Mr Mystery
08-10-2012, 09:03 AM
I really quite like these models. Do you think being a Fast Attack Choice in a codex with some great choices already available, means they will see limited use?

I'm bloody tempted by them. Multiple wounds, Fearless, AP3 Power Weapons, multiple attacks andd Jump Infantry, combined with the melta, yeah, not seeing anything there I don't like. And for 5 points more each than a Triarch Praetorian? Very, very tempted.

Shame I can't afford models for the immediate future. Changing jobs has messed up my liquidity of earnings ::p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 09:11 AM
I am going to buy.

My Necrons just became even more terrifying.

08-10-2012, 09:14 AM
They look pretty awesome, definitely fit with the aesthetic. I might have to get some if my FLGS starts allowing FW in regular games, which they are now looking at doing!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 09:17 AM
Shrewsbury let's everything in!
I saw Malakim Phoros annihilate a 10 man terminator squad, by himself, last night.

08-10-2012, 09:18 AM
AP3 Power Weapons, multiple attacks andd Jump Infantry

they have voidblades, so rending+entropic strike, not AP3, and 3 attacks at WS4 on the charge.

They seem like a pretty nice unit, 3 wounds is monstrous.

Mr Mystery
08-10-2012, 09:35 AM
they have voidblades, so rending+entropic strike, not AP3, and 3 attacks at WS4 on the charge.

They seem like a pretty nice unit, 3 wounds is monstrous.

Bah. herpyderpydoo!

Just makes them even filthier in my eyes. T5 means it's going to be hard to instant kill them to boot. Nice little unit for holding a flank on their todd.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 09:37 AM
Plus, the unit can deep strike by vital tanks and destroy them. :D

08-10-2012, 09:38 AM
T5 3w melta gun flying melta gun for 45 pts? Seriously? That's pretty damn cheap. Too cheap in my mind. Toss in whatever the voidblade does?

08-10-2012, 09:38 AM
Plus, the unit can deep strike by vital tanks and destroy them. :D

Yeah, they're absolutely scary for vehicles and termies. :p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 09:46 AM
3 attacks on the charge with entropic strike, nothing to be sniffed at!

08-10-2012, 10:04 AM
I wasn't terribly excited when we first saw the models, and I'm not terribly excited now.
I don't know why, but something about these things just doesn't 'do it' for me.

Also, the fluff is a little strange, suggesting that these things are designed for front-line combat whereas the other insectoid constructs (Scarabs, Wraiths, Spyders and the Tomb Stalker) are all tomb guardians/maintenance units pressed into combat service.

Not trying to rain on everybody's parade - there's just something about these models that doesn't jive with me, and I can't quite put my finger on it.

Also: holy crap Necrons have a lot of jump infantry choices now.

08-10-2012, 12:13 PM
I really quite like these models. Do you think being a Fast Attack Choice in a codex with some great choices already available, means they will see limited use?

Nail on head, with Wraiths and Scarabs in the FA slot too its going to be hard to fit these in as well, until you hit 2000 pts maybe. Great models, just a shame they are not elites.

However there maybe an alternative list structure in the new IA book for Crons.

08-10-2012, 05:51 PM
I might grab a squad of these and use them as count-as Tomb Spyders. I love the look, and I like the rules, but I'm not confident that forgeworld rules will be allowed in either friendly games or at tournaments.

Mr Mystery
08-10-2012, 05:56 PM
Nail on head, with Wraiths and Scarabs in the FA slot too its going to be hard to fit these in as well, until you hit 2000 pts maybe. Great models, just a shame they are not elites.

However there maybe an alternative list structure in the new IA book for Crons.

I dunno dude, these puppies neatly bridge the gap between their Canoptek brothers. Melta makes them a threat at range against anything, Entropic Strike and Rending remains absolutely win, and their higher toughness and multiple wounds ought to keep them in the fight. Tougher than Scarabs, and more flexible in role than Wraiths.

In small point games, I'd say these chaps are something of a no-brainer from my perspective.

08-10-2012, 06:58 PM
On the Forgeworld site on Facebook, they mention that Necrons will be features in IA 12.