View Full Version : Plastic SoB & probable codex

08-10-2012, 01:18 AM
Yes this was mentioned in the big release list thread but it deserves its own thread:

286010311080200 Cult Hybrid Upgrade Pack PL a10 XianD 02 cc
286011130110208 Patriarch Dumas, The Veiled Fiend RE c01 Len_B 02 cc
280002330140207 Sisters of Battle Canoness with Power Axe RE c01 Len_A 02 cc
280000211440200 Sisters of Battle Seraphim / Patronica Squad PL a14 Len_A 02 cc
280000111440201 Sisters of Battle Battle Sisters PL a14 Len_A 02 cc
280000411840206 Sisters of Battle Exorcist / Catafalque of Sins PL a18 Len_A 02 cc
280002430140206 Sisters of Battle Prioress Lazarea Verata RE c01 Len_A 02 cc
280002230140208 Sisters of Battle Sister Superior Magdalenia RE c01 Len_A 02 cc
280000330740205 Sisters of Battle Repentia Squad RE b07 Len_A 02 cc

Note: does not contain re-releases, non-miniature products or the miniature range with codes below 2xxx
Note: contains only boxes that are currently NOT in mass production, expect release beginning in june 2013 at the earliest, the bulk of the releases for the first movie are done by then
Note: leaked before the announcement of the third movie, unknown if this is accounted for
Note: not every release has to be based on the movie, Games Workshop has released miniatures before that were omitted by PJ, like Glorfindel, Elladan & Elrohir, and so on

So only boxes, so no blisters or book. But as there are two dual kits included it is probably going to be a codex release going by the recent patter nof GW releases.

08-10-2012, 02:22 AM
I always told myself, if they ever do multi-part plastic Sisters, I'mma bring that army back with a vengeance!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 02:26 AM
I think EVERYONE has said that dude. I, for one, love the Sororitas. :D

My mate Ben plays them, they really hate my Necrons. :p

08-10-2012, 02:38 AM
seeing as they already have a quite new codex, it could just be more of the additional WD units they like recently, rather than a full codex.

08-10-2012, 02:58 AM
Doubtful, 4 plastic kits including two dual kits and five resins kits is a codex sized release, not a White Dwarf addition size release.

seeing as they already have a quite new codex, it could just be more of the additional WD units they like recently, rather than a full codex.

08-10-2012, 03:31 AM
That codex wasn't so much a codex as more a filler of two copies of WD... Don't get me wrong I built my Sisters army on the back of that and love them to death. But a proper codex and bolstering of the units would be a beeyootiful thing indeed....

08-10-2012, 04:36 AM
Seems long enough since the WD codex for sisters to get their own. How long was it between the Blood Angels WD 'dex and the full book?

08-10-2012, 04:38 AM
A few years I think, but the gap between the WD WoC book was around one year. Certainly no reason to assume it is too early for a new Codex or SoB, and given the size of the release there is little doubt it indicates a new book in my opinion. Assuming the rumours are accurate, of course.

08-10-2012, 04:38 AM
also if true a seraphim dual kit with an "unknown" unit (Patronica Squad) at least not known to me :p

08-10-2012, 04:40 AM
Patronica is new to me also, which should mean it is new full stop.:p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-10-2012, 04:44 AM
To be fair, Sisters haven't had a proper update in years, new units are to be expected.

08-10-2012, 04:45 AM
Does that really say "Cult Hybrid upgrade kit" ??? Yay!

But also Plastic sisters at last.. with some proper sounding Special characters, not just missionaries and Celestine!

08-10-2012, 04:56 AM
But, take into acount the rumours of an iPads release of the WD codex in the next few months and the lack of rumours of a SoB codex on the release schedule so far, I can't see them releasing the iPad codex and then a full codex within a year is all.

08-10-2012, 04:59 AM
The iPad codex will still be twelve months ahead of the new printed one.

08-10-2012, 05:21 AM
So when can we expect these to be officially announce? (and by proxy see some leaks!)

08-10-2012, 05:23 AM
No earlier than June 2013 and possibly not til 2014. Everything on this list and the big one in the other thread is apparently for post-June 2013.:)

08-10-2012, 05:37 AM
The iPad codex will still be twelve months ahead of the new printed one.

Thats what I am saying, they wont publish a codex that will be out of date in a year, where as the new format of releasing new units in WD, like the new deamon units, or the Vampire Counts units, with a digital codex update, is more feasible in this time scale.

08-10-2012, 05:41 AM
I find that a very dubious assumption. They sell a digital version of the WD codex. Twelve months later they sell a new print codex and at some point after that the new digital version goes on sale. All th people who bought the WD codex will have to buy the new one. More sales for relatively minor effort given the size of the WD SoB codex.

08-10-2012, 05:42 AM
I daresay the Digi version will be significant;y cheaper than a full version, and will be the WD pages, with the FAQ's folded in

08-10-2012, 10:09 AM

This is bandwagon I would be all over.

I would love to paint up an order of sisters, and plastic models would give me the perfect excuse.

08-10-2012, 02:55 PM
Doubtful, 4 plastic kits including two dual kits and five resins kits is a codex sized release, not a White Dwarf addition size release.

Considering how just about every single kit needs an update for SoB, and with the new rumors of "big waves", 4 plastic kits doesn't sound like that terribly much. Unless one kit can build all "standard" sister units.

I'd love some good plastic SoB, just to paint if nothing else. Not a fan of the current metal range of crossdressing nuns.

08-10-2012, 02:57 PM
But, take into acount the rumours of an iPads release of the WD codex in the next few months and the lack of rumours of a SoB codex on the release schedule so far, I can't see them releasing the iPad codex and then a full codex within a year is all.

The WD iPad dex might be cheaper? Or they might add in a unit or two in WD at the same time they release the iPad dex. Or we might all be screwed :) The possibilities are endless!

08-10-2012, 04:39 PM
my money is on a digital release.

08-11-2012, 03:32 AM
Unless one kit can build all "standard" sister units.

I don't see why not. It worked for Grey Knights, didn't it? One box for Strike, Interceptor, Purgation and Purifier squads. One box of Sisters should equally well be able to do Battle Sisters, Celestians, Dominions and Retributors.

Shame about the resin Repentia, but hooray for the plastic Exorcist!

"Catafalque of Sins" sounds like the Ecclesiarchical equivalent of the Bretonnian Grail Reliquae... except the "of sins" bit doesn't quite fit that idea. If they're carting around a dead saint, whose are the sins? And if they're carting around dead traitors instead of just burning them... why?
Maybe it's a misspelling and is meant to read "catalogue of sins." As the Exorcist is a mobile church organ, so the catalogue is a mobile library!

08-11-2012, 04:34 AM
sins of the enemy, maybe it is like the ark of the covenant :P
maybe gazing upon a saint makes heretics catch fire

08-11-2012, 04:46 AM
Catafalque makes sense, and like many religions in human history the Ecclesiarchy believe that even the most loyal sin and have to repent or do penitence. A catafalque of sins could be like some kind of pretent bier andsarcophagus that is supposed to suck up the sins of nearby SoB or something. Or it could just be a fancy, religious sounding name for a huge piece of SoB artillery.:)