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View Full Version : Battletech Tournament 2103 Hall of Heroes

08-10-2012, 12:24 AM
I am planning on running a 2 day tournament on the October long weekend in Sydney NSW next year (2013).

It will be held at the Hall of Heroes at 60 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW. The venue has food, coffee, and all you need to bring is yourself, your dice, the rule book, and some money to get food, etc. I am still deciding on how much to charge for the event, because I will be supplying and painting ALL the miniatures for the 2 days. You also get to take some home with you.

It will be split into a Bloodname with a grand melee on Saturday, Each entrant will roll off to pick their mechs. You have 30 seconds to pick one. Each mech has 3 mech sheets provided, and are laminated. I provide the miniature, and loan you a map marker pen. There is a grand melee, with the winner getting a mech. I am thinking of using a Gargoyle (Man 'O War) as the first trophy. You can use this mech to play in any of the following rounds. If you win, you keep the opponent's mech, If you lose, well you do not go onto the next round. A draw will see both entrants keeping their mech, but not continuing to the next round. If you lose in the first round, you will not miss out, there will be supplementary prizes for entrants who have not won a mech yet.

On Sunday, to replace the normal open competition, I am running a historical battle between the Northwind Highlanders and the Drconis Combine in 3029. All the mechs (16 a side) will have various skill levels, and I will make it so the forces are evened out. The gamers split into two teams and the The Highlanders have to get their force across to the other side of the board, and kill a few DC mechs along the way. The DC forces have to stop them, and force as many casualties on the Scotts without taking too many casualties themselves. The whole ides is to have fun and co-operate as a group. You then get to keep 1 or 2 of the mechs you used in the game to take home. The amount will depend upon the number of people who attend the tournament.

We will be using 3D hex map terrain which is being supplied by a friend of mine. I had planned to build it myself using an idea from another thread, but this will be quicker.

If anyone in Australia who plays Battletech is interested, then let me know. I will be play testing the bloodname event tomorrow.