View Full Version : Skaven: Latest Rumors
10-01-2009, 10:12 AM
There are foul tidings on the fetid winds that emanate from Skavenblight:
The old book had the following CORE units:
Giant rats
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Now, with the exception of Globadiers, all can be put in ranks and they are all core.
Rumoured mount options are:
Grey Seer - Screaming Bell
Plague Priest - Plague Furnace, Giant Rat
Warlord - Rat Ogre, Giant Rat, Litter/Throne of some type
Mounts are only for characters and Nurglitch will be used a lot both as a Warlord and a Plague priest.
Ikit Claw will be a spellcasting nightmare. and effective in combat to boot. He will be able to use all the Skaven spells or any of the normal 8 lores.
Deathmaster does indeed have a dagger in his tail!
SiN is in.
+1" flight remains.
Skaven may still decline challenges and use LD for the unit.
Life is Cheap is only for slaves.
Vermin Lord is back
Doom Wheel is back
Seer LD7
Assassin is a hero choice
Warplock pistol or muskets for all characters
Clanrats: 4 points.
Nightrunner: 7 points, no skirmish, one movement before the battle starts, two hand weapons and throwing stars included, LD:6 (9 with full ranks).
Stormvermin: 7 points with halberds and option for shields, S:3, 25 point magic items for the champion.
Rat swarms are non 0-1 and 25 pts each.
Rat Ogres: 40 points, plus 8 points for each handler. Frenzy, champion WS:4, A:4. Master Moulder is a kind of unit champion with LD 6 and option for things catcher, no mixed units with Rat-ogres and giant rats.
Jezzails: S:6.
Gutter Runner: 6+ ward save.
Plague Monks: no poison.
Hellpit Abomination: is in and quite potent.
Plague Furnance: giant censor pushed by plague monks, impact hits and gas.
Warp-lightning Cannon: fires like a common cannon with a 3" template at the very end of the line, strength still random, no armor save, D6 wounds, crew doesnt have to flee, LD 7, @90 points
5 different weapon teams
Warpfire thrower
Poisoned wind mortar, similar to globadiers
A hand to hand weapon team with impact hits and additional attacks
Warpdrill to tunnel for Eshin units
13 different spells, 6 for Warlocks, 6 for Plague priests.
D3 warpstone tokens for every mage at the start of the game.
Warp lightning does only d6 hits and 1 still hits the caster
Spell to stop fliers
Spell for -1 BS to all enemy shooting
Plague Furnace is a mount for a plague lord/priest. It is said to works like a Cauldron of Blood, giving a bonus like poisoned attacks or frenzy to nearby units, whilst nearby Pestilens units gain either Hatred or possibly Stubborn.
Plague Catapults are S:2, no armour save, 5" template and the target unit must take a panic test if wounded.
Storm banner is like the old one except it runs out at 4+. Which I think is probably better than before.
~As usual, standard caveats apply to all of this. Have fun
10-01-2009, 02:52 PM
About time there came some meaty rumours of them ratarsed ones! Thanks alot BigRed:D
First glance is a huge disappointment over the fact that the Grey Seer gets LD7. LD7 was the huge reason for taking a Warlord in the current book, with that gone I suppose that Clan Eshin will successfully have eliminated all Warlords from the fields of battle:(
10-02-2009, 08:09 AM
About time there came some meaty rumours of them ratarsed ones! Thanks alot BigRed:D
First glance is a huge disappointment over the fact that the Grey Seer gets LD7. LD7 was the huge reason for taking a Warlord in the current book, with that gone I suppose that Clan Eshin will successfully have eliminated all Warlords from the fields of battle:(
I wouldn't be so sure. The Grey Seer was 235 points in the old book. A semi-kitted warlord was 160? The warlord is actually going to pound face now, and the greyseer will be a TON of points.
10-02-2009, 09:13 AM
Life is Cheap is only for slaves.
If this is in then I'm out.
10-02-2009, 10:14 AM
*chitter* from a Skaven...
The book is looking like it’ll be laid out with the following units. It’s a good spread each level has a good representation of each major clan. And since mainstay is out you should be able to make pretty good themed lists of whatever you want.
Warlord Queek Head-taker
Verminlord - roughly 500pts
Lord Skrolk, Plaguelord of Clan Pestilens - Bringing Skrolk lets you take plague monks as core
Thanquoul and Boneripper
Throt the Unclean, Master Mutator of Clan Moulder
Ikit Claw, Chief Warlock of Clan Skryre
Grey Seer
Warlock Engineer - wizard 1/2, Skryre Sniper weaponry available
Plague Priest - lvl 1/2 wizard upgrade available
Deathmaster Snikch
Tetch – nothing has been given on him except his name, and this name doesn’t appear in any current lore
Character Mounts:
Grey Seer - Screaming Bell
Plague Priest - Plague Furnace, Giant Rat
Warlord - Rat Ogre, Giant Rat, War Litter
Clan Rats
Storm Vermin
Rat Swarms
Night Runners
Giant Rats – Master Moulder as a packmaster upgrade
Jezzails - No longer skirmish, Sniper Champion @ BS4
Gutter Runners
Plague Monks
Censor Bearers - drop to 14pts, 2A on profile (3 with frenzy)
Rat Ogres
Poisoned Wind Globadiers
Warp Lightning Cannon
Plague Catapult
Hellpit Abomination
Doom Wheel - 3d6 movement, immune to psych, impact hits, 150pts
Special Items:
Storm banner, Weeping Blades, Warpstone Stars, Warpscroll, Warpstorm scroll, Brass Orb, Death globe, Fellblade, Sacred Banner of Horned rat, Skalm, Skavenbrew, Smoke bombs will be in the book.
Warpscroll now S2
Weeping blade: AP, D3 wounds, Can be used by GR champion
Infernal Bomb: an Assassin can place it wherever he likes during the movement phase. It can be triggered anytime during the game.
When triggered, on a 2+ roll it explodes with St10 D3 wounds (center of template) or St 3 (if touched). A roll of 1 couses no effect.
warlock gear moved to regular arcane item
on a 4+ extra PD
+2 to warplightning hits
New kit available will be able to make plague furnace, screaming bell, or plague catapult.
10-02-2009, 02:37 PM
OK, it sounds CRAZY but there is chatter of a "13th Spell" in the Skaven armybook:
CAST: 25+ (cannot be augmented with extra dice through items)
Effect: Target unit suffers 3d6 wounds; no saves allowed. Any surviving models are turned into clanrats.
HOLY MOLY! Someone doesn't like deathstars!
10-02-2009, 08:51 PM
I think I just squirted the musk of EXCITEMENT!!
Lord Azaghul
10-03-2009, 10:52 AM
I think the only thing that I don't like is the -1 bs spell, as it stands shooting has become to unrealiable and effective, and a few armies are absolutly left out in cold as far as fair play goes.
That being said - it sounds really interesting - the anti-death star spell is hillarious!
10-07-2009, 10:13 PM
Any news on what Skaven models are being done for a second wave?
I have the last two versions of the screaming bell and was wondering if they are redoing it?
10-07-2009, 10:58 PM
There is a new screaming Bell kit that can be built out as 3 different items from the Armybook. Plastic, and described as a beautiful kit.
10-08-2009, 08:33 AM
When is the screaming bell kit going to come out, as i didn´t see it onthe GW advance orders page with the new skaven stuff?:confused:
10-08-2009, 12:41 PM
I guess I am dusting off my old skaven again :-)
10-08-2009, 06:53 PM
I am starting up with Fantasy again after about 10 years off. The new Skaven are what I'll be diving into next month!
10-09-2009, 02:45 AM
I am starting up with Fantasy again after about 10 years off. The new Skaven are what I'll be diving into next month!
10-10-2009, 07:53 PM
I paged through the army book at the FLGS. Some of the models are absolutely amazing. There is a very cool modeled smoky warpstone in motion thing going on (kind of hard to describe), huge piece of warp stone swinging like a pendulum with a trail of smoky tainted goodness behind it, that is just awesome.
10-10-2009, 10:01 PM
Look what turned up in the BoLS mailbox:
Default Skaven Army book confirmations (I have read it)
Hey Everybody. I througly read the new army book today so here's what I..... ok if I don't cut the Introduction the post is too long so just read it enjoy and stuff. You know
Army Rules:
- LD bonus for Ranks the same
- +1 Fleeing distance the same
- NO more shooting into close combat (unless under special circumstances but I'll come to that)
- NO more choosing who goes back after refuesed challenge, your opponent does that now as usual
- "Command from the last rank" is still there but you may not move back tere frequently any more. Only after refused challenges
- It's not exactly an army rule but all templates in te book auto hit partly covered models also
- no more total power on 13
Rat Daemon:
- Point cost around aother greater deamons
- Profiles M8 WS8 BS0 S6 T5 W5 I(something high don't remembre) A5 LD8
- Rat deamon: May not join units
- Level 4 Wizard who can use any of the two skaven lores
- His blade does D3 wounds
- Is immune to psyche and naturaly has a 5+ ward save
- pretty much the same except:
- may ride a tamed rat ogre now (Tamed Rat ogre has M6 WS3 BS0 S5 T5 W4 I3 A4 LD4(I think) causes fear)
- May be carried by 4 storm Vermin on a Palanquin . It is on a 40 mm base grants him +1 armor, 4A S4 I5 WS4 and US2 AND its wicked cool if you ask me .
Grey Prophet:
- Now has LD7, carries D3+2 Warpstones, may ride a Screaming Bell (more about that later), may use both skaven lores
NOW it gets interesting
- pretty much the same. No carry heavy armor as a basic and AST still allowes shilds and stuff but aside from that pretty much the same
- Base cost is the cost of three old clanrats (Yes you'rereading right they are THAT cheap)
- may become a wizard making im as expensive as usual (no cheap caddy sorry) and an extra level for usual costs
- uses the lore of doom
- may get a warpstone musket (like a musket but with S5, magic and instable rule) for cost of an old storm vermin
- may buy a warpstone weapon (then has 2A S4) but its somewhat expensive
Plague priest:
- old stats, but costs more
- Level 1 Wizard as he comes
- may become level 2 as far as I recall
- old options
- may ride a plague steed (40mm base steed 1W S4 WS3 1A poison)
- may ride a wheird plague thing. I don't for all the warpstone in the world know how its named in english so I'll call in weird Plague Thingy :P
- YES he's a hero choice
- Old stats
- a little more expensive than old one
- ASF, 4+ dodge save
- all old rules plus Outflanking rule (may be put in reserve like tunnel teams and then enter over any table edge as if he had chased an enemy off the table)
Core units:
Clan Rats:
- little cheaper but no shields
- may get shields and7or spears for 1/2 point (YES, DON'T ASK 1/2 point as in the half of a point)
- may be accompanied by one of the following: Rattling Gun, Warpflamer, Thingshredder, Plague Mortar
- NO MORE Moterunits (you don't need one unit of clan rats for every other unit)
Skaven Slaves:
- same stats
- dispensible PLUS you may shoot into close combat as long only slaves are in there on your side
- desperate Frenzy: when slaves are broken in combat they deal D3 S3 hits to EVERYBODY in D6 arround them +1 hit per rank of the slaves and are then removed from te table
- musician is 2 points
Night Runners:
- are NOT skirmisers any more, they now rank and file
- come wit throwing stars and additional handweapons as a basic but are slightly more expensive
- may buy a Tunneling machine which allows them to tunnel like... well like everything that tunnels in warhammer
- have a 6 inches scout movement before game starts
- All have a 6+ Dodge save
Storm Vermin:
- little cheaper
- same accompany rules as Clanrats
Giant Rats:
- Same same except:
- May now attack from two ranks
- may now buy a master moulder (Yes he's nolonger a hero)
Poison wind globers:
(NOTE: I don't remebre if they are still core but I think so)
- now 5+ unit size
- same weapons as before
- "life is worthless" rule which allows them to throw into any close combat like old times and EVEN into their own as long as the trowing modelitself isnot in contact wit te enemy
Rat Swarms:
- now cost only half an old rat ogre and are FINALY worth taking
- no more poison attacks
Plague monks:
- same stats
- NO poison attacks, that was a bogus rumor
- old rules, BUT:
- lost skirmisher rule
Rat ogres:
- now frenzy
- you only need one moulder but may buy more
- may buy a master moulder
- may become elite rat ogres. They are then a little more expensive than the old ones but have WS4 I4 4A
Gutter runners:
- poison wepons are now REDICIOUSLY expensive, I have NO clue why they would do that
- now have throwing stars as a basic
- same cost
- may Outflank the enemy like asassins
- have 6+ dodge save (champion even 5+)
- may buy a tunneling device but its expensive
- champion may buy smoke bombs and/or blase of tears (Yes THE blade of tears) (see Items)
PLague Censer Bearers:
- same rules
- special now
- 2A base PLUS frenzy
- still have hatred
Hellpit Abomination (or whatever it is called in english):
M3D6 WS3 BS0 S6 T5 W6 I4 AS LD8
- stubborn, terror, large target, regeneration
- move 3D6 like a chaos spawn BUTT if you role three similar numbers the rat spawn either goes braindead, runs havoc or mutates
- makes special attacks like a giant: 1-2 S6 hit for every model in base to base with no AS and D3 wounds, 3-4 it does 3D6 attacks with normal WS and every unit suffering a casualty hits the abomination on
-1 this turn, 5-6 Every model in BtB must make a I check or suffer a S6 hit with no AS AND the abomination deals 2D6 hits to a unit of choice like a jumping giant
- "to weird to die" rule: When its wounds drop to 0 roll a D6 at end of turn, 1-3 the abomination is realy dead, 4-5 it bursts into D3 rat swarms you may controll, 6 it revives with D6 wounds
- you may buy magic resistance (1) and magic attacks for a few points
- slightly more expensive than a giant
Warplightning gun:
- same stats
- now shoots like a cannon except the S is still random like before and at the final point youplace a small template which has the same strength as te shot
Plague Thrower:
- a little over 100 points I think
- crew has D6 attacks and does NOT frenzy
- shoots like a mortar except with S2, no AS allowed and a funnier miscast chart
- moves like a chaos spawn
- does D6+1 impact hits S5 (but is NOT a chariot)
- get only D3 S4 hits when moving trough rough terrain (but D6 S10 when colliding with impossible terrain)
- when it doesn't charge it does D3 impact hits
- crew 6 S2 attacks
- unless you do a succesfull LD check it MUST fire warplightnings at te nearest unit within 18 at random strength like warp lightning gun and D6 wounds
- very funny missfire but I'm to lazy to write that now, lets just say it can lose movement and whenever the wheel moves 0 inche sit just tilts over and is a casualty
All the weird stuff I didn't mention till now:
Weapon teams:
- now ALL have heavy armor and a 4+ save when within 3 of their mother unit
- are ALL move or fire
Rattling Guns:
- same as befor but now need to hit like normal beeings ^.^
- no mali for multiple shots, others DO aply
- same, but remembre the template rule I mentioned before *evilgrin*
- REALY weird vehicle, does artelery dice hits S4 at I4 in CC and on missfire may turn havoc
Plague Mortar:
- shoots like a stone trower but may use the LOS of his mother unit, his template wounds on 4+ (5+ if you are clan pestilance or partially covered) with no AS
Master Moulder:
- M6 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD6
- may carry one of the following:
whip: may make one attack from back rank
electric whip: may make D3 attacks fromback rank
Thinghunter: killing blow
strange moulder weapon: uses two hands, ignores armor saves
Screaming Bell:
- now gives itself AND the prophet on top 4+ ward save
- rings on S5 hits already but only with 1D6
- no mor 2 power dice through te bell
- only clanrats and storm vermin may push it
- old pushing rule
- unit that pushes it is Unbreakable
- you may ring the bell with 1D6 in the first round and 1-3 D6 in later rounds
- slightly more destructive misscasts but bell rings on a tripple number (before it blows up)
EFECTS (I'm not 100% shure about the range of te numbers but the effects are accurat):
1: Nothing, the hit was too weak
2-4: pusing unit MUST move D6 straight forward (may attack this way)
5-8: all skaven within 12 may reroll all failed moral checks for 1 round
9-10: casts the spell "scorch" on Power level 5
11-12: D3 wounds to all T7+ units and structure witin 12 crumbles on 5+
THE BIG 13: all enemy units within 12 recive D3 S4 hitswith no AS and in the pushing unit EVERY model counts as in BtB wit EVERY enemy model they are in CC with and may attack this turn XD
14-15: All Skaven Units in 12 gain +1 A
16: all Skaven units within 12 may reroll failed to hit and to wound rolls in close combat
17: ALL Skaven units within 18 gain +1A and may reroll all failed to hit and wound rolls in close combat, all Skaven units within 12 MUST move D6 straight forward like in 2-4 and structure witin 18 crumbles on 4+
18: RAGING APOCALYPSE: The Bell blows up so specteculare, that EVERY MODEL witin 4D6 inches recives a S4 hit with no AS
The weird Plague tingy:
- pushed an as big as a screaming bell
- has a Breath weapon tat wounds on 4+ wit no AS
- additionally to the riding priest it has 6A and frenzy S3 from the crew (so 7A)
- Leaks fumes that work just like a plague scenser but STACKS with the one the priest may carry, so 2 T checks (Hi Elves :P)
- makes the pushing unit stubborn
- in CC it can eiter leak furter fumes that are randomly devided betwen the units or cause artelery dice S5 hits (which are also devided like shooting)
Magic is like rumored so I'll just quote it
Lore of Ruin
#1: Skitterleap, 5+
#2: Warp Lighting
- only D6 hits, though if you take the Warp-power Accumulator it adds +2 hits (a 1 is still one hit on the caster)
- apparently still the default spell most of the time
#3: Howling Warpstorm, 7+
- stops flying
- enemies get -1 BS
#4: Death Frenzy
- Frenzy with +2 attacks rather than +1 (replaces normal frenzy if the unit is already frenzied)
#5: Scorch, 11+
- place 3" template within 24", models hit (even if only partially covered) suffer a Strength 5 flaming hit
#6: Crack's Call
- draw a line 4D6" from the caster, all models hit must pass an Initiative test or be removed. Chariots and war machines are removed on a 5+
Lore of Plague
#1: Pestilent Breath, 5+ to cast
- only Strength 2, otherwise as before
#2: Poisoned Gift
- friendly unit within ?" gains Poisoned attacks for the rest of the game. If it already had poisoned attacks, they now poison on a 5+
#3: Wither, 8+
- an enemy unit within 12" suffers -1 Toughness for the rest of the game (unknown if multiple castings are cumulative)
#4: Vermintide, 8+
- appears to be the same as before
#5: Foul Cloud
- may affect all units within 12" (enemy units are affected on 2+, Clan Pestilence on a 5+ and other Skaven on a 4+)
- affected units take D6 S5 hits with no armour save
#6: Plague, 12+
- as before
Grey Seers only
#13: Curse of the Horned Rat, 25+ to cast
- can only target US1 infantry
- causes 4D6 Wounds to the enemy unit with no saves allowed. If the unit is wiped out, it is replaced by an equal number of skaven (clanrats?). If it does not cause enough Wounds to wipe out the unit, no skaven are produced (it is assumed that they are slain as they mutate)
Only thing I got to add is that yes Wither stacks. YOu can cast it multipletime on the same unit. And yes you can pull a units T down to 0 with it.
Plaque is a little different as it only backfires on a 1. "contamination radius" isincresed to 12 inches
No skitterleap into Close combat. You must stay at least 1 inch away.
And all Grey Prophets may exchange one of their spells for the big spell. It's actually called "The horrible 13th spell" I think and it doesn't deal 4D6 wounds it removes 4D6 models from play. And if all are slain you get as many Clanrats as you have slain models.
Magic Items:
The weapons are surprisingly overpriced, rest as usual
- Same as before but forces enemy to reroll Ward saves
- Ignores Armor saves (but too expensive)
warpstone Weapon:
- +1 A +1 S
Blade of Nurglitch:
- +1 S and does 2 wounds per hit but on a double 1 the bearer loses two wounds himself
Weeping blade (I called it baled of tears a few tiomes in te text but you know what I mean):
armor piercing and does D3 wounds (but isnow cheaper)
- +1 S and ignores AS of dwarfs
Blade of the Plague:
- wounds reduce T by 1 but VERY cheap
Warstone armor:
- same but only for warlock techs
Armor of rust:
- same effect, new name, cheaper
Distracting shield:
- enemies in Btb lose 1A
Talisman of the rat:
- 5+ Ward save, just a new name
Pot of smoke:
- -1 to hit with ranged attacks against the unit
War Trophy:
- very cheap
- one use, may force oneenemy model to reroll all successfull hits against the bearer this turn
Arcane artifacts:
Warpstorm scroll:
- same as before
Warpstone accumulator:
- generates a power die on 5+ and adds +2 to warplightning hits
Prophetic globe:
- very cheap, ignores first wound but bearer becomes stupid after that (as he desperately shakes the globe hoping for more miracles or guidance)
-same as befor but more expensive
Enchanted Items:
Skaven Brew:
- may be given to a unit as the old one but:
1 goes wrong
2-3 franzy
4-5 hatret
6 death frenzy
- recovers alllost hitpoints for self or ally (is a little cheaper now)
Howling pipe:
- whoever wants to charge te bearers unit must pass an LD check or may not charge
Something wretched:
- all units in BtB with the bearer gain -1 LD
Clan Eshin only Items:
Warpstone throwing stars:
- same same
-Now THATS cool. The bearer may plant it after moving as long as he'snot in CC or sooting (even after marching). Its a small template. Te bearer may blow it up anytime except the turn he planted it and as long as e's in te explosion radius. Whhen triggered it blows up on a 2+ (on a 1 it was a fake). all models NOt under the centerrecive a S3 hit, te model under the center recives S6 D3 wounds
Smoke Bombs:
- enemy chases 1D6 less (VERY CHEAP)
Clan Scryre only:
Bronze Globe:
- same same
Devestator Rocket:
- One use only, you may roll betwen 4and 10 D6 and chose a direction. That number in inches is the point the rocket hits. it has a5 inches template. ALl models hit suffer a S5 hit (S10 D6 damage under the center)
Deathwind Globe:
- same same
Warlocks okular:
- warlock gains +1 BS and ignores interverning terrain and units for shooting
Clan Moulder only:
(see master moulder)
Plague Clan only:
- Now does only S2 hits to every model at power level 3 but ignores AS. No more auto panic.
Banner of unoly frenzy:
- one use, the unit may reroll to it an dto wound rolls this turn
General Banners:
Banner of the horned Rat:
- Enemies within 12 gain -1 LD and enemies in Btb must reroll succesfull morale checks
Storm Banner:
- last for only one round and skaven range attacks are unaffected
- storm vermin and Plague monks may carry it now
Banner of the Horde:
- +1 combat resolution
- +w3 combat resolution instead when you have more ranks than te enemy
Banner of the Rot:
- Deals a S3 hit with no AS to every model in BtB at the beginning of every close combat phase
Banner of crawling rats:
- Units in Btb suffer D6 S2 hits during close combat phase and if the unit is broken in close combat all chasing units suffer an additional D6+2 S2 hits
Banner of the Underground war:
- The unit hates Dwarfs and Dwarfs hate them
Banner of the shadow move:
- One use, The unit may tripple its movement when marching but suffers 2D6 S3 hits
And then there was the Extra stuff:
Some characters or Champions may buy one of those options:
Warpstone Rifle: Like musket but S5, Magic and instable
Warpstone pistol: Like Pistol only Magic and unstable but warlocks have in automaticly now i think
Tail weapon: THe character gains 1 additional S3 attack wit no weapon special rules applied
Poisoned weapon: Character has poison attacks
Guarding rat: A small rat guards the Character. Its grants one additional S3 WS3 I4 attack but on a 1 it bites its owner
Special Characters:
- most obvious one of all pretty much the same as before
- now only has D6#3 warpstones and heals onlyon 5+
- may NOT ride a screaming bell any more
- bone breaker now can't shut down on a 1 and has a normal warp falmer with 1 shotnot a breat weapon
Skrotz the mutant:
- his waeponnow has only killing blow against normal targets BUT does D3 wounds against anything with US 3+
- when feeing or marching he may eat a random dude from his unit (even a rat ogre if your unlucky ^^) or he loses regeneration and 1 wound
- still has whip frenzy
Squik the headhunter:
- carries a warstone armor and a blade tet wounds dwarfs on 2+ and rerolls failed hits and wounds
- in a challenge he gets so agitated that he get +1 to hit and to wound but may not refuse challenges
- improves storm vermins
Ikkit claw hand:
- has S6
- may exchange his spells for warp lightning instead of skitterleap
- his storm daemon shoots warplightnings that do artelery dice hits and if you role a misscast at least something funny happens XD
- has a 3+ armor save and a 5+ ward save I think
Lord Skrolk:
- most expensive of the lord chars
- is a level 3 wizard
- pretty tough
- carries some advanced plague censer
- may use his wand on a unit within 18 with power level 6: Roll a D6 5-6 every model in the unit recives S2 hit with no AS, on a 2-4 every model in the unit recives S1 hit with no AS, 1 the unit babbles confusing stuff but this has no effect on the game
Snikch the master asassin:
- is a hero
- has all asassin ruels (dodge, ASF, Outflank, hide)
- I 10 WS 8
- Cloak of night: every enemy must roll a 4+ to attack him, charge himor shoot at him BUT he doesn't block march movement and yu may move through him
- Whirl of tears: With his blades of tears (usual rueles) he has 6A
Some fuzzy guy protected by a lot of rats:
- don't remebre much about him, he has D6+2 additinal attacks S2 and some weird moulder rule
- just remembered he can mutate rat Ogres so they randomly can gain extra arms, regeneration or have something else happening to them.
somethingsomething the dirty:
- is a hero
- his unit fights so dirty they may reroll failed to hits and wounds while in the flank or the back of an enemy
- he has a 4+ ward save and may reroll one roll per game
- he may bail anytime. Roll 3D6. You may place him in any clanrats or stormvermin unit within that distance. If there is non he just runs away and is a casualty
THat's it from me. The spelling mistakes can kiss my *** . Hope you all enjoyed it
Lets look at some of the special chars, shall we ?
Ikit Claw :
M5 WS5 BS3 S5 T4 W3 I3 A2 LD7
Level 3 caster, chooses from Lore of Ruin, may switch 1 Spell for Warplightning
Exoskelleton : magic armour, 3+ AS, 5+ Ward Save. It states that it enhances his strengh (without it it would be S2). It comes with a Warpfirethrower which has one use only, but can reroll the artillery dice.
Stormdemon : Helbard which allows no AS. Can cast Black Warplightning as a bound spell (Powerlevel 5).
The black Warplightning does Artillery dice hits. If a misfire happens roll 1D6 :
1-2 : Ikit and all models in base to base contact take a S5 hit
3-5 : Ikit can cast no more spells during this magic phase
6 : Overload, Ikit generates D3 Power dice
Queek Headtaker
Same profile as normal warlord except for WS 7 and 6 attacks.
Can upgrade a unit of Stormvermin to his personal guard, giving them +1 WS and +1 S (+4 ppm)
Cannot join units with casters and the other way around.
Gets +1 to hit and to wound in a Challenge, must always accept them.
Dwarf Gauger and Handweapon :additional Attacks already in profile, all attacks allow no AS and Dwarfs are wounded on 2+
Warpstonearmour : 3+ AS, if a save is passed, the attacker gets a S5 hit (the normal Warpstonearmour in the magic item section is the same for 30 Points, but just S4 hits).
M5 WS6 BS4 S4 T5 W3 I6 A4 LD7
Level 3 caster, chooses from Lore of Plaque, may switch 1 Spell for Pestilence breath (translation ?)
Has Frenzy and may change Plaque Monks to core, but not sure about that...
All models in btb contact get -1 to hit, Clan Pestilence Units are immune to this effect tho.
Staff of coruption : Flail, after to hit rolls, a model which is hit one or more times must pass a single T test or is slain immediatly (no saves of any kind allowed !!). If it survives, go on with the normal to wound rolls and so on.
Liber Bubonicus : Bound Spell (Powerlevel 6). Chose a Unit in 24", then throw 1D6 :
1 : nothing happens
2-4 : every model in the unit gets a S1 hit, no AS allowed
5-6 : every model in the unit gets a S2 hit, no AS allowed
Deathmaster Snikch :
M6 WS8 BS6 S4 T4 W2 I10 A6 LD8
He may start the game hidden in a unit, be deployed like a scout or enter the battlefield like Dwarfen Miners from an Tableedge. He also has a 4+ Ward save, and nobody may use his LD and he always strikes first. These exact rules are the same for every Assasin, so now we come to were Snikch is special :
He has 3 weeping blades (bonus attacks already included in profile), which have Armour piercing and do D3 wounds.
If any unit wants to target him for magic, shooting or charges, they have to roll a 4+ to do so. If they dont pass, they may declare another target and ignore Snikch in all ways.
Plague Furnace
Screeming Bell
10-11-2009, 12:17 PM
I chitter with delight.
10-11-2009, 08:51 PM
Hey Bigred, heres some credit that the emailer left off - that is the text, verbatim, from Dark_Harlequin's Oct 8th post over at Warseer:
10-12-2009, 06:18 AM
Nice. Looking forward to it!:D
10-12-2009, 06:54 AM
Skaven magic 8-Ball :D
I think I'm going to have to start a Skaven army now...
Lord Azaghul
10-12-2009, 01:59 PM
Kind of make me want to continue my not playing fantastyness.
I really, really hate any spell that modifies stats like toughness or BS. Its just not fun to play this game unless you have a newer army. I wasn't hoping gw would stop pulling out junk like this...look like I may sit out 8th ed.
Subject Keyword
10-12-2009, 03:18 PM
In a word... Rats...
11-24-2009, 12:19 PM
Good Morning,
Is there any idea as to if GW will be creating the plague mortar teams or plastic warp-lightning cannon? or will they have to be converted models only? I'm just starting out and I'm in progress of building my first Skaven army; picked up the battalion box and another box of clanrats to get me started.
11-24-2009, 07:23 PM
For the time being, you'll have to convert. GW will most likely release those models in a second or third wave of releases in 6 months time.
11-30-2009, 04:39 PM
Ok.. thx for the info...
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