View Full Version : GW Tightens the Screws on Trade Partners

08-09-2012, 02:46 PM
via 40K Forums (http://www.40kforums.com/vb/showthread.php/37956-Games-Workshop-is-tightening-the-reins-on-release-leaks)

From August 17th, Games Workshop are changing their trade terms. This will effect the way that New Release information will be handled.

After August 17th, any shop selling White Dwarf or any New release item before the release date, discussing New Release information or posting images on Facebook, forums etc before release date will be punished by not being allowed to stock New Releases for 6 months !

Now a couple of things here.

First, the source is located in the UK, so there is no guarantee that 1) even if this is true, that 2) it would apply to the GW Partner Stores in North America. There are now several key sections of the Trade Sales contracts that differ between the EU, and NA operations.

So if true, this would appear to be targeted at locking things down in the UK/EU trade zones.

So who do you think is being targeted? One doesn't enact such draconian (and revenue limiting) measures without something specific being in the crosshairs.


Mr Mystery
08-09-2012, 02:58 PM
via 40K Forums (http://www.40kforums.com/vb/showthread.php/37956-Games-Workshop-is-tightening-the-reins-on-release-leaks)

Now a couple of things here.

First, the source is located in the UK, so there is no guarantee that 1) even if this is true, that 2) it would apply to the GW Partner Stores in North America. There are now several key sections of the Trade Sales contracts that differ between the EU, and NA operations.

So if true, this would appear to be targeted at locking things down in the UK/EU trade zones.

So who do you think is being targeted? One doesn't enact such draconian (and revenue limiting) measures without something specific being in the crosshairs.


Interesting. No doubt due to the Hobbit coming out at some point this year (possibly early next?). We all know it's coming.

To give you an idea of how seriously New Line take their non-disclosure hushy-hushy stuff, I was working for GW when the Two Towers came out. In the rulebok was an image of an Uruk Hai Beserker. That every store had to black out, on account it wasn't to be seen by the general public until after a specific date. GW could end up in a LOT of doody if some glory hunting Indy decides to vomit up spoilers.

And to be fair, if GW (your supplier) ask you not to do something, you shouldn't do it.

Add in the proven good that a tight release schedule has done, and it makes sense to lock it down as much as you can. Rather than seeing on the Intertubes first, your more likely to get people in store on a Saturday to have a butchers (or online with the GW Website) to reallly take advantage of impulse buys.

08-09-2012, 03:06 PM
Interesting. No doubt due to the Hobbit coming out at some point this year (possibly early next?). We all know it's coming.

To give you an idea of how seriously New Line take their non-disclosure hushy-hushy stuff, I was working for GW when the Two Towers came out. In the rulebok was an image of an Uruk Hai Beserker. That every store had to black out, on account it wasn't to be seen by the general public until after a specific date. GW could end up in a LOT of doody if some glory hunting Indy decides to vomit up spoilers.

And to be fair, if GW (your supplier) ask you not to do something, you shouldn't do it.

Add in the proven good that a tight release schedule has done, and it makes sense to lock it down as much as you can. Rather than seeing on the Intertubes first, your more likely to get people in store on a Saturday to have a butchers (or online with the GW Website) to reallly take advantage of impulse buys.

My thoughts exactly. The Hobbit game is due to hit in December, so they will need to tighten things up to stop any images leaking and spoiling the film.

08-09-2012, 03:45 PM
I really can't imagine what they're so paranoid about. If they are splitting it into three films as seems to be the case (see it's not just GW that knows how to squeeze their punters for all they got), pretty much all the creatures from the first part will have been seen before in the LOTR films and all the hero characters have been in promotional material already available.

08-09-2012, 03:51 PM
I'm not sure what they are so desperate to protect either, it's not like there are going to be any major plot twists to worry about, but WB are entitled to make GW keep stuff under wraps if they so wish.

08-09-2012, 03:54 PM
Does anyone really think this is an official email? Really? I don't.

08-09-2012, 04:30 PM
this is another opportunity to paint GW as the bog bad corporation.

Actually, if true, this is the result of those ill-disciplined independents who have no self control and can't help but let things out early. The amount of WD previews by some illiterate self important half-wit just goes to show.

It annoys me. I admit there is a large dollop of jealousy here -why should someone get their hands on the scret goodness before the rest of us plebs?

But also I firmly believe in the sanctity of one's word, and the importance of integrity.

Ie if you sign a contract saying keep schtumm, you should have the moral fibre to do so.

If not, expect the big stick, and unlucky to you. As a Commissar would think, the only way to influence people who can't take responsibility for their own actions, is to make a harsh example of someone.

08-09-2012, 05:00 PM
There's a local store that's been selling GW stuff as much as 4 days early, Magic early, etc. People have complained and nothing has ever been done by any company. For some reason, I don't think they'll going to be punished anytime soon regardless of GW threats.

Mr Mystery
08-09-2012, 05:14 PM
Depends if anyone has reported them for doing it.

For instance, WH Smiths, one the biggest magazine retailers in the K no longer carry White Dwarf. They were releasing the magazine early to increase sales artificially. GW stopped dealing with them completely.

08-09-2012, 06:39 PM
Gw's never enforced a hard street date unless it was something special (like space Hulk, dread fleet, or new editions.) This just puts into effect a hard street date rule.

Not supprised with Hobbit stuff coming.

EDIT: Ok, I can't say never, but any time I've bought direct, I've always been told that I could sell early to regulars who are teh types of customers who will promote stuff, like teh guy who will have teh new item painted BEFORE it's released if he got it on Thursday rather than saturday

Lord Anubis
08-09-2012, 06:40 PM
It'd be interesting to see how eager GW would be to enforce such a policy (if it is actually their new policy) if a third or half of their "partners" violated it. Would they really accept losing that much revenue for half a year...?

08-09-2012, 07:35 PM
It'd be interesting to see how eager GW would be to enforce such a policy (if it is actually their new policy) if a third or half of their "partners" violated it. Would they really accept losing that much revenue for half a year...?

If there's a nearby GW store, and they think it will drive traffic to those stores? Yes.

If news/release of "Product X" is earlier than GW is allowed to release it, and GW risks being fined for that news, then this is their safety net. They go to New Line, or whoever, and say, "Well yeah, Joe's Hobby Shop released that stuff early, but they won't get any of the new stuff anymore until 6 months after its new, so it won't happen again." This may be just enough CYA to prevent New Line or whoever from fining GW for product hitting the street early. (Sorry if there are any Joe's on this site that own their own hobby shop, just using your name as an example).

I know about a company that shipped the last Harry Potter book to its customers earlier than it should have, and both the company in question and the company's supplier both got in serious trouble with the book publisher in the US. There was talk that the publisher was going to cut off the supplier, who supplied a lot of the big box stores in the US well before they supplied the internet retailer that sold it early, and made a ton of money for the publisher in question. I also know the guy in charge of the book program at the retailer in question got fired because of this screw-up. I also know the publisher took the retailer in question to court saying that by releasing the book early, the retailer deprived the publisher of revenue as well as breach of contract, due to all of the stipulations about what had to be done around the shipping and receiving of the book by customers (Box was supposed to be labeled 'Don't Deliver before X date', etc.), and cut back on supplying the distributor that provided the book to the retailer because of this.

Licenses are big money, and carry big risks, especially if the licensee doesn't follow the contract.

Lukas The Trickster
08-10-2012, 12:03 AM
I think that this is fair enough on GW's part. Imagine if a cinema had started screening a a big release for which there had been a considerable buildup, like Prometheus for example, a week before the premiere. It's not really that different, and in the case of revealing imagery or plot of The Hobbit before its release, could leave GW itself open to legal action.

08-10-2012, 12:18 AM
Looks like there's been some clarification from one of Faeit 212's numerous sources. It looks like its a "6 day" penalty, not a "6 month" penalty.


Instead of getting stuff a couple of days before the scheduled release (like the Thursday before the Saturday of a release), the store in question will get it the delivery the next time they get product shipped to them after release (so the Tuesday/Thursday after the items in question were released). Seems a bit more reasonable. The store gets a slap on the wrist, since its patrons can't buy the new product immediately, and the store manager/operator gets a clear indicator that GW doesn't necessarily trust them as much as they did in the past, but the independants aren't completely screwed over.

Example: Instead of getting Demon product by August 2nd (2 days before it officially goes on sale), the store gets it August 6-9 (2-5 days after it goes on sale, and 4-7 days after you would have normally got it).

My guess is someone misread the information that was given to them.

08-10-2012, 02:34 AM
Any company that regualrly releases new products and deals with retailers does this, video game companies, mobile phone companies, this isnt a story and its certainly not GW being the big bad.

08-10-2012, 03:27 AM
Any company that regualrly releases new products and deals with retailers does this, video game companies, mobile phone companies, this isnt a story and its certainly not GW being the big bad.

And for me is ok, is their company, their bussiness and they are the ones to decide when and where they give their exclusives...

Sorry if anyone is annoyed but Games Workshop is a bussiness company, dedicated to games, yes, but also a bussiness, and like ALL the bussiness they want to earn the more money possible.

I still don´t understand why there´s always people who think GW should be making friends and not money...

Some may still think GW is still the old and cranky eighties´s freak company

Mr Mystery
08-10-2012, 03:56 AM
You know, GW wouldn't lost out in money. The Indy however would....

08-10-2012, 04:45 AM
I can believe this is true. Partly because one of the independent stockists local to me sold 6th Ed stuff two days early to pre-ordered customers. Some of those customers were daft enough to bring those items into GW during that time as well, although the GW staff had known about it. because it got caught on the camera that links to Head Office, the incident had to be investigated (to show it wasn't the GW staff selling early). Now said independent stockists are on a warning and don't recieve new release stuff until after the release date. I wouldn't be surprised to find out a policy such as this has been rolled out to all trade partners as a more general part of the terms of their agreement.

08-10-2012, 05:42 AM
You know, GW wouldn't lost out in money. The Indy however would....

then the Indy shouldn't have broken a contract to try and generate sales.

08-10-2012, 05:43 AM
Although, thinking about it, breaking the street date on the boxed set by a few days would possibly bring in enough revenue to counteract losing out on release day for a little while

08-10-2012, 07:29 AM
It depends on how long they would lose out on release day stuff. Is it a 6 to 12 month probationary period? Or is it forever?

If its forever, then it'll hurt. If its 6 to 12 months, it may not be a significant issue. It'll still hurt, but it won't cripple the store in question.

08-10-2012, 02:12 PM
It depends on how long they would lose out on release day stuff. Is it a 6 to 12 month probationary period? Or is it forever?

If its forever, then it'll hurt. If its 6 to 12 months, it may not be a significant issue. It'll still hurt, but it won't cripple the store in question.

I heard it was 6 months.

08-10-2012, 02:40 PM
Been changed to 6 days not 6 months.

08-12-2012, 02:45 PM
Been changed to 6 days not 6 months.

Right. If a store is caught releasing information or product early, their new releases would be delayed, and they would receive them 6 days after initial release of said product.

The question is, however, how long would a store be put into, for lack of a better term, the penalty box for releasing information/product early? Would all GW products being delivered to that store be delayed for 6 months, 12 months, or for as long as that store sells GW product?

08-13-2012, 02:41 AM
I can definitely confirm that, 'for a period of 6 months, the guilty trade account will not receive new releases until 30 days after the release day.'

08-13-2012, 10:11 AM
I would have been surprised if it was less than 6 months, but I would have been absoluely shocked if it was longer than 12. 6 months is just long enough for a store to feel the pain during a new release cycle (like we are now with the 6th edition codex for 40k) but potentially not long enough to absolutely cripple the store, depending on the store's patrons and how loyal they are to the store.

The trick with the 6 month window, and enacting it now, means that if anyone breaks dates for 40k stuff, then they won't get hobbit stuff, potentially, in time for christmas, if we assume the hobbit stuff will be released around the release of the first movie.

08-13-2012, 03:57 PM
Depends if anyone has reported them for doing it.

For instance, WH Smiths, one the biggest magazine retailers in the K no longer carry White Dwarf. They were releasing the magazine early to increase sales artificially. GW stopped dealing with them completely.

I thought it was because WHSmith wanted a bigger cut?

08-13-2012, 05:01 PM
I thought it was because WHSmith wanted a bigger cut?

I heard similar. IIRC, you have to pay the retailer dependent on where abouts on the shelf your magazine is and WHSmiths wanted to up their charge, so GW told them to get bent.

08-14-2012, 01:22 AM
I heard similar. IIRC, you have to pay the retailer dependent on where abouts on the shelf your magazine is and WHSmiths wanted to up their charge, so GW told them to get bent.
Glad not just me then. I know I never saw it in there early, or I would have got it early lol

08-14-2012, 03:42 AM
When they did sell it i often bought it a few days early. Plus with it now only being sold in GW stores it means people have to go there to get it, so more foot traffic.

08-14-2012, 03:45 AM
Think some supermarkets still stock it, sure I got one in asda the other month

08-14-2012, 05:13 AM
I get mine from an independent "source" usually a day or 2 in advance. Same with new releases. Usually get them a day early. Not because I'm eager but Fridays a better day for me. But I can see that coming to an end. Hell it's easier getting anabolics than concrete 40k leaks at the moment. Still all good fun. :p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-14-2012, 05:15 AM
I could just walk 2 minutes from my house to Games Workshop...

08-14-2012, 06:03 AM
When they did sell it i often bought it a few days early. Plus with it now only being sold in GW stores it means people have to go there to get it, so more foot traffic.

But that was back in the day when subscribers also got it early and they didn't have the current non-disclosure policy, so I'm not surprised it was available in other outlets a few days early. The clampdown on early releases has only come in the last year or so.

Harmonious Borealis
08-14-2012, 01:11 PM
I haven't heard anything in Canada yet. In fact, about 2 months ago I was informed that all release dates are "soft" dates unless specifically indicated otherwise. We'll see next time I make an order I guess...

Then again, they seem to keep their Trade Sales guys in the same level of darkness as the general public. Maybe that's why we seem to get a new one every 6 months or so?