View Full Version : Show me your Double FOC

08-09-2012, 08:37 AM
Hey guys, I thought of something fun. Let's throw up some Double FOC lists! Remember, don't list individual points values, but you can list total points. For this experiment, we're setting the bar at 2500 points, which should be plenty of wiggle room to fit in all sorts of things. You can add allies (even double allies) if you want, and Fortifications of course. Remember that at the Double FOC, you must have at minimum 2 HQ's and 4 Troops from the same Codex before you can add anything else (to a max of 4 HQ slots, 12 Troops, 6 Heavy Support, 6 Elite, and 6 Fast Attack).

Let's keep it concise, so here's the format:

Name of Army

-Army Entry 1
-Army Entry 2
-Army Entry etc

-Fortification Entry

-Allies Entry

Total Points: 2500

I want to see what BOLS can come up with in terms of Double FOC. BOLS is unique in forum rings because there are many small groups of different opinions (competitive, casual, beardy, nooby, etc) and gamers. Other forums tend to focus on one aspect of the hobby (like rumors, or painting, or WAAC) but BOLS seems to attract all of the above.

I really also want to call out the nay-sayers to Doubling an FOC. Go ahead, use those 2500 points and show me what you can do. Put your money where your mouth is and put a list on the table for the Internet to criticize :D

Lastly, please keep the arguments to a minimum until a number of lists have been posted. We can't make a good argument without solid lists as evidence. If you're going to argue, at least put a list up first!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-09-2012, 08:40 AM
You wait until you see the army that I've ALREADY written for this. :p

08-09-2012, 08:55 AM
Don't have my army list with me, but can say that I wrote a 2000 point list that included 9 Wraithlords.

(1 HQ) + (Named Farseer from IA11, gives) 4 Hvy Slots x 2

And had like 600 points left for troops

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-09-2012, 08:57 AM
Mine was all Dreadnoughts. :D

08-09-2012, 09:03 AM
Oh god I just realized that a vanilla SM list can fit in 12 dreadnoughts at 2k.

I need to buy more dreadnoughts.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-09-2012, 09:06 AM
It had Bray'arth Ashmantle (counts as), a Master of the Forge, Vulkan He'stan, 4 Scout Squads, 4 Ironclads and 6 Normal Dreads I think. :p

08-09-2012, 09:32 AM
And we're off to a great start, with 5 posts and not a single one of them able to put an actual list together to show and tell. Here, I'll start.

Codex: Chaos Daemons

HQ - Bloodthirster x4 - 1000pts
TR - Bloodletters (10) x4 (1 with Fury of Khorne) - 650
HV - Daemon Prince w/Flight and Iron Hide x5 - 850

Total: 2500

There we go. 9 scary flying monstrous creatures with a few troops to go to ground on objectives and stay there. Is it scary? Yeah, it can be. This is about as good as Daemons can get when it comes to flying death. You could conceivably drop two of the Bloodthristers, add another Daemon Prince and buff the 6 of those out a little more, but with what? When all the MC's can Smash and get HOW attacks, not to mention Vector Strike... Well, things get pretty scary.

However, is it broken? No. Get a few lucky shots and you'll ground those daemons and then you can assault them with your Draigowing or whatever other shenanigans other armies have. The Necron flier list will stomp all over this with their other fliers.

So c'mon people, show me what you got.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-09-2012, 09:39 AM
I'm at work. :p
Don't worry I'll post it when I get home.

08-09-2012, 10:15 AM
Oh god I just realized that a vanilla SM list can fit in 12 dreadnoughts at 2k.

I need to buy more dreadnoughts.

Blood Angels can do even more ridiculous things.

Lore Weaver
08-09-2012, 10:31 AM
I'm 20pts short, but something like this


Necron Overlord 90
Scythe 10, Barge 80 (Tesla), Scarabs 15

Necron Overlord 90
Scythe 10, Barge 80 (Tesla), Scarabs 15

Necron Overlord 90
Scythe 10, Barge 80 (Tesla), Scarabs 15

Necron Overlord 90
Scythe 10, Barge 80 (Tesla), Scarabs 15

Total = 780


5xWarriors in a Night Scythe = 165
5xWarriors in a Night Scythe = 165
5xWarriors in a Night Scythe = 165
5xWarriors in a Night Scythe = 165

Total = 660


Annihilation Barge (Tesla) = 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla) = 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla) = 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla) = 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla) = 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla) = 90

Total = 540


Could shave some points and put a solar pulse on the board???

08-09-2012, 10:38 AM
Here's what Chaos Marines can do...

HQ - Sorcerer w/Doombolt x4 - 440
TR - Plague Marines (5) w/2 Plasma Guns x3 - 435
-x3 Rhinos - 105
TR - Plague Marines (6) w/2 Plasma Guns - 168
HV - Obliterators (3) x6 - 1350


That's about as good as it gets. The sorcs roll on whatever table you like and start pairing up with all the Plague Marines. The Oblits do what Oblits do, and you pray that you can focus fire enough on whatever's on the table that it'll die.

Lore Weaver
08-09-2012, 10:58 AM
Here's what Chaos Marines can do...

HQ - Sorcerer w/Doombolt x4 - 440
TR - Plague Marines (5) w/2 Plasma Guns x3 - 435
-x3 Rhinos - 105
TR - Plague Marines (6) w/2 Plasma Guns - 168
HV - Obliterators (3) x6 - 1350


That's about as good as it gets. The sorcs roll on whatever table you like and start pairing up with all the Plague Marines. The Oblits do what Oblits do, and you pray that you can focus fire enough on whatever's on the table that it'll die.

That Chaos list loses to the necron list 100% of the time. Did you see the amount of S7 shooting that list puts out? All your rhinos die turn 1, oblits soon after (which wouldn't be that effective against the flyers or the AV13 skimmers with their jink saves. The surfboard lords can continually run you over for the whole game while your best defense would be assaulting them back and hoping to glance the rear armour of the chariot.

Meanwhile, all the tesla will crush almost anything.

08-09-2012, 11:15 AM
Blood Angels can do even more ridiculous things.

Not really.

Once you max out Furioso/regular Dreads at 12 models, you aren't really left with the points to toss in DC Dreads.

08-09-2012, 11:20 AM
Not really.

Once you max out Furioso/regular Dreads at 12 models, you aren't really left with the points to toss in DC Dreads.

Yeah, but then you have the libbys that can give your dreads 5+ cover and flying libby dreads. You have some neat options that vanilla marines don't get.

08-09-2012, 11:50 AM
Now i'm home...

Bel-Annoth 175pts
Wraithseer, Star Cannon 205pts
Wraithlord, Lance, EML - 155pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
3 Wraithguard - 105pts
5 Pathfinders - 120pts
7 Dire Avengers - 84pts
7 Dire Avenger - 84pts
7 Dire Avengers - 84pts

Total 1992 points.

Dont think theres enough Lascannons and Missile Launchers in the world to slow that down.

Doesn't like DE though....

08-09-2012, 12:00 PM
i wanna see a list with 6 vindicators!! probly not too competitive but awesome!!

08-09-2012, 12:05 PM
Now i'm home...

Bel-Annoth 175pts
Wraithseer, Star Cannon 205pts
Wraithlord, Lance, EML - 155pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
Wraithlord, Lance, Sword - 140pts
3 Wraithguard - 105pts
5 Pathfinders - 120pts
7 Dire Avengers - 84pts
7 Dire Avenger - 84pts
7 Dire Avengers - 84pts

Total 1992 points.

Dont think theres enough Lascannons and Missile Launchers in the world to slow that down.

Doesn't like DE though....

Nasty. But heres a list that could top that I think.

10 tervigons with toxin
6x10 gants

2000 points on the dot.

08-09-2012, 12:49 PM
I want a double FOC list just so I can take all 4 greater daemons

Bloodthirster w/ collar
Keeper of Secrets

The big four (1,088 points)

2*5 plaguebearers
5 horrors, bolt
6 horrors, bolt & changeling

four basic troops

5 Fiends
3 Bloodcrushers
4*3 Flamers

1996 I think

08-09-2012, 08:54 PM
Here's one for Orks.

3x Warbosses (geared up)
1x Mek with KFF and other gear

8x Meganobz in a geared up Battlewagon with Kombi-Scorchas taken as troops thanks to the warbosses

8x Nob Bikerz with painboy, Cybork Body, PK's and KS's, also troops.

6x (10x) Boyz with shootas and a big shoota

6x Big Squiggoths with Kannons

2500 points total.

The Shoota boyz can ride on top of the Squiggoths, which have an Open-topped Howdah on it, and the Mek+ Warbosses are riding with the Meganobz in the battlewagon.

08-09-2012, 09:07 PM
That Chaos list loses to the necron list 100% of the time. Did you see the amount of S7 shooting that list puts out? All your rhinos die turn 1, oblits soon after (which wouldn't be that effective against the flyers or the AV13 skimmers with their jink saves. The surfboard lords can continually run you over for the whole game while your best defense would be assaulting them back and hoping to glance the rear armour of the chariot.

Meanwhile, all the tesla will crush almost anything.

Let's be fair here, almost all of the other lists posted so far lose to that Necron flier list. Not many other Codices can afford to bring that many fliers, or have access to fliers or anti-flier equipment. Even Chaos Daemons with 9 Flying Monstrous Creatures would lose because that S7 fire would just bring them down. They don't even have to die, they just have to fail a Grounding test, and then the Necron Fliers can ignore them for the rest of the turn.

Until more Codices get more anti-flier, we'll probably see that Necron flier list be very competitive in the coming months.

08-09-2012, 09:08 PM
Tyranid Perpetual Swarm


Termagants x10
Termagants x10
Termagants x10
Termagants x10
Termagants x10
Termagants x10

2x Carnifex w/ TL Devourers

40 points to spare

Produces 8 broods of ~11 gaunts on turn 1. ~5 Tervigons will produce another 5 broods on turn 2. ~3 Tervigons will produce another 3 broods on turn 3. ~2 Tervigons will produce 2 more broods on turn 4.

Starts with 60 Termagants, and assuming minimal losses will have another 150+ on the table by turn 3.

08-09-2012, 11:30 PM
18 Vandettas is 2340pts. Might have to drop it to 15 to get the troops and HQs in though.

08-10-2012, 12:25 AM
This is why I will probably never play Double FOC's.

Necrons: 2000/2000pts
Overlord - Warscythe, Catacomb Command Barge
Destroyer Lord - Warscythe, Sempiternal Weave
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
Fast Attack:
5x Wraiths - 5x Whip Coils
Heavy Support:
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Doom Scythe
Doom Scythe
Doom Scythe

Or to change it up a bit:

Overlord - Warscythe, Catacomb Command Barge
Destroyer Lord - Warscythe, Sempiternal Weave
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Immortals
Fast Attack:
5x Wraiths - 5x Whip Coils
Heavy Support:
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Doom Scythe
Doom Scythe

the jeske
08-11-2012, 03:26 PM
nice lists . I would go with the more traditional build like this ,but only because I like tesla so much and hate dooms like few other models .

2 x Overlord warscythe,Catacomb Command Barge
2 x Cryptek , solar pulse
6 x 5 Warriors Night Scythe
6 x Annihilation Barge

08-11-2012, 10:24 PM
HQ: 2x CCS - 50 x 2 = 100
TR: 3x Vets: 3x plasmagun, Carapace, Chimera - 200 x 3 = 600
TR: 1x Vets: 2x plasmagun, meltagun, Carapace, Chimera - 195
FA: 6x Vendetta - 130 x 6 = 780
HS: 5x Leman Russ Demolishers - 165 x 5 = 825
2500pts. EAT AP2 DEATH.

HQ: 4x CCS: vox, missile team - 70 x 4 = 280
TR: 2x Platoon: PCS: x4 GL/flamer/1x vox, 3x IS: GL/flamer Lascannon (blob) w/ 1x vox, 1x Commissar: p. axe (in 1 squad within blob) - 325 x 2 = 650
TR: 2x Platoon: PCS: vox, autocannon, 5x IS: GL/flamer, sgt: p axe, krak grenades, (blob) 1x vox, 1x commissar: p axe - 570 x 2 = 1140
FA: Valkyrie - 130
HS: 2x Manticore - 160 x2 = 320
2490. Ultra guard horde. 180 scoring guard models, 190 infantry models total. 50 man blobs run forwards catch bullets and grab objectives, 30 man blobs cover camp in DZ with CCS's yelling at things. Manticores for lulz. Valkyrie for late game objective grab/backline harassment. Juggle equipment for more "optimal" setups.

08-12-2012, 02:45 AM
HQ: 2x CCS - 50 x 2 = 100
TR: 3x Vets: 3x plasmagun, Carapace, Chimera - 200 x 3 = 600
TR: 1x Vets: 2x plasmagun, meltagun, Carapace, Chimera - 195
FA: 6x Vendetta - 130 x 6 = 780
HS: 5x Leman Russ Demolishers - 165 x 5 = 825
2500pts. EAT AP2 DEATH.

HQ: 4x CCS: vox, missile team - 70 x 4 = 280
TR: 2x Platoon: PCS: x4 GL/flamer/1x vox, 3x IS: GL/flamer Lascannon (blob) w/ 1x vox, 1x Commissar: p. axe (in 1 squad within blob) - 325 x 2 = 650
TR: 2x Platoon: PCS: vox, autocannon, 5x IS: GL/flamer, sgt: p axe, krak grenades, (blob) 1x vox, 1x commissar: p axe - 570 x 2 = 1140
FA: Valkyrie - 130
HS: 2x Manticore - 160 x2 = 320
2490. Ultra guard horde. 180 scoring guard models, 190 infantry models total. 50 man blobs run forwards catch bullets and grab objectives, 30 man blobs cover camp in DZ with CCS's yelling at things. Manticores for lulz. Valkyrie for late game objective grab/backline harassment. Juggle equipment for more "optimal" setups.

The first can be done without dual FOC if you dont mind squadding the Vendettas and Demolishers in pairs.

The second list... well, you're getting 2 extra CCS, but for those 140 points you are betting off taking Creed, and spending the remaining 50 on a master of ordnance (or 2 if you can drop 10 more points elsewhere). You'll get 2 less orders, but a bigger order bubble (4x as much area as a Senior Officer's bubble), For the Honour of Cadia! order, and Tactical Genius. Those Masters of Ordnance can do some serious damage.