View Full Version : Belial, Belial and errr Belial

08-08-2012, 05:06 PM
So as the title pretty much indicates this little scamp is causing me some headaches. Insomuch as I need to make this badboy up but presently all I really have so far are a pair of legs. I plan to make this little sausage pretty hard looking, as befits the leader of the Deathwing, so you know remember that kid at school that used to scowl at you and you would turn and take the long route home... That is pretty much what I am looking to achieve with Belial...

Not a mammoth project, just one of about 8 I am deeply absorbed in at the moment. I will chuck up some pics of my progress, feel free; if you have any suggestions on parts to hit me with them. Remember I am going terror inducing as only a 13yr old kid with bum fluff sprouting from his top lip can induce coupled with that 1000yard stare and slightly hangdog neanderthal expression/gait.

I currently have a couple of legs I am considering but I want a fairly dynamic pose for him, leading from the front so I want to convey a sense of urgency and ferocity to his gait. As if Cypher was sat at the picnic table across the park from him.... That kinda' thing....

08-08-2012, 09:53 PM
3 ideas for body:
Calgar (This would seem to be more the pose you are going for)
Plastic termie (replace chestplate w/ chapter champs)

magnetize the arms.

Use the Sgt TH/SS, Sgt Lightning Claws and the Death wing Stormbolter and Sword (or replace the sword with the chapter champs)

You now have all the weapon options and he can look badass with a minimum of fuss or greenstuffing.