View Full Version : Here Be Dragons - Alternate Dragon Sculpts

08-08-2012, 01:11 AM
Welcome to the first non-company specific alternative miniatures topic. There may be more, if I remember to do them. Fantasy pirates an fantasy football are too likely possibilities. But todays subject is:

Dragons. Everyone loves dragons. Now obviously Games Workshop and Warhammer Forge make some great dragon models, but there are many, many more dragon sculpts out their ranging from baby and petite dragons to really immense sculpts. I hope to list as many different companies dragon sculpts here as I can.

For the purposes of this thread I'm going with a traditional interpretation of dragon, big, winged lizards. No wyverns wingless dragons or whatever.

More dragons will be added s I find them, and feel free to post any I've missed whether from new companies or those I've already included.

Dark Sword Miniatures (http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/)has a great many dragons for sale, price range 19.99-99.99USD.

Visions in Fantasy

Black Dragon (smallish, check website for scale pictures)

Red Dragon

White Dragon

08-08-2012, 01:12 AM
Visions in Fantasy from Dark Sword contnued.

Green Dragon

Blue Dragon

Dragon of the Blood Moon (my personal favourite Dark Sword dragon)

Bigger Red Dragon

08-08-2012, 01:14 AM
Dark Sword Miniatures.

Elmore Masterworks range. Dimensions on website.

Green Dragon

Red Dragon

Golden Dragon of Chaos

Blue Dragon

08-08-2012, 01:15 AM
Dark Sword Elmore Range continued.

Bronze Dragon

Parkinson and Easley ranges.

Parkinson Dragon

Easley Dragon

That it's it for Dark Sword, check out the website for more pictures and in some cases dimensions,

08-08-2012, 01:21 AM
Fenryll Miniatures (http://www.fenryll.com) havd quite a few dragons, tending to the small size. Dimensions on website, you can search for 'dragon' to find them all easily. You can zoom in on the pictures on the website, too. Price range is 9-127EU. I was going to post all of them but there are just too many.

Cave Dragon

Aggressive Dragon

Zombie Dragon

Ozgurd's watch dragon (127EU, 20cm tall)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-08-2012, 01:22 AM

Nice Dragons.

08-08-2012, 01:24 AM
Fenryll Dragons continued

Mummy Dragon

Skeleton Dragon

Mountain Dragon

Flying Dragon

08-08-2012, 01:29 AM
Heresy Miniatures (http://www.heresyminiatures.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index) has just one dragon. The Dragon. Two hundred British Pounds, seven month or more waiting list. Worth it? Well I'm on the list, so what does that tell you.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-08-2012, 01:33 AM

"Hello Beastie"

08-08-2012, 01:38 AM
Ah, Reaper (http://www.reapermini.com). More dragons than you can poke a baby dragon onna stick at. Search their online store for 'dragon' or the numbers below.

65144 Silver Dragon

65141 Blood Dragon

65138 Young Swamp Dragon

60056 Jabberwock

08-08-2012, 01:42 AM
More Reaper. I will try and post all of Reapers even though there are a lot of them, as they are just so good. Price range is 6.99 to 99.99.

60028 Pathfinder Red Dragon

About 4" tall from the tabletop and 6" wide from wingtip to wingtip.

20029 Young Dragon

14442 Gam-Nan, Gaan-Hor Elder

10023 Stormwing, Blue Dragon

One of the coolest dragons ever! Storm Wing is a killer dragon, and is a masterpiece of miniatures design and art. This incredible dragon by Sandra Garrity stands approximately 9 ½" tall and has a wingspan of 14". Storm Wing is easy to assemble with only seven pieces.

08-08-2012, 01:47 AM
Still more Reaper.

10022 Ebonwrath, Black Dragon (you can get this for 10usd through Reapers Bones Kickstarter or 70 in metal. Or wait'til next year to buy it from the Bones range at an unknown price)

Now the big league:

10018 Verocithrax

If you're looking for a dragon that is out of the ordinary, then Verocithrax is for you! Verocithrax is a dragon summoned from the netherworld, a creature of nightmares! Crafted by fan favorite sculptor Werner Klocke, this fantastic dragon stands approximately 9 ½" tall and has an impressive wingspan of 12". Verocithrax comes in 10 easy to assemble pieces.

10017 Blight Fang, Green Dragon

Crafted by the legendary Sandra Garrity, Blightfang stands approximately 6 ½" tall, a wingspan of 8 ½", and an overall length of 13" from nose to tail! Blightfang is easy to assemble with only ten pieces.


10009 T'Raukzul

Nothing says dragon like T'Raukzul! This spectacular dragon is sure to get the attention of everyone at the game table! Sculpted by the incomparable Sandra Garrity, this massive dragon stands approximately 8 ½" tall and has an impressive wingspan of 12". T'Raukzul comes in nine easy to assemble pieces.

08-08-2012, 01:53 AM
The last of the Reaper Dragons:

10006 Gauth

Gauth, the granddaddy of all dragons! This magnificent miniature is sure to be the centerpiece of anyone's miniature collection! Sculpted by legendary artist Jim Johnson, this amazing dragon stands approximately 12" tall and has a whopping wingspan of 16". Gauth comes in seven easy to assemble pieces.

There are a half dozen or so more dragons I've not posted from Reaper, check them out too.

Trollforged Miniatures (http://trollforged.com/) have just one dragon for 45USD

Ultraforge (http://www.ultraforgeminiatures.com/?p=1) have one very impressive dragon for 89USD

08-08-2012, 01:58 AM
Valiant Enterprises Miniatures (http://www.veltd.net/) have three lovely dragons:

VEL4024 Razorwing 75USD

VEL4011 Viszeralyn 250USD. Two feet tall

VEL4025 Gieger, Deep Dragon 40.00

08-08-2012, 04:15 AM
There used to be the Titan Dragon from Rackham. Not sure if ya got that one:


08-08-2012, 05:14 AM
I'm aware of it (by aware I mean I actually got one when it was in production hehe), I was going to include it at some point in an OOP feature along with the (very) old Citadel Imperial Dragon that was two feet long.


Imperial Citadel Dragon

My eldest brothers actually have one they bought back in 1982 when it was on sale for a short time before the pure awesomeness contained in the sculpts destroyed the moulds.

08-08-2012, 06:10 AM
. Two hundred British Pounds, seven month or more waiting list. Worth it? Well I'm on the list, so what does that tell you.

You have an expensive addiction to buying models? :D

I thought I'd add the link (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat500025a&rootCatGameStyle=) to some of the older GW models as I'm not sure how many people will know about them because they are hidden, but they do some nice ones. Look at the wee baby ones!

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1280490_99060299043_ColYoungDragonsMain1_873x627. jpg

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-08-2012, 06:13 AM
I think she can afford to.

08-08-2012, 07:17 AM
I forgot about those Collectors range dragons, good idea posting them. There is also th rather fine dragon form GWs LOTR range:

A fair assessment.:p

You have an expensive addiction to buying models?:D

Also fair...

I think she can afford to.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-08-2012, 07:20 AM
Note the small print, I was internet whispering. :p

08-08-2012, 05:15 PM
For the purposes of this thread I'm going with a traditional interpretation of dragon, big, winged lizards. No wyverns wingless dragons or whatever.


Great idea for a thread, but you do realise that despite not including Wyverns in this, the very first figure you've posted up there is in fact a Wyvern? Note the two legs and barbed tail. It might be a truly massive wyvern, but it is a wyvern. Gwyfern even means wyvern in Welsh.

As dragons go they don't come much more impressive than this beastie from Cool Mini or Not:

Cang the Implacable


Measuring at almost 2 feet from base to wing tip and snout to tail barb, this enormous and majestic figure took Pedro Fernandez 3 months of continuous work to realize. Cang is cast in high quality resin for easy assembly, and comes with an optional pewter rider scaled at 28mm.

$299.99 though!

08-08-2012, 10:59 PM
Ha, you're right, that is what I get for starting work on the thread at 6 in the morning after a poor nights sleep.:rolleyes: Edit: I've removed the wyvern.

Thanks for posting Cang, he was on my list but I couldn't remember which store he was from.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-08-2012, 11:19 PM
The Welsh have a word for 'Wyvern'? FML.

08-13-2012, 12:23 PM
Dark Sword Elmore Range continued.

Parkinson Dragon

He's sooo CUTE!!!

Flying Dragon

Oh, so he's the one, then?

10018 Verocithrax


Easley Dragon

Two from the Strongbad school of sculpting, I think ;)


08-13-2012, 12:33 PM
He's sooo CUTE!!!

I have that kit (not done anything with it yet) and it's quite a nice one.

Two from the Strongbad school of sculpting, I think ;)


Oh man, it is the S is for Sucks dragon! :D

Though that red guy doesn't quite match Trogdor's majesty or burninating fury, though he comes close.
(I did name my LR redeemer Trogdor, complete with bumper art).

08-14-2012, 09:56 AM
I have that kit (not done anything with it yet) and it's quite a nice one.

I like the way it looks like a puppy sitting slightly awkwardly but desperately trying to be good :)

Oh man, it is the S is for Sucks dragon! :D

Though that red guy doesn't quite match Trogdor's majesty or burninating fury, though he comes close.
(I did name my LR redeemer Trogdor, complete with bumper art).

I'm more amused by the muscle man arm on the Easley dragon myself.

And Trogdor is the best name ever for a Redeemer ... it puts the Fire Lords' Prometheus to shame! Oh yeah, this thread has officially gone to LR Redeemer jokes ... cos that's how we roll ;)

08-14-2012, 10:00 AM
The easley dragon isn't one of my favourites I have to admit. But on to one that is...

T'char, Dragon of Flame and Fury
Originally a Ral Partha model, now available through Ironwind Metals.

08-14-2012, 10:13 AM
The easley dragon isn't one of my favourites I have to admit.

I was just poking fun ... I can't really criticise, I've never been great at sculpting myself. I just can draw well enough to recognise human musculature and it looks out of place on a dragon ... but I don't think I could tell you what would look right ;)

<IN SIGNATURE> Totally not Jeff the Strangler...

Well that's taken a load off my mind. I mean, I didn't want to say anything, but I was starting to have my suspicions ;)

BTW I really appreciate these Miniatures-that-are-Available threads that you've been doing.

I just wish someone would do them for WH40K. Darn, why can't I change people's actions purely with the force of my mind ... willing Eldargal to make the threads for me ... mind control powers not working over the internet ... eh, maybe I should just start it myself -- but that sounds like doing actual work, and this is the internet fercrissakes, it's meant to be the polar opposite of work.

08-14-2012, 10:17 AM
I'm contemplating making one for 40k, the problem is it is a huge effort. Whereas most fantasy miniatures work together to some extent if they are the right scale, 40k has very specific aesthetics for most of its armies. So while there are a lot of scifi ranges out there few would be particularly useful for anything other than IG counts-as or maybe monsters for 'nids or Dark Eldar.

08-14-2012, 10:36 AM
Yeah, it would be much more the following manufacturers do ranges that could be used as IG, the following could be Orks, the following could be SMs. That is all.

And then, you can't really mix, say, Wargames Factory greatcoat guard and Mantic sort of Elysians in the same army. Not without a lot of converting, anyway.

I am half tempted to do the IG one, though, if only because I know of a few sculptors that do some nice ranges that some people probably don't know about.

08-14-2012, 03:56 PM
Slightly off topic, but this has got me thinking that when the Hobbit stuff comes out, we should (hopefully) be getting an awesome Smaug model (evil Benedict Cumberbatch voice sadly not included).