View Full Version : Tau Ally Idea/Deepstriking Turret Spam

08-07-2012, 04:41 PM
Buddy of mine came up with a really good idea for an allied SM detachment. Chaplain w a scout squad w sniper rifles. Sniper support from the scouts and a HUGE Kroot blob with hounds, a shaper to soak up challenges, and the chaplain to make all the hits count on the charge.

Another buddy suggested buying at least 4 drone sentry turrets and use em to free up the elite slots for the XV suits to kill transports in the backfield

Gonna try this and see if it sticks.

08-07-2012, 05:52 PM
It's all about:

Tactical Squad with Transport (pick a veteran skill)
Thunderfire Cannon
and if points left over: Legion of the Damned.

08-19-2012, 05:23 PM
It's all about:

Tactical Squad with Transport (pick a veteran skill)
Thunderfire Cannon
and if points left over: Legion of the Damned.

I have to agree with Tynskel here.