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View Full Version : Blood angels 1500 competitive

10-01-2009, 02:46 AM
Hi not sure about this list thought I could run it past you guys see what you think

Hq lamates 125
6 death comp jump packs 90
8 vas 1 pfist 1 melta 1 flamer 265
8 vas 1 pfist 1 melta 1 flamer 265
5 *** troops rhino 140
5 *** troops rhino 140
3 baal predator hvy bolter 375
2 att bike mm 100

10-01-2009, 03:22 AM
Looks good enough.

Given the choice, though, I’d suggest the following changes, sticking as close to the original list as possible.

1) I’d trade 1 Baal in for another pair of multi-melta attack bikes, because fast anti-tank is always a GOOD thing.

2) Points freed up go towards :
a) Equipping both Vet squads with 2 meltas each
(If you’re in range to hit the other guy with flamers, you might as well assault him!
The last thing you want to do is let rip with the flamers, killing enough enemy models for the other guy to strand you out of assault range.)

b) Upgrading the power fists to thunder hammers

Last 5 points, give someone a melta bomb or something…

10-01-2009, 04:08 AM
Cheers Confuddled always thought it lacked anti armor I am playing tonight so can try out youre ideas

Katie Drake
10-01-2009, 04:35 AM
Looks like a pretty decent list. Here are some ideas.

Exchange one of the Baal Predators for two multi-melta Attack Bikes as suggested above. Also, equip each of your Tactical Squads with at the very least a flamer or meltagun, even if they have no other equipment. This is because a) flamers and meltas are really cheap and b) the troops don't even need to get out of their Rhinos to fire them, so they can stay as safe as possible. Oh, and it's also really nice to have each of your units, no matter how small or expendable to have a means of causing respectable damage to the enemy. A bunch of bolters by themselves doesn't cut it unfortunately, but backed up by say a flamer and you can do some impressive damage.

Good luck!

10-01-2009, 04:51 AM
Thanks Katie but the troops in rhinos were assault as they get the free rhino upgrade to add melta or flamers it would cost 40points or 50 points for melta and would mean losing 1 attack bike do you think thats worth it

10-01-2009, 10:01 AM
Ok the new list look like this
chaplin 120
6 death co 90
8 vas 1 fist 2 melta 270
8 vas 1 fist 2 melta 270
5 tactical 1 melta razorback hvy bolter175
5 tactical 1 melta razorback hvy bolter 175
2 baal predator 250
3 attack bike multi melta 150

10-01-2009, 10:35 AM
- I don't know how much you like the J. Pack VAS but I always put my VAS in Rhinos.

- Did you pay for Jump packs for the DC? I think you did if I added it up right.

- Something I do: Deploy Tac Squads and VAS squads and have them switch transports.

- Lamartes is fine, but at a higher point level I would put in Dante and Corbulo... For obvious reasons.