View Full Version : Help Deciding 2K pt lists. GK&IG vs Necrons

08-06-2012, 11:38 PM

I have decided upon two army ideas, but I have run into a problem; the wife will only let me get 1 of them.

Basically each army has a core that I start with and add/subtract depending on the points level. But I just want to run by you guys which army you think is better, and the one that I should build for 6th edition. Added onto that, if you have any suggestions on making the lists better, please by all means advise away.

Starting with the Grey Knights.
Castellan Crowe - 150pts
GK Troops:
5x Purifiers - 2 Psycannons, Rhino - 180pts
5x Purifiers - 2 Psycannons, Rhino - 180pts
GK Heavy Support:
Dreadnought - 2x TL-Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo - 135pts
Dreadnought - 2x TL-Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo - 135pts
Dreadnought - 2x TL-Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo - 135pts
Company Command Squad - 3x Plasmaguns, Medic, Astro, Officer of Fleet, Chimera - 240pts
IG Troops:
Veteran Squad - 3x Meltaguns, Demolitions - 130pts
Veteran Squad - 3x Meltaguns, Demolitions - 130pts
IG Fast Attack:
2x Vendettas - 260pts
IG Heavy Support:
1x Hydra Flak Tank - 75pts
Aegis Defence Line - Quad-gun - 100pts

Now for the Necrons:
Overlord - Warscythe, MSS, Phylactery, Catacomb Command Barge w/ Gauss Cannon - 210pts
Royal Court - 1x Despair Tek, 1x Veil of Darkness - 60pts
Destroyer Lord - Warscythe, Semipiternal Weave, Mindshackle Scarabs - 160pts
10x Deathmarks
5x Immortals - Gauss Blasters, Night Scythe DT - 185pts
5x Immortals - Gauss Blasters, Night Scythe DT - 185pts
5x Immortals - Gauss Blasters, Night Scythe DT - 185pts
5x Immortals - Gauss Blasters, Night Scythe DT - 185pts
Fast Attack:
6x Wraiths - 6x Whip Coils - 270pts
Heavy Support:
Annihilation Barge - TL Tesla Destructor, Gauss Cannon - 90pts
Annihilation Barge - TL Tesla Destructor, Gauss Cannon - 90pts
Annihilation Barge - TL Tesla Destructor, Gauss Cannon - 90pts

Here are my two lists, let me know what you think, any and all feedback is appreciated!