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View Full Version : Initiative Question involving pysker powers and concussive.

08-05-2012, 10:17 PM
I was playing my termies vs some Tyranids today, and had this problem arise.

I smacked a big bug with a thunderhammer, wounding but not killing it. It was under the effect of the power that grants D3 initiative to a model. The question then becomes what is the iniative of the model. Is it initiative 1 due to concussive, or is it initiative 1 plus the effects of the power?

We could not find the answer in the rulebook. Is this covered in the rulebook and we missed it?


08-06-2012, 12:23 AM
In the front of the book,(Check the index for Multiple Modifiers for the page number) they list the order modifiers are applied. Multiplication/Division first, then Addition/Subtraction, finally numbers are set to specific values.

So the 'nid would get the added initiative first, then his value would be set to 1 via Thunderhammer.

08-06-2012, 01:35 AM
In the front of the book,(Check the index for Multiple Modifiers for the page number) they list the order modifiers are applied. Multiplication/Division first, then Addition/Subtraction, finally numbers are set to specific values.

So the 'nid would get the added initiative first, then his value would be set to 1 via Thunderhammer.

Exactly, the only thing that is missing is the exact page reference :D