View Full Version : Announcing Crucible 2013 - March 8-10, Orlando, Florida

Happy Scrappy Hero Pup
08-05-2012, 09:55 PM
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y80/looneytunez69/CrucibleLogoF.jpg (http://crucible-orl.blogspot.com)

Now featuring Warhammer 40,000!!

With 2013 right around the corner, it is with great pride and deepest pleasure that we announce the launch of the 2nd annual Crucible, a colossal wargaming throwdown right here in sunny Orlando, Florida

This year we have expanded our gaming menu to include that most popular of games set in a dark future in which there is only war - Warhammer 40K. That's right, a traditional, 6-game 40K GT will now be held right alongside all the Warmachine & Hordes action. And as if that weren't enough, Friday night will also feature a 40K team tournament! That's the equivalent of three RTTs in one weekend, except with a ton of prizes and trophies thrown in.

And, of course, Warmachine and Hordes fans will not be disappointed. We have heard your feedback and have increased the size of our Saturday Revielle qualifier to 50 points. We've also added a full blown 35 point Steamroller on Sunday - with full trophies - that will run concurrently with the Crucible(Masters). *This is in addition to the Friday Hardcore tournament and another new add - Iron Arena.

We're also happy to say that we plan to use the Death clock format for all tournaments (and by 'plan' we mean we will adapt, if necessary, when the 2013 rules come out).

For anyone considering attending for the first time, take a peek through the galleries on our SITE (http://crucible-orl.blogspot.com/) and you'll see that high quality boards and scenery are a staple of the Crucible. *We want your gaming experience to be superior. There will be no grass mats, green felt forests, or cardboard buildings!

And as if that weren't enough!! This year we have the gaming rooms for 24 hours on both Friday & Saturday, so mucho plans are in the works to pack in yet more gaming. There will be vendors on site this year as well - should you be looking to expand your collection or discover you really need a new set of dice.

So join us March 8-10, 2013 for a jam-packed weekend of wargaming under the swaying palms of the World's #1 Tourist Destination! *Come! Test your mettle against a diverse field of competitors and see how you stack up against the best players in the largest event of its kind in the Southeast.

Ticket Sales are now live!! *Please take time to fill out our registration form and click through the Paypal link on our SITE (http://crucible-orl.blogspot.com/) to lock in your spot. *We have 50 spots available for both systems and payment guarantees your spot.

Happy Scrappy Hero Pup
08-16-2012, 05:35 AM
Click Here to Visit Our Website (http://crucible-orl.blogspot.com)

Here at Crucible, we pride ourselves on providing a top-notch gaming experience for everyone who attends - and every good game starts with a cool board and great scenery!

A browse through the galleries on this site will give you a taste of the boards and scenery our Warmachine and Hordes players enjoyed this year, but with the addition of 40K in 2013 we have to create no less than 25 6x4 custom boards by March of next year. A Herculean task, no doubt!

This weekend we'll be collecting all the materials so the Crucible crew can start building, but we know there is an awesome community of creative and imaginative hobbyists in Central Florida, and we'd love to get you involved as well.

If you have a passion for building game boards and want to help out, or if you've never tried it before but always wanted to learn, here are three ways you can get involved:

*We supply the materials, you build the board - If you'd like to help via this route, we will purchase the materials and provide you with some basic guidelines for construction and a deadline. The rest is up to you. If you've always wanted to build a crater-strewn battlefield, mysterious desert, or a craggy badlands, we'd love to see it. We'll even put your name on it so everyone will know who the artist was that made it and we'll make sure you get to play on it if you so desire. The only catch is, we'll need to keep the board once its done.

*You create your own masterpiece - If you have a killer idea for an incredible theme board and are just looking for an excuse to start, well here's your excuse. You buy the materials and make the board - and, obviously, you keep the board after the event. We'd love to have it back every year, though, and we'll make sure everyone knows who the wizard is behind it. We'll even post up progress pics here on the webpage and on Facebook and Twitter. What, you have this great idea for an ice-locked Khadoran Port? How about that Necron tomb world? Tell us more!

*Volunteer for Board Building days - f you don't want to commit to shouldering a board all by yourself, but still want to help, we'll have board construction days where you can pitch in. We'll get your info and let you know in advance when we're getting together and you just let us know if you can make it.

Crucible is primarily about building and strengthening our gaming community, so we want the community involved in helping us grow.

If you're interested, contact [email protected]

Happy Scrappy Hero Pup
09-11-2012, 04:39 PM
We have a lot of construction in flight, so its past time to put up some pics of the progress.

Here we have a board in-progress from Mr. Osvaldo Rivera (thanks, Oz!):





Happy Scrappy Hero Pup
09-11-2012, 04:39 PM
Nice gradual slope for those top-heavy models!




Happy Scrappy Hero Pup
09-14-2012, 02:22 PM
Reveille is the first of two qualifier tournaments for the main "Masters"-style event: The Crucible. The top 8 players from Reveille are eligible to compete amongst the best players in the region for the Grand Prize - a 35pt army of their choice. The following is an interview with Khador great, Ryan Lavoie, who ended up going 5-0 in Reveille and a respectable 8-1 to close the event at 2nd place.

Q: Congrats! How's it feel to win Reveille at Crucible2012?

A: No way around it, but it was pretty awesome!* I had a ton of fun, and not having to worry about the night tournament (Taps) and getting to hang out with everybody was awesome.

Q: How long have you been playing Khador?

A: I'm pretty sure I picked up Khador during the last days of the MK II field test.*


Q: How did you decide on your two army lists and 'casters?

A: When I make lists, I try to have one solid "all-comers" list and one specified for a particular threat (usually something like Hordes, or eGaspy). My go-to for all around list is pretty much always pIrusk.* He's a tool box caster that makes Khador's already good infantry even better. My other list was Old Witch as she helps me with those contest style scenarios, and is about the only answer I can think of for eAsphyxious.

Q: Whats your MVP model(s)?

A: eEiryss and Kayazy assassins.

I hate those! Yakakow! (not really a question, I know)


Q: Are you digging on the Black Dragons?

A: Love them.* I got into Khador for the Iron Fangs, so I love the theme and I think their rules are great.* I use them almost exclusively over the original flavor.

Q: What do you think is Khador's weakness? What would you least like to see across the table from you?

A: They don't have a lot of crazy shennanigans, so there are times when its hard to get super creative to get out of a reeeaallly bad situation.* I also wish Khador had a better ability to support multiple jacks.* I HATE Terminus if hes bringing a lot of dudes, and eGaspy is always a pain in the behind.

Haha, yeah. Cryx is totally a pain in the ***.


Q: Did you feel a lot of pressure going into the Crucible?

A: A little... There was plenty of local ribbing and some expectations placed on me, and that can sometimes put the pressure on.* But, the casual tournament the night before (Red Skies), and the copious amount of drinking helped calm my nerves.

Q: What advice do you have for players aiming to win at SR2012?

A: Figure out what you want to play (at least one list) a few months before an event and practice.* And then practice some more.* Try all the scenarios, and get used to timed turns.

Q: How do you feel about timed turns?

A: I think they are necessary for competitive play and bring another element to the game.* I really dislike when an event has no timed turns.

Q: How do you feel colossals have changed the meta-game?

A: With the caveat that I haven't played too much against/with them. . .
I think they are super cool and do have some effect on the meta, but not in the drastic way people are saying.* I do not think that infantrymachine is dead.* Colossals are around 20 pts, and every faction in the game has had ways to deal with massed infantry if they want to spend 20 pts on it.* I am slightly concerned about how they play at low point, more casual, games, though I rarely play those.


Q: Inquiring minds want to know, whats your favorite color?
A: Blue - but if you judge by armies its apparently red.

Haha. Thanks, Ryan. See you next year at Crucible 2

Happy Scrappy Hero Pup
09-17-2012, 12:52 PM
Mr. Bill Daniels has begun work on an Eldar World board. He started with this display as inspiration. . .


And here's the actual board progress. Looking great so far, Bill!



Happy Scrappy Hero Pup
10-01-2012, 04:13 PM

More progress from Bill Daniels on his Eldar board. You can see how it looks at 4x4 and there's another 2' addition on the way!
