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09-30-2009, 05:47 PM
So yeah for years now when ever I look through my skaven book I see the option to take "DOGS OF WAR" as a rare choice! Where does one find rules for DOW and are they even a legal choice anymore?

09-30-2009, 06:15 PM
Dogs of War are pretty much defunct. There are no entries for them in "modern" books and I think you'd be hard pressed to find unit entries for them. You can still get the models in the collectors range. A friend of mine has the old Birdmen of Catrazza.

09-30-2009, 06:42 PM
If you can find the Book:
Warhammer- "Chronicles 2004", It has all of the rules for Dog's of War. This compiles all of the rules previously published in white dwarf, and misc other rules (Kisliv, warriors of Ulric, etc) There are some very cool units. My favorite is Long Drong's Slayer pirates.

09-30-2009, 08:27 PM
You could also find the Dogs of War rules in PDF format on some of the GW sites before they changed over to the new universal site.

As long as the armybook gives the option for DoW, they're a legal choice - but like Brominated said, they're being phased out of newer armybooks and the minis aren't exactly easy to get.

10-02-2009, 08:55 PM
The minis aspect does not bother me at all! Thats what a weekend of conversions is for ;) My biggest concern was the rules aspect of it! Id love to see my rats toting a unit of dwarf Slayers! Oh the looks of confusion that would sow!

10-02-2009, 09:58 PM
Dogs of War are pretty much defunct. There are no entries for them in "modern" books and I think you'd be hard pressed to find unit entries for them.
This has always baffled me, actually. If the DoW/RoR book/lists (6th ed) say "You may take this unit with army 'x' as a 'y' choice", then that's all it needs. Do you really *need* the listing in the other book.

Point in case (GW rules precedent) - Witchhunter/Daemon Hunter allies: You may take them in Space Marines or Imperial Guard armies because the WH/DH books say you can. Are there unit entries for them? No. But you can still take them.

That's always been the thing I didn't understand about the DoW/RoR lists, and some people's insistence that if the army book didn't say they could take it, they couldn't, even if the DoW/RoR lists specifically says they can. From a RAW perspective, which book/list takes precedence?

10-03-2009, 11:52 AM
It's GW's current idiotcy that prevents Dogs of War being used in tournaments. The claim was they didn't like Chaos taking Cannons and Crossbows.

They could have just put an FAQ saying which armies can take what units. Heck, they did have 2 charts (one Dogs of War units and one for RoR's) that showed what armies could take what units. (Slayer army was allowed Dogs of War Cannons as a Special Choice on it.)

There is a new Dogs of War book being play tested that is trying to become official list for Indy GT's, like the Dwarfs of Chaos is the Indy GT Chaos Dwarf book.