View Full Version : Thousand Skulls on the Throne of Sons, Tornament Advice request

08-05-2012, 01:44 PM
Hi all.

I'm attending the Throne of Skulls tornament in November. It's 1500pts and I intend to take a pure Thousand Sons list. I believe that by November we will have the new Chaos Marine book. I would like to use this thread to gather thoughts as to how I can make a list that has a strong Thousand Sons theme but is also able to take on all commers and complete the kill against what will inevitable be a number of highly compeative 6th edition builds.

I would like input on:
- How to use the units effectively.
- How to compose the list to threaten all commers
- How to ensure I can take and hold objectives
- Strengths of the army
- Weaknesses of the army
- How to maintain the army theme
- How to make the most of the abundance of Psychic powers

So for my army composition is-
3 x 9 Thousand sons including Sorcerer (deployed on foot)
1 x (Counts as) Flying Daemon Prince with Mark of Tzeentch (exact loadout up for debate)

This takes me to approxamately 1100pts

Possible further additions:
- I believe two of the upcomming Dragon Flyers may have a lot of potential to assist this build and with
200pts to spend on each one they should pose a significant threat. If they are cheaper (which if rumors are true I doubt) I can always simply get three.

Thoughts on the list so far:
The Thousand Sons will provide durable anti infantry power and objective grabbing potential.
The Thousand Sons will lack speed to adapt to changing situations so will have to be deployed very carefully.
The Flyers and Daemon Prince will have to be relied on to provide a significant anti-flyer/vehicle threat.
The Thousand Sons will provide a horrific level of threat to units with 3+ saves.
The army cannot overwatch and does not have a strong assualt capability.
The number of Psychic characters will provide alot of flexibility but also a significant vulnerability if any opponent has any specalist anti Psycher equipment.

Cheers in advance


08-05-2012, 01:51 PM
Remember CSM DP is jump infantry not flyer. As per FAQ.

the jeske
08-05-2012, 02:38 PM
you wont fit two dragons with MoT in to 400pts .

08-05-2012, 03:18 PM
Bit daft comtemplating points cost for a codex that isnt even released yet and you're cutting it short as the codex will most likely be out in October.

08-05-2012, 05:13 PM
I figure if I can get a vague idea now what will work, what will be needed and what sort of space I have to play around with then it gives me greater opportunity to fine tune the list later.

At the end of the day if I have to buy some new models, paint them and play as many games as possible in three weeks it won't be that much of a strain if the majority of the list is already ready.

I'm happy that there will be quite a bit of room to play around with the list and my feeling is that 330ish points for a 9 man Thousand Son squad can only go down it cost.

The Deamon Prince as Jump Infantry works for me.

I understand that the new Chaos codex is out in September but at the end of the day even if it comes out on the 01/11/12 ill still have time to get the army ready.

The above is all just about getting my head around the list concept as soon as I can and then perfecting it more as I know more about the new dex.

cheers all.


08-06-2012, 09:36 AM
It will be a major change if 1k sons are no longer slow and purposeful, but lets assume they are.

I would still want them in rhinos. As you noted, they will be extreemely stationary, end cant even run.
Its not just about deploying them :)

What the rhino does is give you the ability to at least get to an attractive position fast.

As long as the rhino is still there, they can relocate or use it for cover.

What they can do is rapid fire and assault, and the sorcerer does have a force weapon. They walk 6" relably and can now allway shoot 24".

With no overwatch, its better to assault yourself than take it, as you dont loose the rapid fire go be able to charge.

Counter assault is very good to have with 1k sons. Because they are fearless and therefore stay, but want to end cc quickly so they can shoot again. Tarpits are something you want to avoid.

You should note that they have no grenades. Especially against walkers and monster, thats a big loss in 6th. But it might change.

Armor saturation is very important for Demon prince survival. With no rhinos, that will be hard. Being a true flyer (Demons codex) would help a lot. But fight the temptation and keep him cheap! No matter what dex he is from.

Pychic powers are just complex an issue to deal with without knowing what the codex will provide.

Something you should give a lot of thought is how you will deal with AV. Again, if you dont want rhinos then there is not much saturation and hence, short expected lifespan for armor in this role.