View Full Version : heresy Era project Thousand Sons

08-05-2012, 01:28 AM
With the rumoured Forge World series of heresy era campaign books to be released in the future, I thought it was a good time to start on an army I had wanted to do for the last 2 years. A heresy era Thousand Sons army.

I have designed it using the standard Space Marine codex, and the old BOLS heresy era Warhammer 30,000 minidex. I have used assault cannons, havoc launchers, etc instead of the current weapons - Assault cannons, cyclone missile launchers or hunter killer missiles.

So far I have built a 2 5 man Terminator Squads, a Terminator Terminator Apothecary, a Terminator Librarian, and an 8 man tactical squad, and a Ronin Miniature Primarch which I won on Ebay last month.

I am waiting on parts from 7 orders from 5 companies. With these and the parts I have collected already, I should be able to bring the force strength up to 2 x (10 man) assault squads, 1 with jump packs, 6 x (10 man) tactical squads, 2 x (10 man) devastator squads, 2 Primarchs, a Company Captain in Artificer armour, and a Company Champion in Artificer armour.

I will over time take photos of the project, and then post a separate thread for the army. Providing I can find where they moved the section on modelling and conversion projects for 40K.

Kabuki Miniarures is releasing a new Knight of Legend, which is perfect for Magnus the Red, called a Scarab Knight, and so I can use either Primarch miniature foir the army.

I have found the following companies are good sources for component parts for my project. Especially as they fit the Egyptian theme I am going with.

On EBay - Kromlech has stargate looking heads and nice sword/axe/halberd type weapons.

Also on EBay - Irina Est These are very high quality resing miniatures. The deatil is crisp and I found no bubbling, holes, etc. The have 2 options I have purchased which are Egyptian style Galactic Knightst. Each kits gives you torso, shoulder pads, helmets and in the case of the marines backpacs. You can make up to 10 Space Marines or 6 Terminators with these conversion packs. Mind you need bases, legs, arms amnd weapon to complete the miniatures.

Scribor Miniatures has 2 complet models which are great for champions in artificer armour, and they also make conversion parts with an Egyptian theme.

Puppetwars miniatures has Egyptian god themed helmets.

Chapterhouse Miniatrures has preheresy thousand sons metal shoulder pads.

Anvil Industries is where I order all the other parts I am missing to complete the miniatures. Bases, Legs , Torsos, Arms and weapons/ Guns.

Forge World will be making the Rules books, and from their current range I can use the heresy era specific miniatures -Comtemptor Dreadnought, the various marks of space marine armour, heresy era terminator armour, and heresy era arms and weapon sprues. They will probably be releasing new miniatures to support the Campaign books.

08-05-2012, 01:34 AM
I found the section I was originally looking to post this thread in. It is way down the bottom of the main page. I had thought it would be in the 40K section. TDA, or another Moderator, could you move this post to the correct section under Warhammer 40K Miniatures and Painting Projects thank you?

08-05-2012, 09:44 AM
I look forward to seeing what you come up with. :)

For the past 2-3 years I've been planning something similar, and I'm sitting on heaps of bitz/bases from GW, FW, Scibor, Kromlech, Chapterhouse and Irina Erst, all waiting for a new Chaos codex.

Rather than going pre-Heresy, I'm planning on making a Tzeentch-aligned Chaos force consisting of Thousand Sons as well as other traitors, just with lots of Heresy-era armour here and there (because, hey, they've been hiding in the Eye of Terror since around that time, right?). I'm also going to be aiming really hard to have all my units at 9-man strong, to please the Lord of Change.

It's going to be interesting to see where our projects wind up taking us since we have some similar ideas on how to get there. :)

Cpt Codpiece
08-05-2012, 10:34 AM
i would love to do a PH 1KS force, and probably will when the books drop.

i always loved the old tzeench marines (1 piece models (http://www.solegends.com/citcat911/c2107chaosrenegades-h.htm), with the curved and lined armours and all the mutations too... but the normal (http://www.solegends.com/citcat911/c2110chaosmarines.htm) one was great too), and the HH books are really inspiring.

good luck to both you guys and i look forward to seeing what you make :)

08-06-2012, 07:54 AM
I got the Ronin miniature's Magnus the Red I bought off EBay today. OMG it is huge. It looks like it is a 54mm or Inquisitor scale figure. It is almost twice as tall as my current GW Plastic Terminator (and that is only to its head). Its halberd / weapon sticks up much higher. The detail is good, but I suspect that the miniature was recently made. because the pewter is very shiny and new looking.

It is exactly like the pictures you see on EBay, and comes in 17 pieces, many of which are smallish. There was a fair bit of detail lost where I think the mold is degrading near where the cloak and back/armour joins. I have deflashed this, and cut away the excess. With a bit of work I also put the detail back into the armour, and will use some green stuff (which I will then put detail on) to finish it off.

This means I will have a larger than life Primarch, 2 Terminator Squads, a Terminator Librarian, a Captain in Artificer armour, a terminator apothecary, 6 Tactical Squads, 2 Devastator Squads, 2 Assault Squads, one of which will have Jump Packs. I might look around for a suitable dreadnought - perhaps the forgeworld one, and then get some heresy era rhinos, predators and landraiders.

Why do I start these overwhelming projects for myself.

Its the gamers curse you know. Put together and paint the last model in your collection and you have nothing else to live for. You have a sudden heart attack or other illness then die. LOL

I just love to collect miniatures, and very slowly paint them up.

When I get a few of the miniatures and the Primarch made up, I will borrow my friend's camera and take some photos.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-06-2012, 08:22 AM
Awesome! I love the Thousand Sons.

I'll be keeping a close eye on this. :D

08-06-2012, 08:40 AM
1K Sons do seem to be the most popular of pre-heresy army projects from what I've seen

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-06-2012, 08:42 AM
I would do them if there were GW or FW produced parts...
I wouldn't be able to use them anywhere otherwise.

08-06-2012, 06:03 PM
I just hope Forge World make the Primarchs to the correct scale. If your Primarch was 2 or 3 times taller than a Terminator, or the same size as one, it would just not look right. Way taller than a termie I admit, it would look more dramatic, and they would be able to stand toe to toe with a daemon Prince, but the fluff says the tallest terminators in full armour stood shoulder height to a Primarch dressed in just robes.

I would like the regular thousand sons troops to have a distinctive armour look. lots of rank and file with icons/ iconography for their particular psychic temple/ skill. I forget what they were, but the Horus heresy 1000 sons novel discusses them.

That is why I am using symbols, shoulder pads and heads using Anubis (jackal), Horus (eagle), Apis (bull), Sobek (crocadile), Bastet (cat), and Apophis (snake). If Forgeworld continue with this scheme, even with just the shoulder pads, my army might fit well .

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-07-2012, 12:14 AM
Pyrae (pyromancers), Corvidae (divinators), Pavoni (biomancers), Athanean (telepaths), and Raptora (telekines). :)

08-07-2012, 12:18 AM
Thanks TDA, now I have to find their symbols, compare them to the ones from the Horus Heresy novels and graphic books. Compare these to Egyptian symbols and gods, and then work out a way to incorporate the lot into a force/ FOC for the whole project. More damn work I do not have time for. Still trying to get my taxes finished between work, and everything else.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-07-2012, 01:02 AM
I know the first three: Corvidae is a Raven's head, Pyrae is a Crimson Phoenix, and Pavoni is a Coloured Feather. It's never mentioned what the other two are.

08-14-2012, 03:24 AM
Finally got a few photos of the first squads.





08-14-2012, 03:26 AM


http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy251/Daemonette666/40K%20Collection/DevastatorSquad1IrinaEstMinisstillneedheavyweapons .jpg


08-14-2012, 03:26 AM


There are more photos, but I have to compress them and upload them to photobucket. I still have 2 squads left to build, and I need more legs. I want to collect parts for a further 2 squads, a comtemptor dreadnought and some pre heresy vehicles.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-14-2012, 03:35 AM
Permission to swear profusely? :D

08-14-2012, 03:48 AM
Only if you do so in Klingon.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-14-2012, 03:55 AM

Loosely translates to "Holy sh*t! Those models look f*cking awesome!" :D

(Note: I have no idea how to Klingon)

08-29-2012, 12:11 AM
I thought I posted pictures of my first attempt to get the colour scheme for my forces.

Here we go again. BOLS seems to lock up a lot and does not let me get into the Forum area, and now I find my post from days ago has gone.

Again the pics for my first attempt to get the colours for my Pr-Heresy army.




Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-29-2012, 12:59 AM
You did, and I said they looked cool. I smell trickery afoot.

Cpt Codpiece
08-29-2012, 05:55 AM
how are you liking those anvil industries lega?
i found them a little short for stormtroopers..... i mean marines marines.

army is looking great! really liking the whole egyptian heads thing, i never understood why the makers used MK VII heads though, even GW. they have no concept of continuety (GW at least)

08-29-2012, 07:12 AM
I never really noticed that they were a little shorter than GW legs. They do look a little short now it has been pointed out.

Anvil Industries is the only place I can find that does Heresy era looking legs (that are not marketed as such however), and that I can buy without having to but torsos as well. I bought the Irina_est torsos, so needed something separate. The bases are also Anvil, so I can buy as many as I need and still stay with the same basing theme. (city ruin/street).

Getting weapons that have been able to fit into the Egyptian theme has been harder, but I found 4 companies that offer heads, weapons accessories and guns/pistols that can be used. I want to order Forgeworld heavy and special weapons to complete some of the squads.

The size of the Ronin Miniatures Magnus the Red makes the Army look some how wrong. If they made a miniature that was the right size - 1 &1/2 times the height of a normal Space Marine it would be the perfect height.

I have tried to theme each squad, with elites having mixed heads. It will be a mixed company by the end of it all. 2 squads from 1st company in power armour with white edging on the shoulder pads (1 assault, 1 devastator), backed up by the 2 x 5 man terminator squads (1 company HQ bodyguard). a Devastator squad, 1 jump pack assault squad, 5 tactical squads, some rhinos MK1b, and a Predator (old style), a couple old model Landraiders, a Dreadclaw Assault Pod, a couple Contemptor Dreadnoughts. I might add a Whirlwind for long range artillery.

All very long range plans, as I will not be making a Forgeworld order for 2 to 4 weeks when my tax refund get back.

Cpt Codpiece
08-29-2012, 11:56 AM
i loved the anvil stuff, till i put one next to a marine i had built from GW bits :(

they can be scaled up though and pretty easily too, but its not a big deal with non tru scale marines.

the new puppetswar stuff will be grazy on your guys, the new 'sorcerer' pads look great although very post rubric. though the heads may be an easier option for those without the luck to get the irina est stuff.

hopefully FW will be pretty quick with a better scaled magnus for you :)

08-30-2012, 02:18 AM
The hard thing will be representing the different Psychic disciplines and their symbols with the relevant Egyptian God symbols.

More pics as I finished a couple more miniatures for Scarab Squad during some down time today.





Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-30-2012, 02:24 AM

I'd like to play this army. :)

08-30-2012, 03:01 AM
With it or against it?

I love the Anvil Industries guns. They have different magazines, drum, box and clip.

If they offered GLAs, they would go great with the pre-heresy theme where they were more commonly used.

I think the base theme is working. Urban concrete/pavement with toxic sludge leaking form cracks in the ground and through grille plates.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-30-2012, 03:05 AM
Against it, I can't play with other people's models, I get paranoid that I'll break them. :p

I like the basing, it's quite dramatic.

08-30-2012, 03:16 AM
Until the Forge world Heresy era rules set came out, I would have to run them using the standard Space Marine codex.

I had thought of using 4 Plasma Cannons in the 1st company devastator squad, and 4 Missile Launchers in the standard company devastator squad. I would probably drop the assault squad without jump packs via a Dread Claw Assault pod, and use it as a standard drop pod until the new rules came out.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-30-2012, 03:20 AM
Have you considered Codex: Grey/Gray Knights? I know a few people with Thousand Sons armies that use it. :)

08-30-2012, 03:28 AM
No as I do not want to put Force weapons on all my models. I am trying to stick to a heresy era theme, and although the Thousand Sons had a higher degree of Psykers, they did not require all the Marines in the force to be Psykers. I want to be able to ignore some attachments I am using like Servo Skulls, and use the Force Axes, and Swords s Power weapons.

The Vanilla Marine codex is the easiest to use, and has the most flexible upgrade options and does not cost an arm and a leg in points to field a unit. I can pick and choose a relevant Company Commander to represent the force. I can add a few scout squads later on and hope that the Heresy books account for their use.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-30-2012, 03:36 AM
Oh okay, that's cool. :)

08-30-2012, 05:25 PM
To bad many of these companies are going to be subject to lawsuits from GW. Chapter house is being put out of business entirely, so buy while you can!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-30-2012, 05:42 PM
Are they really?

08-31-2012, 05:51 AM
If chapterhouse is going bust then I need to buy lots of more shoulder pads

08-31-2012, 05:52 AM
To bad many of these companies are going to be subject to lawsuits from GW. Chapter house is being put out of business entirely, so buy while you can!

Best. News. Ever

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-31-2012, 05:57 AM
Best. News. Ever
