View Full Version : where to buy

08-03-2012, 08:31 AM
I'm am currently expanding my craftworld eldar, and would like some advice on how to go about it. Now, I'm not talking what units to bolster my warhost. I am talking about where to buy the models, as there is no local game store in my area (the closest being over three hundred miles away) my best bet is an online retailer. This has never been an issue as most of the eldar line was metal, however with all the aspect warriors now in finecast and all the horror stories out there about the product, I am extremely reluctant to purchase some new models. That being said I do know that GW has a great customer service and will send replacements for unusable models or defects. So, I was wondering if any of you had any experience with buying finecast from an online retailer and the result? Thanks for the help.

08-03-2012, 08:36 AM
I have in the past couple of months brought a number of finecast models from online retailers and they have been without fault. I think a lot of the bad press was from earlier runs, though that is only my opinion. A friend of mine had an issue with 1 commissar lord which had a defect which was replaced without fuss, in the end he kept the commissar lord, in filled the defect with green stuff and now has 2

08-03-2012, 10:15 AM
ive bought a grand total of 3 finecast minis

sicarus (well i prepared/assembled it for my little cousin) a few bubbles, twisted crest
autarch lots of bubbls warping: i got a brand new one :D
warp spiders: a few tiny bubbles but very nice overall.

if you stick to newer finecast releses (most eldar aspects, old models re-done in finecast) you should be fine. just be wary of the early finecasts.

08-07-2012, 05:16 AM
I'd bet, if you want those metal models you could find quite a few on eBay, and Eldar aren't in super high demand right now so you might also get a pretty good deal.

08-07-2012, 05:21 AM
I've never had a problem with any of the Finecast models I've bought that I can think of.
Archon, Haemonculi, Plague Marines, Draigo, Coteaz, the Lord of Change - not one of them had any warping, bubbles or anything requiring attention.
I wouldn't be too worried, and even if the ones you get do have issues, I think even with online retailers they will usually ship you either a full refund or a replacement.

08-07-2012, 10:57 AM
I buy from thewarstore.com (20% off GW) and live in the US.
Flat shipping and I usually receive my items withing 3 days.

I did once buy a Land Raider from them, the weapon sprus were missing (no sponsons, etc).
I phones GW and with no questions they sent me the sprus.

I have a huge Eldar collection dating from the very early 1990's. Most of mine is metal (which I love the weight of them) and a lot of actual lead.
I haven't had any issues with the recent Finecast. I seem to recall that the first run or so had the most issues.

Diagnosis Ninja
08-07-2012, 11:20 AM
Don't take all the Finecast issues as gospel. It's not like there were thousands of threads started about how people got a perfectly fine model. To my experience, the quality is no different to metal miniatures.

As for an online store, if you're in the EU, check out Wayland Games.