View Full Version : 40K UK Grand Tournement

08-03-2012, 05:02 AM
So it seems in the wake of GW closing down on their comps a unofficial new one has sprung up

Tickets are on sale now, for the three heats. Brighton, Warrington, Mansfield. They're going quickly though!

1850 points, FW is allowed if it has the 40K stamp on it. Full 6th ed rules and regs as well (Allies, Fortifications etc)

Its likely to be a cheese fest of epic proportions, but should be good to get some more games in


08-03-2012, 05:38 AM
I'm in. I reckon getting through to the finals on Sportsmanship is my best chance, but anyway. I'm thinking a Guard flying Circus? Two Valks, a Vendetta and a Thunderbolt! and otherstuff. Lots of other stuff...

08-04-2012, 07:36 AM
Cheers DrLove42 for bringing this to my attention, I have bought my ticket and a friend is interested, just waiting to see if they will allow his army (skaven count as tyranids)