View Full Version : Trying to solidify an 1850pt list concept, Carapace Guard horde, DKoK allies

08-03-2012, 01:36 AM
So, with the advent of 6th edition, and the massive changes to certain aspects of the game, the "ye ol' tank horde" I've been running for several editions just doesn't feel...right, so I've decided to try something else. I've always like the idea of elite armored guardsmen, and though generally horribly overpriced, since I owned a bunch and like the visual, I might as well try making a list with them. (and yes, in advance, my playgroup is fine with FW)

So, here's basically what I've got, and then what I'm thinking of doing with it.

60 DKoK Grenadiers and 60ish Kasrkin, I'll probably use these as basic codex Carapace vets.
20 DKoK Engineers
2 Hades Breaching Drills (go with Engineers)
DKoK Quartermaster
And some DKoK and generic cadian-esque Company Command Squad models.

Then I've got an assortment of 9 heavy mortars, 6 DKoK lascannon teams, and whatever carapace infantry I have left over could serve as Stormtroopers or the like. I'm also thinking of picking up some Rapiers for long range AT, but haven't gone through with it yet.

Anyway, here's what I'm initially thinking

HQ:CCS, Carapace Armor, Krak Grenades, 4x Meltagun

Allied HQ: DKoK Quartermaster

3x 2 Heavy Mortar

4x Carapace Vets, 3x Plasma Gun, Autocannon
2x Carapace Vets, 3x Meltagun, Autocannon

Allied Troops: 2x 10 DKoK Engineers w/Demo Charge, Gas Grenades and attached Hades Breaching Drill.

Fortification: Aegis Defense Line

I think that puts me at 1825, so there's points to spare.

What I'm thinking is that the carapace vets and HQ deploy in cover and behind the Aegis line, on most tables there should be enough that everything gets cover between those two, then put the Quartermaster close behind so two or three vet squads get Feel No Pain. The Heavy Mortars do what they do and pulverize infantry, and use the Hades drills to take out big groups of heavy infantry like Paladins or stuff like Land Raiders or Hammerheads sitting in the back corner, with the Engineers to either follow up the next turn with demo-charges and/or assaults (as the specific text in the Hades/Engineer entry states they may assault after entering play via the Drill tunnel).

Thoughts on the list or alternatives?