View Full Version : Ork Bike Mob (1850; casual)

08-01-2012, 09:35 PM
So... before I actually shell out a reasonable amount of cash for a new army, I might want to check what others either think of it and/or if there's any advice from people running a similar army (or themed list).

I'm thinking about doing a Ork biker list @ 1850 points. I'm fully aware of the low model count, but my other armies are Deathwing & a "draigowing" list so compared to those, even this is "more". I do have Ork models around (can field about 1000 points in a random assortment of Ork models), and just need to buy a lot of bikes (as in... 12 boxes or so; already have a few bikes around).

I'm not a competitive player (Draigowing was a cheap army modelswise ;) ) so it's more for a fun, themed list than anything else. I might visit my local gaming store here or there, but mostly play at home against my friend who currently only has vanilla marines.

So far, this is my idea of a list;

- Wazdakka Gutsmek 180 pts
- Weirdboy (Warphead upgrade) 85 pts

- 10 Warbikers (Nob w/ Powerclaw & Bosspole) 290 pts
- 10 Warbikers (Nob w/ Powerclaw & Bosspole) 290 pts
- 10 Warbikers (Nob w/ Powerclaw & Bosspole) 290 pts
- 10 Boyz w/ Shootas + Trukk w/ Big Shoota & Reinforced Ram 100 pts

- 5 Nobz (Warbikes, 2 bosspoles, 3 Powerclaws, 2 big choppas) 300 pts
- 5 Nobz (Warbikes, 2 bosspoles, 3 Powerclaws, 2 big choppas, 1 Waagh Banner) 315 pts

Total 52 models + 1 vehicle. And if Battlescribe told me correctly, this is 1850 points.

In general, the bikes are fine I think, just not to sure about the Boyz and the truck. But I have those around. Also, the plan was to let the Warphead join the Boyz for a decent boost for psychic powers... and to not be on his own getting shot up (well, Orks get shot up, but now he could benefit from Look out sir).

Anything that can be moved around in terms of themed and somewhat effective list (the argument of "bikes aren't good" is moot, since I could just as well try a different army then).

For exchanging stuff a bit around, I still have;
- 3 Deffkoptas w/ rokkit launchas
- Another 10 boyz w/ shootas
- 40 boyz w/ sluggas
- 2 Boyz with big shootaz
- 1 Warboss w/ Powerclaw (the Black reach model)
- 7 nobz (3 powerklaw, 4 big choppa)
- 4 Burnaz
- 4 Lootaz
- 1 mekboy w/ rokkit launcha (actually a boy, but it substitutes fine)

So it's not as much that I want to get rid of bikes, but just eventually adjust it a bit eventually with what I already have in terms of models.

So anyone?

08-02-2012, 06:08 PM
It's a pretty cool list, especially for casual play. 10x Boyz in a trukk are pretty much worthless at this point, I'd drop the trukk and the weirdboy and fill-out the 10x boy squad. With the points you save you could easily have a 30-man mob with a few points left over for big shootaz or something. This will contribute to your model count and give you a nice big mob to score

IF you want to save the warhead you could just get grots instead (Although it looks like you don't have them?).

Cool biker list though, I haven't seen anyone actually try the non-nob bikers. You'll have to post here and let us know how it goes!

08-02-2012, 08:08 PM
Nice list but:
I'd drop the trukk boys and Warphead.

Combine the Nobz into 1 squad and add a Warboss on a bike.

They buy 1-3 Dakka Jets, at least one for 1850. Jets should fit the speed freak theme.:D

08-03-2012, 01:59 PM
blackarmchair; Correct... I don't own Grotz, but that's a minor expense I could make. A big mob though might be an idea, but I wanted to trukk to keep it a bit in line with a "mobile" army.

newtoncain; I could get the nobs in one squad, but I feel that 5 nobz is more than enough to kill things here and there. 10 would be a bit overkill I think. I might drop down the amount to 7 and make just one squad though... that might be an idea.

Then eventually fit in dakkajets... I'm actually looking for an excuse to buy them, lol. Doesn't really make the list cheaper moneywise though, so I'll have to work that out.

A 2nd warboss... didn't occur to me, have to see how that works out. I'm planning to get the Warboss on bike from Forgeworld, so that's quite a unique model already... but it's Orks, so conversions ahoy!

Thanks for the input guys... if the army is done I'll probably post a report here or there (need to get the hang of 6th ed a bit first, as well as slowly buying the army).