View Full Version : Personal Political Manifestos.

Mr Mystery
08-01-2012, 01:41 PM
How do! It's another ideally apolitical political thread.

For those foreign types who might be unaware, a manifesto is what British political parties publish in the run up to an election. Essentially, it's a list of intentions (but not necessarily promises) of what they would do when elected.

And I thought it would be interesting to see what sort of intentions you would pledge if running for Parliament/Office/Local Equivalent. Now it goes without saying that I'm trusting you to keep this a good clean thread, and to keep some of your more robust views to yourself. Don't worry about the practicality, this is an 'ideal world' game! As ever, I shall begin.

1. Public Service? Publically Owned. Power. Water. Transport. All will be bought out by the state. No company should be allowed to make a profit on the building blocks of not just society but in the case of warmth and water, human life. Water, Gas, Electricity would all be supplied by nationalised suppliers. Rather than seeking to post colossal profits, they are there to cover their own running and maintenance costs, reducing bills for populace. Transportation. See above. There to cover their own running and maintenance costs, without seeking to make a profit. Prices would be set nationally. So cost-per-mile would be the same no matter where you live. Whilst this may put costs up in some areas (though I doubt it!) it would provide a more mobile workforce. For instance, I'll soon be getting the Train from Tunbridge Wells to Canary Wharf 5-6 days a week. The costs? £375 a month. This is a roughly 40 mile or so journey. Compare to Brighton-London, roughly double the mileage - £309 a month. The reason for the difference? Sheer corporate greed, and there is no call for this when providing a public service.

2. Drugs. As someone extremely anti-drugs, to hell with this Class A-whatever system in the UK. Absolute zero tolerance. If you are caught with a controlled or illegal substance, and do not have a valid research license or medical prescription? Then you are doing time, and winding up with a criminal record. No warnings. No slap on the wrist. The sentence will be determined by the amount.

3. Benefits. Reduce the *cash* payments to those claiming benefits. Single parent? You can expect a weekly delivery of baby's requirements. The state will clothe you, feed you and shelter you, but it will not pamper you. Want ciggies and drink? Work opportunities in your community will be made available, from gardening local green areas, to assisting in childcare. Caught abusing the benefits system? Thank you for opting out. Here's the local paper, job adverts start on page x.

4. Education. University Tuition fees are to stay as they are. However, certain qualifications (teaching, nursing, medicine, things immediately useful to society, therefore not stuff like theatre studies, media studies etc) will be full funded by the State, as long as you pass the whole course. Where there is an identified skills shortage, courses will be subisidised by the state until the shortage is supplied. Where the rules change, the change will not impact those already accepted on a course, or currently studying.

5. Care for the Elderly. Rigorous minimum standards of care to be applied to the private sector. Although potentially racist, anyone working in this sector that does not speak the native tongue, whether cleaner or home manager will have to pass a language skills competency case. This isn't because you're johnny foreigner, but because these are frail older persons, and it is imperative that all members of staff are able to interact with the patients. Read, write, speak and comprehend to a set level. This does not mean you have to ditch your accent, but you must be able to understand and be understood in English.

There, that about wraps up my manifesto! VOTE FOR MYSTERY!

08-01-2012, 01:57 PM
I'll buy that for a dollar.

Mr Mystery
08-01-2012, 02:12 PM
Just considered a late addition...

6. Best Is British. If you are a foreign national, and you serve in Her Majesty's Armed Forces, work as an NHS Nurse, Doctor, Dentist or as a Teacher, then after a set time period, providing your work Visa was granted and you have no criminal record, then you automatically qualify as a British Citizen. You do right by us, we do right by you. Any member of your nuclear family living with you in Britain for the duration of your, for want of a better term, probation, likewise qualify. Full Pension. Full benefits. You work for the realm, you are part of the realm. Service guarantees Citizenship! (but not in it's classical slightly right wing meaning!)

08-01-2012, 03:24 PM
I'm on board with everything but drugs. We already over criminalize it in the US, and quite frankly I'm tired of loading up our prisons with people selling pot.

I'm a little more strict when it comes to chemically manufactured junk that people shove in their bodies, but I'm still torn because what you stick in your body really should be up to you. Eating a ton of McDonalds is just as bad for you as many drugs, but we don't regulate that at all. The gov't can't, and shouldn't, be in charge of every choice we make about our health, but in that same regard, the state shouldn't be required or obligated to pay for your methodone.

08-01-2012, 05:01 PM
Right, the complete illegalization of drugs, and enforcement thereof, has been a massively expensive failure. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303425504577353754196169014.html

08-01-2012, 07:18 PM
I'd write it down, but all I'd be doing is listing a fairly solid left-wing Socialist manifesto for all public services. All public services would all be overseen by a government body with serious teeth (as Ofsted does for education, so it would be for all public services) because the idea of "competition" as a cure-all panacea is idealogical hogwash of the most repugnant kind. All competition breeds is an apex predator, hence the power of the oligarchies we have now. There's nothing wrong with a government body to oversee things, as long as that body is overseen by the government in power (which is surely the point of government).

There would be strict regulation of banks. Yes, you can make massive financial gains through deregulation. They leads inexorably to crises of the kind we are enjoying now, only enriching the corrupt.

I would promote the growth of unions, coupled with strict enforcement of new laws designed to curtail union corruption (which I would set up a non-affiliated apolitical organisation to investigate).

The media would be far more strongly regulated, but by existing law (the problem with our papers not being the law, but its lax enforcement).

I'd run serious investigations into police corruption. Since 1975, there have been 1500 police officer accused of manslaughter. Not one has been convicted. Ever. That statisic strikes me as suggesting that there might be some corruption there - it needs more research.

Private schools would be made public. All private education would be made illegal. There will be no two-tier system in my country; the rich will be educated with the poor. END OF STORY. I would also ban faith schools, which I regard as a great moral wrong. Everyone will partake of the same education system, which will be tailored for their individual needs, as it was before the Tory party's idealogical war of terror on the UK education system.

Religion? Total religious freedom, believe what you want. Everyone has the right to take days off work for religious ceremonies. Atheists just get five free work days a year to take whenever they like. I would also invest money in ecumenical inter-faith initiatives, designed to bring people of all faiths together. these would take the form of parties, get togethers, and the like. Nice things, where people can just hang out. I would also raise a campaign to promote tolerance of muslims, as the Islamophobia running rampant in the UK at the moment is disgusting to see. It fuels terrorism, and embarrasses us.

Politicians would recieve free housing in London... these would be council flats in impoverished estates. They will recieve no money for transport - they will have to use public transport, though they will recieve vouchers towards bikes. That should help with both making improving council estates and public transportation a priority. Politicians would no longer recieve any expenses, but they would recieve a pay rise, in line with other public sector pay scales (i.e.: they would make as much as teachers). Politicians would basically have to do it for the duty, not the money.

Drug legislation? I ain't touching that. I'd probably try to make cannabis legal and alcohol illegal if I'm honest; by every measure alcohol is one of the most damaging drugs. I don't think we'll ever be ready for that as a society, though.

I would spearhead policies designed to improve rates of conviction for rape. I would also invest money in public campaigns to raise awareness of the issues surrounding rape, as well as trying to end both our rape culture, and the culture of victim-blaming that still persists.

The rich would be taxed very heavily. No human being needs or deserves to make more than £250,000 a year, they just don't. It's monstrously, monstrously wrong. I would also look at clamping down hard on anyone who used offshore accounts. I'm talking prison time. Not paying tax is as bad as being a benefit thief, but as always in the UK, we attack the poor because they are obvious problem. A thief is a thief, whether they carry a briefcase or a knife.

I would also look at dealing with our lack of support for people suffering with mental health issues, especially post-traumatic combat veterans (no soldier should be cast aside once he has served his country).

Basically, a little less focus on making money and a lot more focus on looking after people, because big business and money doesn't.

08-01-2012, 11:55 PM
1) Why should companies not make money from necessitiess if they provide a better level of service than nationalised companies, which they usually do. I would exclude water from this, that should not be privately owned. The golden age of British transpotation (rail) was conducted under the auspices of private companies.

2) This would be a catastrophy. Prohibition NEVER works, unless you want to go down the route of some barbaric Asian countries and execute anyone found with drugs over a certain quantity. Full legalisation would take the illicit gloss off the substances and destroy the revenue source of much organised crime.

3) This I support to some extent, but one cannot just provide necessities, there has to be some ability for people on benefits to have some discretionary spending even if they do waste it. Not all will, and penalising everyone on benefits for the actions of a few is not just.

4) Agreed.

5) Agreed.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 12:55 AM
I agree with you Mystery, that is what we want, but it is not what will work unfortunately. :/

08-02-2012, 01:59 AM
mystery, I disagree on point 2, we have to pay enough cleaning up drugs now, all that would do is cost an arm and a leg. Legalise it, tax it, and control the quality. Probably solve more issues that way than draconian punishment. But make it socially unacceptable in the way smoking is becoming, make people do them at home.

Malton you've just killed our economy lol.

I'd bring back Grammar schools, with an entry exam, put them in central locations with good transport in towns/cities then the most intelligent aren't held back by the least intelligent as now. I agree, faith schools are wrong and irresponsible, and I unfortunately attended one, they spend as much time trying to brainwash you as teach you.

Politicians, I don't understand why they don't have a basic uni dorm style block to use while in London as they all own homes elsewhere in the country.

I'd level the tax rate, as if it's more effort to avoid it than pay a lower amount but actually pay it...then they should pay it... I disagree with charitable donations as a tax break, you're effectively giving away someone elses money to make yourself feel generous.

I don't believe in Islamophobia I think it's something the media like to play up to make the liberals angry/indignant. If sections of the community integrated better it simply wouldn't be possible for it to exist anyway. I mean someone on here mentioned that a mosque leader collects everyone's postal votes to fill in...and that wasn't the first time I'd heard about that.

Idk what I'd do about unions, as in my experience they seem more about the blokes at the tops ego than protecting the working man at the bottom.

And I agree soldiers should be looked after properly.

08-02-2012, 02:16 AM
A police/Law system that puts the rights of a victim over the rights of a criminal.

A systemt that protects the people doing services (to a sensible extent) - Teachers, Police etc should not be fired for somehting that is part of their job

A prison/NHS budget reversal. Currently more is spent per head in prison than in hospitals. They get better food, accomadation and services. Life in prison is so easy and comfortable now we're worried about offending them or breaching their" human rights" that its alsmot not a deterrent anymore

Benefits will be paid in food tokens. These are only redeemable in stores, and only for a certain list of food items. No luxuries, no electronics, no smokes or booze. Criminal offences will result in suspension of benefits (carry a knife - 6 months no benefits). Additional tokens for luxury items can be earnt from charity work, local care etc

A return (in part) of EMA. Cash benefits are gone, as are "bonuses" for good performance. Replaced with free transport cards (bus).

Tuition Fees, agreed, benefit those in useful courses over the dross that people do just so they can go to Uni. Additionally, bursaries and free money will not be based on Parental income, but on individual educational attainment. Just cos your parents are rich, doesn't mean you are going to see that money.

Daily gossip magazines, and anything similar that promotes the dumb celebrity culture will recieve a 25% tax increase.

The NHS will remain free. However some medical procedures are elective or self induced and will require a fine or payment. No more medical breast implants - thats your choice. Need your stomach pumping cos you were a drunken ****? No problem....but you'll owe use £500 in the morning

People in power will have experience in their area. Who would you rather have deciding medical law....doctors or a career politician? Policing laws - Experienced officers or a career politician? Military choices - Experienced soldiers or a career politician?

What the government needs is some god damn common sense.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 02:22 AM
People in power will have experience in their area. Who would you rather have deciding medical law....doctors or a career politician? Policing laws - Experienced officers or a career politician? Military choices - Experienced soldiers or a career politician?

But the problem then is that you're taking the experienced people out of the industry. :/

I'd prefer an experienced soldier defending my country in all honesty.

08-02-2012, 02:50 AM
A police/Law system that puts the rights of a victim over the rights of a criminal.

A systemt that protects the people doing services (to a sensible extent) - Teachers, Police etc should not be fired for somehting that is part of their job

A prison/NHS budget reversal. Currently more is spent per head in prison than in hospitals. They get better food, accomadation and services. Life in prison is so easy and comfortable now we're worried about offending them or breaching their" human rights" that its alsmot not a deterrent anymore

How'd I miss this one? Paint cells pink. lock them up 22hours a day, 30mins out for breakfast, dinner, tea. 30 mins out for exercise. No tv no consoles. Allow them access to books to better themselves. Allow access to modular exams/coursework so people leave better educated, and not wanting to go back.

Benefits will be paid in food tokens. These are only redeemable in stores, and only for a certain list of food items. No luxuries, no electronics, no smokes or booze. Criminal offences will result in suspension of benefits (carry a knife - 6 months no benefits). Additional tokens for luxury items can be earnt from charity work, local care etc

A return (in part) of EMA. Cash benefits are gone, as are "bonuses" for good performance. Replaced with free transport cards (bus).

Not unreasonable

Tuition Fees, agreed, benefit those in useful courses over the dross that people do just so they can go to Uni. Additionally, bursaries and free money will not be based on Parental income, but on individual educational attainment. Just cos your parents are rich, doesn't mean you are going to see that money.
Doctors? meeting your qualification requirements? we pay for you but you're restricted to NHS for a decade
engineers same we pay your fees.
Sociology? Hi thanks for your £9k.
I agree parents income shouldn't be assessed. Most people around the average mark are struggling, but you don't qualify for any help...

Daily gossip magazines, and anything similar that promotes the dumb celebrity culture will recieve a 25% tax increase.
Only 25%? the idiots would probably pay more.

The NHS will remain free. However some medical procedures are elective or self induced and will require a fine or payment. No more medical breast implants - thats your choice. Need your stomach pumping cos you were a drunken ****? No problem....but you'll owe use £500 in the morning

While I like the idea, I see the potential for it to creep, like the tuition fees are only £1k, then only £1.5k and now we're at only £9k

People in power will have experience in their area. Who would you rather have deciding medical law....doctors or a career politician? Policing laws - Experienced officers or a career politician? Military choices - Experienced soldiers or a career politician?

What the government needs is some god damn common sense.

I think sitting MP's should be made to switch constituancies every election.

08-02-2012, 03:48 AM
A return of the word 'Outlaw'.

Once you exercise your own free will to act outside the law as required by the democratic, judaeo-christian British society, you are an outlaw - and the rights and protections of the law no longer applies to you.

this includes prisons and playstations as mentioned earlier, being inside someone else's home - you can be killed. If you are an immigrant, and commit a crime, instant deportation. Irrelevant of 'I would be torture/killed in my country of origin therefor eit breaches my human rights' - you did the deed, now take responsibility for the outcome.

An examination of the term 'rights' - should be more emphasis on duty.

On the subject of personal responsibility. You must pay for a license for alcohol or cigarettes. This is swiped at every purchase and links to a barcode on that product - so it can't be transferred to the local chavs in the park who may ask you to buy on their behalf.

If a cigarette/alcohol license holder reports to the NHS with a related illness - they pay 100% of treatment.

The NHS to only pay for medically essential treatments. Physically I mean, not mentally. Ie no more boob reductions for self esteem issues, no more sex changes. If it ain't essential, you pay yourself. Otherwise, take the hand the Gods dealt you and play it. Man up wet pants.

Malton - you are a typical socialist. banning private education would mark you to be an enemy of aspiration. Competition is just Darwin in human terms. Aspiration should be nurtured.

Benefits should support the mere basics of survival - light, heat, shelter from the rain, 3 square a day. If tthose 3 square is tescos value rive every day with a dash of salt for flavour, unlucky - find a source of legal income.

08-02-2012, 06:59 AM
@Malton-- To paraphrase Peter Griffin.... That sounds just..just awful.

I find it interesting that ya'll want to reform your 'welfare' system over in the UK. You'd abhor what it looks like in the US, and I think if you saw first hand how it was abused in the US, you'd understand the viewpoint many of us (Myself, DarkLink) have on it.

08-02-2012, 07:10 AM
@Malton-- To paraphrase Peter Griffin.... That sounds just..just awful.

I find it interesting that ya'll want to reform your 'welfare' system over in the UK. You'd abhor what it looks like in the US, and I think if you saw first hand how it was abused in the US, you'd understand the viewpoint many of us (Myself, DarkLink) have on it.
Most of us object to the extremes trotted out by the media, or the bloke you see in the pub that's never worked but drives a better car than you, lives in a bigger house, and is always in the pub before you, and leaves after you. Or the bloke that has twenty kids by 6 women and the state pays for them all.

But to support the average struggling individual, out of work through no fault of their own. no problem with that. It's the system that needs reforming, not about having the system...
The problem is people who learn how to play the system, honest people never qualify for the top payouts as the assessment is skewed against you and unless you know how it works you have no chance to get it.

08-02-2012, 07:13 AM
I don't think we want to reform the system...just make it fairer.

Work out the kinks, remove the bits people are abusing. Our (and by that I mean mine, but i'm sure that others would agree upon it) problems with the system are down to two groups

1) Pikeys, Chavs, Layabouts, Alcoholics etc who abuse the system ,never work a day in their life and live better than most working people. Pop out 5-6 kids, claim a small fortune in child benefit, spend it all on **** and not raise the kids properly, passing the problem down another generation.
2) Immigrants who get free education and healthcare by coming into the country, I don't think its exageratting to say there some places (particularly in the North) where non-English children outnumber English children in schools.

75% of most people on benefits would be happy with 3 meals a day and thats it i'm sure. Most people want to work. Its the 25% that don't that need correcting, and thats where the reforms are needed

08-02-2012, 07:21 AM
IDK about just the NORTH I think there's probably plenty of schools in the likes of Birmingham, Leicester, or London that'll be like that,
Though I suppose everywhere's north to you lol

08-02-2012, 07:27 AM
I used to live in Swindon, so to me everything north of the Thames is North....

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 07:29 AM
I know for fact that that is the case in Manchester. :p

08-02-2012, 07:33 AM
Oh yeah it definitely applies to some in Sheffield, I was just thinking it would be as bad or worse south lol

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 07:36 AM
It's the same in Wolverhampton, but that's the midlands. I suppose that it's more south than Manchester. :D

Shrewsbury is mostly white people. :p

08-02-2012, 07:41 AM

Theres a lot of Polish folk in the south (I know both Swindon and Southampton have a huge number), and a lot more Indian/Pakistani folk in the North (Bradford for instance)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 07:44 AM
We've got a lot of Polish people in Shropshire. Jus' sayin'.

08-02-2012, 07:50 AM

Theres a lot of Polish folk in the south (I know both Swindon and Southampton have a huge number), and a lot more Indian/Pakistani folk in the North (Bradford for instance)


There's a lot of poles everywhere lol, I thought generally all the industrial towns/cities had fairly large ethnic minority communities...
Whereas the likes of Oxford or Bristol less so...

08-02-2012, 09:03 AM
The names of all of your citiies sound so classy.

My best example for how our food stamps program is broken: In the US, you can purchase Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks with WIC Vouchers & Foodstamps.

08-02-2012, 09:06 AM
Most of them probably appear on a US map too somewhere...

08-02-2012, 09:08 AM
Yes, but all of ours either have "New" in front of them or are podunk towns filled undesirable people. :D

08-02-2012, 09:12 AM
Lmao probably. At what point do they cease to be new and you remove the prefix?

08-02-2012, 09:17 AM
When you knock them down and build a new city on top. Then it becomes Old New York, and the new one becomes New New York.

And ours just stays as York

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 09:20 AM

08-02-2012, 09:21 AM
When you knock them down and build a new city on top. Then it becomes Old New York, and the new one becomes New New York.

And ours just stays as York


So, its interesting to me in that, during the Olympics your health care system was celebrated, while many of you really, really seem opposed to it. For the Yanks, do you care to elaborate (simply, if possible :D ) on the reasoning?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 09:22 AM

So, its interesting to me in that, during the Olympics your health care system was celebrated, while many of you really, really seem opposed to it. For the Yanks, do you care to elaborate (simply, if possible :D ) on the reasoning?

People getting wasted and needing their stomach pumped can take up hospital spaces over someone having a genuine heart attack.

08-02-2012, 09:23 AM
NO the health care and benefits systems are two entirely different things.

While people may disagree how the NHS does what it does, you'd be hard pressed to find a reasonable individual that wants to actually scrap it!

08-02-2012, 09:31 AM
Nah we love the NHS. Its a brilliant system.

At Pyscho said its people taking up spaces because they've done stupid things or them covering optional surgeries for silly reasons (100's of breast enlargements done every year because of depression) that are the issue

I may be slightly biased (2 parents working for the service) but again as has been said you'll find very few normal people who say they'd scrap it. And most who do are getting free private care, or a re so rich they can afford private health care

As a point, the hospital i was in for my Bone Marrow donoring was paid for by the charity and i saw the price list when i checked in. An overnight stay was £30,000. Chemotherapy required a deposit of £150,000 up front.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 09:34 AM
As Pyscho said its people taking up spaces because they've done stupid things or them covering optional surgeries for silly reasons (100's of breast enlargements done every year because of depression) that are the issue

It wasn't Psycho, it was me who said it. :D

08-02-2012, 09:37 AM
But I wouldn't do away with private either, both have their place, and if someone wants to pay twice (tax and by choice) who says they can't?
It is generally brilliant but every system has issues.

I think he was referring to both our posts really and forgot to credit you lol

08-02-2012, 09:39 AM
It wasn't Psycho, it was me who said it. :D

Shhhh i'm tired and they're painting the corridor outside my office. Paint fumes are heavy....

And oh yeah, Privates got its place. Keeps a little pressure off the public

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 09:40 AM
S'alright. I won't ban you for it dude. :D

08-02-2012, 09:41 AM
S'alright. I won't ban you for it dude. :D
OMG! They've created a monster!!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-02-2012, 09:45 AM
I'm joking, I'm not like that.

Mr Mystery
08-02-2012, 11:09 AM
Point 7. If you wish, and you can afford Private Healthcare, you may opt out of the NHS, in return for a reduced National Insurance contribution. Reduces unnecessary burden on the service, and offers an incentive to seek private healthcare. Win/Win.

Slight ammendment to the education one.....If your degree is of immediate use to the Public Sector, then you have the *option* of having the state pay your way. Allow for a minimum grade (2:1 or better, 3rds show you're not working hard enough) and if you hit that, the state waives your fees, settles a fixed amount of your student debt, in return for a minimum term of service in the public sector. If you wish only to work in the Private Sector once you qualify, then you can pay for your own education, regardless of whether you wind up working for the state.

08-02-2012, 12:56 PM
I would legalise all drugs in the UK, provide registered addicts with as much smack as they could shove into their veins and sit back and watch the useless f*ckers all die within a couple of months whilst the crime rate dropped by 90%.

Eldargal would also be required to perform various popular hits in Trafalgar square twice daily in the woman's beach volleyball uniform.

Mr Mystery
08-02-2012, 01:25 PM
Little bit sexist!

08-02-2012, 01:55 PM
No, its a lot sexist actually..............

Mr Mystery
08-02-2012, 02:30 PM

08-02-2012, 03:38 PM
Mr A, as ever - HOOFING!

PS can we charge French visitors £9.95 each time they want to use a public bog?

08-02-2012, 07:42 PM
If I had to make a list of a few important issues:

1. Revise the election system. Implement run-off voting, where each person nominates their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd picks. I've seen research that this system is not only more efficient, since you only need one big election rather than multiple rounds as if it were a tournament, but it also strongly promotes more political parties. The US's current system can really only support 2 candidates at a time. Any more would split constitutes and give one candidate an easy win.

2. Revised child welfare/social security. Not sure exactly what to call it, but it's a very clever idea I heard proposed once. When a citizen is born, the government creates a bank account in their name, with say $10,000 in it to collect interest over 18 years. This account may only be accessed by the kid, not the family, and the kid only gets it if they a) graduate high school, b)keep a clean criminal record, and c) they register to vote.

This gives kids a significant incentive to keep on the straight and narrow, to receive a decent education, and participate in society and government. Just as importantly, it turns the kid into a participant in the economy. They can afford to go to college, or move to a new state, or just kickstart their adult lives in general, thanks to their newfound reasonable amount of wealth.

This would be particularly important in disadvantaged areas. It would provide significant reward for those who stay on the straight and narrow, and if they still turn out to be hoodlums then they just don't get the money and the government still collects a small return on investment. It's kind of a win-win for everyone.

3. Flat tax. The USA's current tax system is incredibly complex. Literally billions of dollars each year are wasted paying accountants to fill out over-complicated forms. A simple flat tax, or at the very least a mildly incremented tax system with no special exemptions, caveats, or other overly complex mechanisms, would put billions of dollars each year back into the economy, plus significantly shrink the size of the IRS.

4. Reform the Pentagon's defense acquisition system. The USA has two military forces; the actual military, and the Pentagon and its massive, complex, clumsy, and inefficient bureaucracy. The Pentagon is run by REMFs, politicians, and defense contractors. I'm sure anyone who's worked for or with the military can attest to its inefficiency. And, in this case, it's not just incredibly wasteful, but it often costs lives. There are too many examples to count. Probably anyone who's ever served, let alone worked with military money, has stories about this. More could be done to 'protect' our troops by reigning in this than probably anything else.

5. Destroy teacher's unions. Everything I've seen has led me to believe that teacher's unions as they currently exist are the root cause of pretty much all of America's education woes (college pricing bubble aside). I'm not saying that teachers bad, or even particularly well compensated, just that the unions are a massive obstacle to any type of reform.

6. Reign in credit. Capitalism works great. Assuming you maintain fair trade. The problem with credit is that if it's too abundant, people start making risky investments. Soon, significant portions of money in the economy exist only on paper, and it's only a matter of time until that imaginary money disappears.

There are actually certain implicit assumptions in place that are required for capitalism to work properly. You need enough regulation to ensure these conditions are in place, but not so much that you go overboard and start impeding the system again. Overabundance of credit is one way you can break down the system. Make risky loans, and you essentially pour money down the drain, consumers get stuck with massive debt, banks don't have any money, and businesses can't get any money or sell any product. A little credit is great, a lot is bad.

08-03-2012, 01:39 AM
Point 7. If you wish, and you can afford Private Healthcare, you may opt out of the NHS, in return for a reduced National Insurance contribution. Reduces unnecessary burden on the service, and offers an incentive to seek private healthcare. Win/Win.

Slight ammendment to the education one.....If your degree is of immediate use to the Public Sector, then you have the *option* of having the state pay your way. Allow for a minimum grade (2:1 or better, 3rds show you're not working hard enough) and if you hit that, the state waives your fees, settles a fixed amount of your student debt, in return for a minimum term of service in the public sector. If you wish only to work in the Private Sector once you qualify, then you can pay for your own education, regardless of whether you wind up working for the state.

Sorry too complicated, if you want to go private, feel free, but you still fulfil your social obligation to pay your national insurance, and plus everytime you add an exemption it complicates the system and costs money...

I would legalise all drugs in the UK, provide registered addicts with as much smack as they could shove into their veins and sit back and watch the useless f*ckers all die within a couple of months whilst the crime rate dropped by 90%.

Eldargal would also be required to perform various popular hits in Trafalgar square twice daily in the woman's beach volleyball uniform.

Both very reasonable ideas I can support.

Darklink while the rest is more geared to your system, I like your 2nd point, think that could work anywhere...

08-03-2012, 01:58 AM
I have a simple solution, brought to us by the great minds of GW.

Have a totalitarian regime, where everyone is forced to work for the good of society, those unable to do so are renounced as heritic and executed.

This should squish peoples' free will and independant thinking and reduce incidents of dissent.

08-03-2012, 02:59 AM
The only popular hit I know the words to is I'm a Little Teapot. I can perform an operatic version though.

Eldargal would also be required to perform various popular hits in Trafalgar square twice daily in the woman's beach volleyball uniform.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-03-2012, 03:08 AM
The only popular hit I know the words to is I'm a Little Teapot. I can perform an operatic version though.

Do want?

Not sure if want...

08-03-2012, 03:38 AM
The only popular hit I know the words to is I'm a Little Teapot. I can perform an operatic version though.

Err has someone just slipped me acid in my diet coke?

08-03-2012, 03:42 AM
Err has someone just slipped me acid in my diet coke?
Sorry, it's for science!

08-03-2012, 03:42 AM
Err has someone just slipped me acid in my diet coke?
